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    gloomy123's Avatar
    gloomy123 Posts: 73, Reputation: 3
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    Jun 30, 2008, 06:19 AM
    Well, I told you before that it will ruin dark skin and normal skin. And IF you do depig/ lighten you will have to continue to use it for life because you are using on normal skin with normal skin pigment cells. Vitiligo people don't have to use it so long becaue their immune system is attacking their pigment making cells anyway.

    Mono selectivly attacks abnormal pigment this is why a lot of us that have used it either mess their skin up (me). Or they have success for a brief moment then the cells become refactory. And don't respond to mono anymore. Then you back at square one. With possible other problems.

    Not telling no one not to use. I learned my lesson already.

    If I were you I would fist learn the how melain is manufactured then go from there. Because learning that will tell you what you need to use to inhibit. Tyranisne. Basiclly what I'm saying is you need something that works from the inside as well as the outside.

    If you smoke , get high, eat lots of sugar, salt, pops, YOU CAN KISS LIGHT SKIN GOOD BYE. (THAT'S REAL.).
    MAHARANI's Avatar
    MAHARANI Posts: 800, Reputation: 39
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    Jul 6, 2008, 12:00 PM

    Just curious to know your regime now. I know about your benoquin experience but Have you completely given up on the lightening?
    faye7's Avatar
    faye7 Posts: 56, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 7, 2008, 07:25 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by gloomy123
    Well, i told ya before that it will ruin dark skin and normal skin. and IF you do depig/ lighten you will have to continue to use it for life because you are using on normal skin with normal skin pigment cells. Vitiligo people don't have to use it so long becaue thier immune system is attacking thier pigment making cells anyway.

    mono selectivly attacks abnormal pigment this is why a lot of us that have used it either mess thier skin up (me). or they have sucess for a brief moment then the cells become refactory. and don't respond to mono anymore. then you back at square one. with possible other problems.

    not telling no one not to use. i learned my lesson already.

    If i were you i would fist learn the how melain is manufactured then go from there. because learning that will tell you what you need to use to inhibit. tyranisne. basiclly what i'm saying is you need something that works from the inside as well as the outside.

    if you smoke , get high, eat lots of sugar, salt, pops, YOU CAN KISS LIGHT SKIN GOOD BYE. (THAT'S REAL.).
    Thanks , gloomy for all of your info, even through your pain you have reached out to others and didn't have to I smoke, eat sugar and drink pepsi and this could be why I am only using this because I have a burn from a chemical peel and have tried a whole lot of stuff and the pigment keeps coming back , so I thought this was a miracle cream so I ask my doctor to try it since the last one I tried was tri-luma which suppose to stop pigment and hq. also 10% and retin-a and none has did anything so I only use benoquin in a small area to get rid of the burn but it started to turn darker, and then lighten up a little but I only use 2 to 3 times aweek . How is your problem going when I read the post I wanted to ask everyone to send you a dollar to help with surgery . Because I to knows how it feels to have your whole life change this burn has caused me to stay at home and try to hide my face with makeup and it never helps. There was a post on here about someone doing a show on people lighten there skin maybe they will pay you for your story and you can get help.e-mail me some time and maybe we can put our heads together and find you some help. I like helping people and never take no for a answer. Thanks for posting to help this fool
    harmony8's Avatar
    harmony8 Posts: 15, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 7, 2008, 09:55 AM
    Hi everyone,

    Where are you people getting the Benoquin cream? And how much does it cost? Is it fairly easy to get and is it safe to use from Chinese manufacturers?
    mj2006's Avatar
    mj2006 Posts: 86, Reputation: 4
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    Jul 7, 2008, 06:40 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by harmony8
    Hi everyone,

    Where are you people getting the Benoquin cream? And how much does it cost? Is it fairly easy to get and is it safe to use from Chinese manufacturers?

    All I will tell you is to stay away from K-S Pharm in china... there benoquin/monobenzone is FAR FROM REAL. That is a fact, and this is coming from someone who has used their product... made me very sick and I had their mono tested... and it was not real... was something like phenylhydroquinone, which causes irreversible damage to the body and its organs.. they will send you authenticity papers and all that their product is real... but it is all fake... and quite shocking really, that they do that... they could make someone seriously ill... and don't even care about the damage they cause... its all about money.
    So that's my in put...
    There are a lot of mono sellers in the world.. im sure you will find one in no time! Just do your homework before you actually buy... and I mean, really research... cause there is a lot of fake stuff out there... and people can be highly believable.
    Cyprine's Avatar
    Cyprine Posts: 33, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 7, 2008, 07:58 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by gloomy123
    what people don't know is monobenzone work on normal skin it kills selective hyper-active melain. and thats just normal skin . onloy vitiligo suffers have a better chance of killing pigment permantly. normal skin will ALWAYS PRODUCE PIGMENT NO MATTER WHAT YOU USE. YOU CANNNOT KILL MELAIN. ONLY SUPPRESS IT.

    To the contrary, I have read that monobenzone kills melanocytes, permenently. I do not know if they regenerate, or once you kill one that's it (like neurons).


    You should read up on the cell cycle of melanocytes in the skin. I think they come from melanocyte "stem-cells" i.e. undifferentiate cells giving birth to melanocytes (like red blood cells coming from bone marrow stem cells).
    harmony8's Avatar
    harmony8 Posts: 15, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 8, 2008, 01:17 PM
    Monobenzone does not kill melanocytes. It inhibits the production of melanin, sort of like the way the sun increases the production of melanin. Once you stop using monobenzone your body returns to normal melanin production, which means you have to keep using monobenzone as long as you want lighter skin.
    Cyprine's Avatar
    Cyprine Posts: 33, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 8, 2008, 04:39 PM
    Actually, if you read the drug indications on monobenzone/benoquin, it does say that EVENTUALLY it may cause permanent depigmentation, by killing melanocytes. First what it causes is excretion of melanin (i.e. like throwing melanin away, not put to use inside the cells, but destroyed).

    I don't know if EVENTUALLY is 4 months to a year.

    It says on there that the histology of skin permanently depigmented by monobenzone is exactly like vitiglio skin: normal except for the absence of melanocytes.

    However, I wonder, this is the effect of using a high concentration (20%). The brand name Benoquin was designed for people with vitiglio. It was made for that final permanent pigmentation.

    But Im curious if lower doses will act only in the way that harmony8 describes above. It must be that the higher doses become toxic to melanocytes, causing their destruction (like any drug at toxic doses).

    Harmony8, what you are describing is the way hydroquinone, arbutin, kojic acid, and other lighteners work, inhibiting the synthesis of melanin by interfering with something in that pathway, but monobenzone can do much more than that
    harmony8's Avatar
    harmony8 Posts: 15, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 10, 2008, 10:23 AM
    Well Cyprine, I have been using the product Benoquin for about 18 years and just on my face. Whenever I have stopped using Benoquin for a week or more, all the pigment in my skin starts to return and my face turns from olive to brown.

    Now Benoquin has been discontinued by the only pharmaceutical company that made it for 40 years, so I am up a creek and looking for a way to compound the cream by getting pure monobenzone powder. I am calling chemical companies within the US for the monobenzone powder. I absolutely don't trust anything made in China for quality control nor other countries other than Europe, Canada.
    faye7's Avatar
    faye7 Posts: 56, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 11, 2008, 05:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by mj2006
    All i will tell you is to stay away from K-S Pharm in china...there benoquin/monobenzone is FAR FROM REAL. That is a fact, and this is coming from someone who has used their product...made me very sick and i had their mono tested...and it was not real....was something like phenylhydroquinone, which causes irreversible damage to the body and its organs.. they will send you authenticity papers and all that their product is real...but it is all fake...and quite shocking really, that they do that...they could make someone seriously ill...and dont even care about the damage they cause...its all about money.
    so thats my in put...
    There are alot of mono sellers in the sure you will find one in no time! just do your homework before you actually buy....and i mean, really research...cause there is alot of fake stuff out there....and people can be highly believable.
    You are right about the hydroquinone according to this compounder he told me that using 40% hydro. Was thew same as benoquin 20% with less side effect but when I read the directions on use it said that was a ether of hydroquinone so maybe it will do the samething. Before I have used hydroquinone 10% compounded with retin-a both I started to get darker so I stopped maybe it was only temporally, this happen while I was using benoquin. So benoquin and hydroquinone must be in the same family
    Cyprine's Avatar
    Cyprine Posts: 33, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 12, 2008, 10:53 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by harmony8
    Well Cyprine, I have been using the product Benoquin for about 18 years and just on my face. Whenever I have stopped using Benoquin for a week or more, all the pigment in my skin starts to return and my face turns from olive to brown.

    Now Benoquin has been discontinued by the only pharmaceutical company that made it for 40 years, so I am up a creek and looking for a way to compound the cream by getting pure monobenzone powder. I am calling chemical companies within the US for the monobenzone powder. I absolutely don't trust anything made in China for quality control nor other countries other than Europe, Canada.
    Let me get this straight, harmony8. So you are saying that you have used benoquin (20% monobenzone) for 18 years, in one same are (your face) and it has NOT caused the permaanent absolute depigmentation the drug indications say it achieves?

    So you used benoquin 18 years and it did not give you pink pathces like gloomy 123, AND NEITHER did you gradually turn albino white?

    Now Im really confused. So many different stories about the results of benoquin/monobenzone use.
    harmony8's Avatar
    harmony8 Posts: 15, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 12, 2008, 02:53 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyprine
    Let me get this straight, harmony8. So you are saying that you have used benoquin (20% monobenzone) for 18 years, in one same are (your face) and it has NOT caused the permaanent absolute depigmentation the drug indications say it achieves?

    So you used benoquin 18 years and it did not give you pink pathces like gloomy 123, AND NEITHER did you gradually turn albino white?

    Now Im really confused. So many different stories about the results of benoquin/monobenzone use.

    Yes, I have used Benoquin for so many years. It was $17 for 35 gram tube when I first bought it. Just last year I paid $72 for the same 35 gram tube. It is VERY EXPENSIVE!

    It works but very slowly and you have to continuously use it. Once you stop, the pigment returns immediately. I have light brown skin like Mexicans and I wanted to lighten my face to an olive tone which I did with the Benoquin but it took a long time and you have to keep applying the cream even after you achieve the skin tone you want otherwise you get dark again.
    faye7's Avatar
    faye7 Posts: 56, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 12, 2008, 03:07 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyprine
    Let me get this straight, harmony8. So you are saying that you have used benoquin (20% monobenzone) for 18 years, in one same are (your face) and it has NOT caused the permaanent absolute depigmentation the drug indications say it achieves?

    So you used benoquin 18 years and it did not give you pink pathces like gloomy 123, AND NEITHER did you gradually turn albino white?

    Now Im really confused. So many different stories about the results of benoquin/monobenzone use.
    Your not alone I'm very confused about this also because the directions say 4 months, but maybe this is for vit. People, not normal skin. But my derm. Told me that to be careful I could get white spots. I don't have vit. So something is not right if a person use for 18 years and didn't turn white, gloomy only use for 2 years I think and it messed her up. Everybody skin has to react differently. I read some where that mono was found by some men working in some type of mine, and as their hands began turning white by this chemical so they all didn't have vit. And it turn their hands white. So is mono and benequin the same?has anyone heard this story please explain. One more question WHY ARE ALL THE COMPANYS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS WHEN There is A DEMAND FORTHIS CREAM?
    Vicky_D's Avatar
    Vicky_D Posts: 254, Reputation: 19
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    Jul 12, 2008, 08:05 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by faye7
    your not alone im very confused about this also because the directions say 4 months, but maybe this is for vit. people, not normal skin. but my derm. told me that to be careful i could get white spots. i dont have vit. so something is not right if a person use for 18 years and didnt turn white, gloomy only use for 2 years i think and it messed her up. everybody skin has to react differently. i read some where that mono was found by some men working in some type of mine, and as their hands began turning white by this chemical so they all didnt have vit. and it turn their hands white. so is mono and benequin the same?has anyone heard this story please explain. one more question WHY ARE ALL THE COMPANYS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS WHEN THEIR IS A DEMAND FORTHIS CREAM?
    It doesn't mean that you depig in four months, it means that it could take this long to see any results at all, and that if you don't start to see any results whatsoever in this time, that you should discontinue use.

    Depigmentation is typically a looooooong process, for anyone.
    faye7's Avatar
    faye7 Posts: 56, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 13, 2008, 07:47 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Vicky_D
    It doesn't mean that you depig in four months, it means that it could take this long to see any results at all, and that if you don't start to see any results whatsoever in this time, that you should discontinue use.

    Depigmentation is typically a looooooong process, for anyone.
    Thank you, vicky d, I believe this that this cream does different things to people. I started using 3 times a week now but not all over my face only the burn part. It has lighten a little, but nothing to brag about. Have you ever used it?and what all do you know if you don't mine sharing
    lighterrr's Avatar
    lighterrr Posts: 1,415, Reputation: 72
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    Jul 27, 2008, 12:52 AM

    Mono and benoquin are essentially the same thing, I am currently using 20%, I was using 40% but I thought that was to strong and yes initially I got light and then I repigged so aggresivly, that my body is now multicoloured, so I am only applying the 20% to the areas f my body that need it the most.

    miss 17's Avatar
    miss 17 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 25, 2011, 10:27 PM
    Do you only repigment if you don't apply the cream to your whole body? And if you go out in the sunlight?

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