New Member
Sep 1, 2014, 08:17 PM
Does anyone can help me now if this passport is real (possible Ghana romance scam)
Hi dear fellow users,
My name is Daniel, I am 42 year old portuguese single man who higly suspects of being scammed by a woman from Ghana. She says her name is Margaret Adi, 31 years old, gave me a celular phone number which my own phone company, Vodafone Portugal tell me it's not possible to call it from Portugal because it´s barred and they can't find out which local operator work with that phone (00233264248903). Plus, when I tried to call a voice told me it was a «bogus number»...
She also gave me a copy of her claimed-to-be american passport which I attach, she says the number is 309543904 and can't understand when I say to her that the image gets distorted when why zoom it... The number is not clear on the passport is it? Or is it just my imagination?
Also she tells me she lives in number 7 Kojo Clottey Street East Legon zip code 00233, but when I tried to find the name of the street on Google maps I couldn't and asked her about some street names on East Legon near her place she couldn't tell me one...
I don't know what to think and I even tried to get her to come to Portugal to meet me and my family, even tried to pay for her ticket online and she said to me that at the Accra airport online tickets are not accepted by fear of being fake... Never been able to speak to her by phone, only got her at Skype for about 5 minutes, would be ready to go to Accra if only was certain that she is american or that the street name exists... even contacted the portuguese honorary cônsul at Accra about it and asked for friendship to a portuguese community group on Facebook and explained the situation to one of the administrator some minutes ago...
Would gladly hear and proceeed in accordance with any adive/advices you could give me, still didn't give her any Money so the ripp off is still only emotional, which I can take because I am a big boy... But wouldn't like to loose Money that it don't have because I am unemployed.
Best regards, hoping to be hearing from why soon,
Daniel Protásio
Lisbon, Portugal
Sep 1, 2014, 08:19 PM
I only had to read your first sentence to know that you are being scammed. Ghana is the number one global location for romance scams. Drop her like a hot potato and meet someone local who you can get to know in person.
New Member
Sep 1, 2014, 08:25 PM
Well, thanks, I know that, but could y read the following lines and see if anything or none of it makes any sense?
Would appreciate your effort and opinion about it, thanks
Best regards,
Sep 1, 2014, 08:57 PM
I don't have to read anything. You are being scammed. Is there a reason you can't meet women in person and have to rely on meeting them on the internet?
Entomology Expert
Sep 1, 2014, 10:55 PM
You are being scammed and you know you are. All that you said...all the doubts you have about her...You KNOW it. She is trying to scam you and if you don't drop this, you will wind up losing money.
I am a little unclear as to where she claims to be living...in Ghana? Then what is the American passport all about? And what about the zip code you are talking about? I Googled "00233 zip code" and the whole page of results that came up were all associated with Ghana scammers. Forget her and walk away from this.
I know it's not easy to hear but better to hear it now than to figure it out after you have lost everything you have.
Sep 2, 2014, 12:06 AM
There are large companies in Ghana that hire 100's of people, that work 3 shift a days.
They either fake passports, but often just buy photos of them, or pay girls for using them.
Normally the passport is real but the photos are photo shopped into it.
If they are an American, they have no issue leaving the country, What they would also have is a Ghana visa.
So, exactly what are they asking for? What do they say they need?
Why are they in Ghana, ( not a place most Americans stay for long)
But it is a scam, this is a normal way it works.
I visited there, and one of the scammers was so proud of his operation, he gave me a tour.
Normally it is old women and men, typing, pretending to be someone. They have a few pretty girls, hired to do the photos and video chats.
Sometimes, they may even change a girl, she will say, it was a friends, and she was scared to use her own photo.
Computer Expert and Renaissance Man
Sep 2, 2014, 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by danielp1972
she said to me that at the Accra airport online tickets are not accepted by fear of being fake
If all the other holes in her story haven't convinced you, this one should be the proverbial nail in the coffin. Call any airline that flies out of Accra and ask if you can purchase a ticket for someone to pick up at the airport.
Ultra Member
Sep 5, 2014, 06:53 AM
Give it a rest this is a scam don't go anywhere you are likely to wind up dead in a back alley
New Member
May 19, 2016, 10:12 PM
Well the picture is of Janessa Brazil. A pron star. I accidentally stumbled on to this. This picture is also known as Ruth Tetteh of Accra, Ghana
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