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    STONY's Avatar
    STONY Posts: 82, Reputation: 11
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    May 11, 2006, 11:05 AM
    If You Remember Correctly The Deal About Job Was A Wager Between God And Satan. God Knew Job's Heart, Satan Did Not!
    Starman's Avatar
    Starman Posts: 1,308, Reputation: 135

    May 11, 2006, 11:47 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by STONY
    If You Remember Correctly The Deal About Job Was A Wager Between God And Satan. God Knew Job's Heart, Satan Did Not!!
    Please reread my post. I believe you misunderstood its meaning.
    STONY's Avatar
    STONY Posts: 82, Reputation: 11
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    May 11, 2006, 11:54 AM
    That Is Quite Possible As My Eyes Are Not As Good As When I Was In My 20's.
    DrJ's Avatar
    DrJ Posts: 1,328, Reputation: 339
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    May 11, 2006, 02:38 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Starman
    The scripture mentioning the gifts does not apply to spirit mediums because such a practice is condemned. The gifts were only given those who were respectful of the inspired scriptures.

    “Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them” (Leviticus 19.31) and “Let no one be found among you …who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord” (Deuteronomy 18:10-12

    Why would we expect the God of the NT to suddenly approve of spirit mediums? The God of the OT is the same God of the NT. If he weren't, then we would rely only on the NT writings and reject the OT writings. But Christians officially recognize both NT and OT as being equally inspired.
    What about eating pork or shellfish? That was condemned by the God of the OT but excused in the NT.

    As for the gifts... how does one differentiate between a prophet and a psychic?
    31pumpkin's Avatar
    31pumpkin Posts: 379, Reputation: 50

    May 11, 2006, 11:01 PM
    I too don't know about the pork and shellfish so if someone cares to clarify it I'd be glad to know too.

    Since there were no changes mentioned about mediums from O.T. through the N.T. God's word is clear regarding them and also the ones who seek them out.

    A prophet is one who receives the gift of prophecy through the Holy Spirit. The gift of prophesy is one to be most desired.

    A psychic is a medium. A spirit of Witchcraft. Big difference-- Holy Spirit -- and-- spirit of witchcraft !

    Witchcraft is a counterfeit spirit whose authority is to dominate, manipulate, and control others. Their entry points are through the occult ie: horoscope, palm readers, communication with the dead, presence of departed loved ones, esp, drugs, telepathy, resisting authority.

    A question lingers for me. Are detectives and those consulting a psychic reeping hot coals on their heads, or are they excused for justice's sake, as the executioner is?
    Starman's Avatar
    Starman Posts: 1,308, Reputation: 135

    May 12, 2006, 02:08 AM
    Please keep in mind that the law has distinct categories, dietary, ceremonial and the moral. The ceremonial and dietary are ritualistic in nature and involve not eating certain foods such as fish without scales, the procedure called circumcision, sacrifices, yearly celebrations such as the Passover, and other ritualistic behavior. Such requirements functioned to keep Israel separate from the nations as well.

    In contrast, the moral law involves prohibitions against such things as adultery, incest, theft, and murder, idolatry -things which are essential to righteousness and which prevent the harming of one person by another.


    Though not under law, Christians are to avoid magic practices:

    Acts 19:19 (New King James Version)
    19 Also, many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver

    Revelation 22:
    14 Blessed are those who do His commandments,[g] that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. 15 But[h] outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.

    Quote Originally Posted by 31pumpkin
    A question lingers for me. Are detectives and those consulting a psychic reeping hot coals on their heads, or are they excused for justice's sake, as the executioner is?

    Their motives might be laudable but the method is condemned.
    God judges each individual case based on facts he alone can know.
    Is the detective scripturally cognizant of what he is doing? Or is he under the belief that his behavior is OK for Christians? Does he believe, for example that psychics are merely persons with powerful minds or else blessed by GOd in some way.

    Things such as those.
    Starman's Avatar
    Starman Posts: 1,308, Reputation: 135

    May 12, 2006, 02:12 AM
    Comment on 31pumpkin's post
    I agree
    Krs's Avatar
    Krs Posts: 2,906, Reputation: 320
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    May 12, 2006, 02:55 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by angeleyes08
    Is it wrong to consult a psychic? What about looking up horoscopes?
    It is against the catholic christian religion. Im catholic and I personally don't see anything wrong in reading horoscopes.
    Re: consulting a phsychic... I'm not to sure, I personally again wouldn't consult one though I must admit it does intreeg me.. But on the other hand I'm scared because I sometimes believe they must see a future and to be honest I don't believe knowing your future in the present is right.. Live in the present not past or future eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by DrJizzle
    What about eating pork or shellfish? That was condemned by the God of the OT but excused in the NT.

    As for the gifts... how does one differentiate between a prophet and a psychic??
    Why was eating pork and selfish condemned?
    STONY's Avatar
    STONY Posts: 82, Reputation: 11
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    May 12, 2006, 07:07 AM
    As For Eating Pork Or Shellfish, Back In Ot Times There Was No Refrigeration Which Is What Is Necessary To Keep These From Spoiling Before You Get Them Back To Shore. Salt Will However Preserve P[ork For A While. Remember Also That Ot Times Was Strictly By The "law." Nt Times Are Governed By Grace. That Is The Big Difference. Hope This Helps...

    Sorry, I Missed The Other !/2. There Is One "holy Spirit" , Yet There Are Many Demonic Spirits. The Holy Spirit Directed The Prophets But Any Demonic Spirit Can Speak Through A Psychic. I Mean, It's Not Like They Don't Know Everything That Has Been Going On Since The Beginning. So, A Demonic Spirit To Answer Your Question Correctly Is No Great Feat For Them. But You Would Be The Gullible One To Listen To It Over The Voice Of God... in My Humble Opinion As I Am A Christian.
    DrJ's Avatar
    DrJ Posts: 1,328, Reputation: 339
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    May 12, 2006, 11:44 AM
    Ok, well here's the thing...

    Lets not call them "psychics" or "mediums" because everyone seems to identify that with witchcraft or the devil or evil or whatever.

    I know a few people who, for lack of a better term, consider themselves "mediums." However, they claim to be speaking with God or God is speaking through them... even as far as saying it is the Holy Spirit. Now, their idea of the Holy Spirit and God maybe a little different than the textbook idea that many here have but it is no less the same God that you speak of.

    Could these people be people be prophets?

    In fact, where ARE all the prophets? How can anyone claim to be a prophet without being tagged as blasphemous? Or Satanic? A wolf in sheeps clothing?

    And here's something to think about regarding horoscopes...

    Your horoscope is simply a chart of where the planets and stars were positioned when you were born. Those who study this typically believe that each planet, each "sign," and the corrolation between them all give way for certain energies that influence ones life. Just as someone's life can be explained by how the "heavens" were aligned at the time of birth, one can also use the allignment of the "heavens" to determine where a specific life will be born.

    How did the 3 wise men know where Jesus Christ will be born? By following the allingment of the Star. Because only when the "heavens" where aligned just right, on a very specific location on the Earth, could the Son of the Heavenly Father be born.

    How do Buddhists find the new incarnation of the Dalai Lama? By finding the allignment of the Heavens that would allow his soul to be reborn unto Earth.
    Morganite's Avatar
    Morganite Posts: 863, Reputation: 86
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    May 12, 2006, 02:33 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by DrJizzle
    What about eating pork or shellfish? That was condemned by the God of the OT but excused in the NT.
    The herem against unclean animals was applicable to the bnei-yisrael, not to gentiles.

    31pumpkin's Avatar
    31pumpkin Posts: 379, Reputation: 50

    May 12, 2006, 05:06 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by DrJizzle
    Ok, well heres the thing....

    Lets not call them "psychics" or "mediums" because everyone seems to identify that with witchcraft or the devil or evil or whatever.

    I know a few people who, for lack of a better term, consider themselves "mediums." However, they claim to be speaking with God or God is speaking thru them... even as far as saying it is the Holy Spirit. Now, their idea of the Holy Spirit and God maybe a little different than the textbook idea that many here have but it is no less the same God that you speak of.

    Could these people be people be prophets?

    In fact, where ARE all the prophets?? How can anyone claim to be a prophet without being tagged as blasphemous? Or Satanic? A wolf in sheeps clothing??

    And heres something to think about regarding horoscopes....

    Your horoscope is simply a chart of where the planets and stars were positioned when you were born. Those who study this typically believe that each planet, each "sign," and the corrolation between them all give way for certain energies that influence ones life. Just as someones life can be explained by how the "heavens" were aligned at the time of birth, one can also use the allignment of the "heavens" to determine where a specific life will be born.

    How did the 3 wise men know where Jesus Christ will be born? By following the allingment of the Star. Because only when the "heavens" where alligned just right, on a very specific location on the Earth, could the Son of the Heavenly Father be born.

    How do Buddhists find the new incarnation of the Dalai Lama? By finding the allignment of the Heavens that would allow his soul to be reborn unto Earth.

    First let me say that these people or prophets you know would not have to question what to call themselves if they were speaking God's word. They would have found a Religious avenue by now through a Church, if they where for God's glory. They wouldn't be taking money from people like some sideshow carnival act.

    While a person can look at the positive presumptions of their horoscope, it shouldn't be taken above the promises that are found in the Lord.
    You can't worship both. It's one or the other.

    The Three Wise Men knew of the birth of Jesus because of the star in the east. It was what the prophet Micah had written.(Micah 5:2)

    I don't see any relevance with the Buddhism thing. Buddhism can be a well rounded philosophy/ psychology. However, beyond that, as a Religion it holds little hope. Can Buddha do all you say? The Dahli Lama? You say he has the power to find the alignment of the heavens which allows him to be reborn on earth? Maybe in his consciousness. I'd even say someone's relying on their own imagination too much. And Buddha... nothing but a mute idol!
    That's imo. However the psychology part of Buddhism I agree with. It makes gratitude, generosity, and awareness of service desirable as principles in our lives. And I don't think Buddha can save you from hell either.
    Starman's Avatar
    Starman Posts: 1,308, Reputation: 135

    May 13, 2006, 09:19 AM
    A different viewpoint:

    Some view the star of Bethlehem as being from an evil source because it first led the astrologers to Herod who had murderous intentions. Then under Herod's instructions seek the newborn messiah in order to murder him, the star led them to where Jesus was. Only angelic intervention prevented Jesus' location from being revealed to Herod. So the star is seen by some Christians as being a manifestation of a sinister power intent on killing he who would bruise the serpent's head. Genesis 3:15
    Starman's Avatar
    Starman Posts: 1,308, Reputation: 135

    May 13, 2006, 09:33 AM
    Comment on STONY's post
    Some persons have come under demonic harassment after going to psychics.
    DrJ's Avatar
    DrJ Posts: 1,328, Reputation: 339
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    May 13, 2006, 10:32 AM
    Hold on now, you are taking a lot of this out of centext... ;)

    Quote Originally Posted by 31pumpkin
    First let me say that these people or prophets you know would not have to question what to call themselves if they were speaking God's word. They would have found a Religious avenue by now through a Church, if they where for God's glory. They wouldn't be taking money from people like some sideshow carnival act.
    They don't sit in a little tent with a crystal ball and a big towel on their head! Lol This is just something they do... or in their words, who they are. It's a way of Life for them. They will help people in need if/when they can but its not just carnaval sideshow.

    Quote Originally Posted by 31pumpkin
    While a person can look at the positive presumptions of their horoscope, it shouldn't be taken above the promises that are found in the Lord.
    You can't worship both. It's one or the other.
    I totally agree... but people who really know what a horoscope is and what its for know that it isn't something to be worshiped... its not a form of a God or anything like that. Its like this:

    A school of thought says that we choose our own Life Path before we are ever born into this world. We know who we are and what influences we need in our Life in order to be "saved," or transcend to Heaven. Once we have found the (next) Life we wish to live, we need the energetic allignment by which to be "reborn."

    A horoscope simply tells you what that allignment is. It is not there to tell you your future... it is there to tell you that based on how you came into this world, you will have certain influences in your life.

    Keep in mind that many believe that a truly enlightened man will reflect nothing of his horoscope... this is because he has overcome the influences that were placed upo him in this Life and overcome them... and is now creating his own destiny.

    Quote Originally Posted by 31pumpkin
    I don't see any relevance with the Buddhism thing. Buddhism can be a well rounded philosophy/ psychology. However, beyond that, as a Religion it holds little hope. Can Buddha do all you say? The Dahli Lama? You say he has the power to find the alignment of the heavens which allows him to be reborn on earth? Maybe in his consciousness. I'd even say someone's relying on their own imagination too much. And Buddha...... nothing but a mute idol!
    That's imo. However the psychology part of Buddhism I agree with. It makes gratitude, generosity, and awareness of service desirable as principles in our lives. And I don't think Buddha can save you from hell either.
    "Buddhists believe that the Dalai Lamas are the manifestations of the Buddha of Compassion who chose to take rebirth for the purpose of serving other human beings.

    As on former occasions, there would be indications of the directions in which the search should be made, and that the child would be found to possess physical and mental attributes similar to those of his predecessor."

    The direction in which to search for each new incarnation of the Dalai Lama is determined by the energetic map (horoscope) in which to be reborn to this Earth.

    (I know this is all sounding hokee to you but this is just to explain what horoscopes are really about)

    So my point was that, just as the monks seek out a certain astral map to find each new incarnation of the Buddha, Siddharta Gautama... the wise men were able to seek out the birth place of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
    31pumpkin's Avatar
    31pumpkin Posts: 379, Reputation: 50

    May 13, 2006, 06:41 PM
    Your friends could be prophets. But, I don't understand why you would call them mediums or psychics in the previous post?

    I didn't look at astrology like that. So I guess I psyched myself into believing the positive traits that are accentuated for each planet influencing your chart, along with your sun sign, your moon sign , and rising sign.
    All can be useful navigate this life successfully. Useful traits. Something that is more "custom made" for the person. I think it really it shouldn't be compared to anothers chart because that is where it starts to take on a more "occult" worshiping state. If you keep it personal it is better. You'd be able to use your traits artistically instead of competitively.

    I don't agree with the "school of thought" you mentioned. We didn't choose our life paths before we were born. God did. And being reborn is not something to ATTAIN. But as a gift from Jesus. The peace is given through the Holy Spirit. Do Buddhists believe in the God in the Bible? I don't think so. It's a mystical religion.
    So I see in your last paragraph a philosophical conclusion.
    So I guess your on the right team.
    STONY's Avatar
    STONY Posts: 82, Reputation: 11
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    May 14, 2006, 10:51 AM
    If You Read Your Bible God Warns Us About Such Characters. The Point Being, Who Is Your Faith In, God Or Some Mumbo-jumbo Man?
    31pumpkin's Avatar
    31pumpkin Posts: 379, Reputation: 50

    May 14, 2006, 12:00 PM
    Comment on STONY's post
    The latter is a form of idolatry. Another sin.
    Morganite's Avatar
    Morganite Posts: 863, Reputation: 86
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    May 14, 2006, 02:13 PM
    Are we in danger of confusing psychics with spiritist mediums? What does the Bible say about people with special understanding of things spiritual but who do not invoke the spirits of the dead?

    Starman's Avatar
    Starman Posts: 1,308, Reputation: 135

    May 14, 2006, 09:02 PM
    Some of these characters don't invoke the dead, they invoke evil spirits directly in full knowledge that they are demons and practice magic which brings them under under evil spirit influence. So mediumship isn't a dead person living person intermediary thing. It's a live person demon intermediary thing as well. Actually, all mediumship is relates to evil spirits regardless of how cunningly the dead might be mimicked.

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