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I ate lobster bisque and found out it has alcohol, will I fail the EtG urine test ?
[ 11 Answers ]
I have an EtG urine test tomorrow and I ate lobster bisque tonight. I didn't know it had sherry in it and now Im freaking out. I know this test picks up on alcohol in the past 80 hours not how much it was. So with wine being in this soup would it fail the urin test?
Will 4 grams of alcohol sugar fail alcohol urine test
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I drank a energy and I noticed afterwards that it had a content of 4 grams of alcohol sugar.. will it be detected in my urine test this morning..
If you have little alcohol 18hrs before a urine test do you fail?
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I only had one and a half cup of sangria and had a urine test at 8pm after stopping at 140AM would it show up on my urine test I never drink that was the first time in forever if was v day and I just worked a long day my friend came over brought sangria and I had a glass sipped on it and than ate...
If you take one hit of some potent marijuana will you fail a urine drug screen?
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I have been put on probation and I enjoy smoking marijuana as a hobby and I am curious as to how much if any I can smoke and still pass urine drug screen I weigh about 140 and I have a fast metabolism and I am pretty active and I drink lots of fluids and I'm not sure if I even get drug tested but...
Causes for trace of alcohol in urine besides drinking
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Besides drinking alcohol, what other possible causes are there for trace of alcohol in urine test? View more questions Search