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    planetjeddy's Avatar
    planetjeddy Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    May 12, 2015, 02:24 PM
    Having unprotected sex
    Okay, random question, I have been seeing this guy for a while.(I have known him years and have liked him, I am 100% sure he an I are STI clean).

    we have only started to have sex.. the first time it was a drunk, and was unprotected.. I was due my period maybe 2 days before it happened... basically 2 nights later we had unprotected sex again.. and I woke up with my period... it only lasted 2 days, at max, more like a heavy day and a light day, I usually get a 4-5 day period as I am not any contraception.. So thinking it was safe because my period had just ended I have continued to have unprotected sex.. for the last week, maybe 5-6 times. Honestly stupid to do so, but I have been told its pretty impossible to get pregnant just before and after your period.. Could anyone give me advice? Its very unlikely I could get pregnant. Or is it?? Please all answers welcome :(
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
    Jobs & Parenting Expert

    May 12, 2015, 02:50 PM
    Not only is it possible to get pregnant before or after your period, but is possible to get pregnant DURING your period -- also while using three forms of birth control, as members here will testify. Please be more careful! Others here will weigh in with helpful advice.
    CravenMorhead's Avatar
    CravenMorhead Posts: 4,532, Reputation: 1065
    Adult Sexuality Expert

    May 12, 2015, 04:28 PM
    The simple answer is that this is an odds game. There is a certain probability that you will get pregnant whenever you have sex. Penis and vagina equals baby. Where things get fun and interesting is how we can affect that probability. Condoms reduces that probability significantly, so does hormonal birth control, but pulling out/rhythm doesn't reduce that number much.

    In your case we're looking at the probability as a function of the current day of your cycle. It is perfectly true that your chance of becoming pregnant lessens during and around your period but the kicker is it doesn't reduce it by much. It is as effective as pulling out before orgasm on his part. One monkey wrench here is that you're not guaranteed to ovulate at the same point in your cycle. There are times where you could ovulate sooner or later, and if you have sex at the right time then there is a good chance of becoming pregnant. As well sperm have a tendency of living for quite a while in your reproductive tract, a few days, and if they're chilling out when your little egg wanders by... BAM! Baby made!

    What are the exact chances? Who knows. When you look at it, you're fertile, and so is your boyfriend, and you went through all the steps, and maybe even repeat a few, of trying to become pregnant. So the question you have to ask yourself and your boyfriend is, what happens if you are pregnant? Keep the child? Adoption? Abortion? Marriage? What is the next step? This will keep your two busy while you wait to miss your next menstrual period. If you do, by at least two weeks, that is when you should be taking a home pregnancy test. If you do get it then you're not pregnant, more then likely. I would also have a serious discussion about birthcontrol and maybe get a LOT of condoms if you're going to practice your procreative dance.

    If you're not wanting to become pregnant, take measures to prevent it. Talk to your doctor. Talk to your boyfriend.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    May 12, 2015, 08:01 PM
    It is possible and happens all the time, to get pregnant during that time. So you are taking a big chance, unless you want to have a baby, and he is willing and able to provide for a child.

    As to the other issue, "know he is disease free". The only way to know, if if both of you, went to the clinic and was tested. In fact that is a normal thing here for someone to ask to see a current health check, before they sleep with you.

    If he and you had "drunken sex" you really have no idea how many other people, he has done the same with.
    spicywings's Avatar
    spicywings Posts: 85, Reputation: 9
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    May 12, 2015, 08:23 PM
    Yes, you can't go on that whole x days before/after ovulation for "safe sex" notion. Before I had my twins, I found out that I was one of the lucky ones (lol) who ovulated twice a month... completely different times (had no clue) so if I had gone by the "safe days" and wasn't trying to get pregnant, I'd be out of luck. If you are not ready to have kids (doesn't sound like it), I would seriously consider getting on some kind of birth control. Good luck.
    DoulaLC's Avatar
    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
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    May 13, 2015, 03:42 AM
    If your have regular cycles, it is unlikely in the few days right before your period, it is very unlikely to ovulate during a period simply because your hormone levels have dropped that would allow for ovulation... hence your period.

    However, neither can be said to be impossible. Hormones can be off now and then which can alter your cycle.

    Sex during, or even more so soon after your period, can result in pregnancy if you happen to have an early ovulation.

    You can learn when you are most likely to ovulate through several methods, but it can take a few months of consistency to see a pattern.

    Best not to rely entirely on days considered safer than others and be sure to use effective birth control always, and keep in mind that even then, pregnancy can still be a possibility.
    planetjeddy's Avatar
    planetjeddy Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    May 21, 2015, 02:04 PM
    Chances of being pregnant
    Hi everyone,

    I would love as much help as possible please, here's my little story..

    So basically I have been having unprotected sex.. I am completely useless about ovulation. etc.. (I know stupid considering its dangerous)... to break it down I knew I was due my period just didn't know the day..

    I had unprotected sex on Friday the 1st of may... then again on Saturday the 2nd.. waking up with my period on the 3rd.. it only lasted at max 24 hours.. which is strange because I usually get my period for at least 3 days..

    Being all clear I had unprotected sex again on the 5th and 6th.. twice on the 9th... (again thinking its only just after my period had ended might be safe.. )
    Twice again on the 11th... and once on the 17th and once on the 18th...
    Someone informed me its possible I was ovulating those days.. I took a pregnancy test on the19th of may.. which came back not pregnant.. . now I'm thinking it was prob to early to tell... because my period isn't due till the 29-30...

    Is it possible I could be pregnant? Was the test to early? What are the chances I could be? Any help will do.. please :(
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    May 21, 2015, 02:26 PM
    Its apparent you WANT to get pregnant because that is the only reason two people would have unprotected sex. I also highly doubt you know when you are ovulating unless you are keeping a basal temp chart or have been taken medical tests to determine when YOU ovulate. Every woman doesn't ovulate at the same point of her period. Meaning what "someone" told you might be wrong....

    If you are taking a test any earlier than 14 days after you are late for your period.. then you are taking it too soon.
    DoulaLC's Avatar
    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
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    May 21, 2015, 02:58 PM
    All you can do at this point is see what happens when your next period is due. If you want to lessen the chance of an unplanned pregnancy, talk to your doctor about birth control options... there are a number of them to choose from. It would also be wise to have your partner use a condom every time you have sex. If he says that he won't... give that some very careful thought as to who he is thinking more about, himself or you. YOU are the one who could become pregnant. He may or may not stay around to help.

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