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    AKaeTrue's Avatar
    AKaeTrue Posts: 1,599, Reputation: 272
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    Mar 5, 2007, 02:19 PM
    Ick is a parasite, and fungus... well it's a fungus LOL. They are different. I keep both a fungus and parasite remedy on hand for when and if I need them. It's always a good idea... I also keep MelaFix on hand for injuries like nipped fins.
    CrazyDaisyLou's Avatar
    CrazyDaisyLou Posts: 194, Reputation: 7
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    Mar 5, 2007, 04:43 PM
    I did give my brother two cups of the water from one of my tanks. I will take over one of the filters then, also. I also took the test strips over and tested his water today, and they were all good readings, according to the paper that came with it, except the hardness. The slip wasn't even out of the tank for 5 seconds and it said it was up to the 300 mark. He put rock salt in the filter, he thought that would help. He said he has well water. Today I also took over the water conditioner I have and stuck some of that in his tank.

    I don't know about the hormones. I have noticed that the younger the cat is when it gets fixed, the less chance that it will start spraying, or continue spraying, afterwards. Is there anyway you can close your garage off so the strays can't get in? If you really want to feed them, you could always stick the dish outside somewhere that won't get wet when it rains, and is easy access for you. The strays wouldn't be able to go in and spray, and I'm sure they know somewhere where they could go to sleep that's just as dry.

    Thank you, I will keep that in mind, to get the meds so I have them on hand. I wasn't sure what the difference was. When I had the ich, I thought it looked like a fungus, because it says on the box or canister that ich looks like crystals, and I thought it looked cottony, like the fungus is described. The ich stuff got rid of it though. Would it hurt to put both of the meds in, or would that be an overload for the fish?:confused:

    AKaeTrue's Avatar
    AKaeTrue Posts: 1,599, Reputation: 272
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    Mar 5, 2007, 08:16 PM
    You might be right about the meds. I've never tried using a parasite med for a fungus or vise versa. That's interesting.
    I've never put both in at the same time either...
    There are some meds that treat both... little more expensive though.
    CrazyDaisyLou's Avatar
    CrazyDaisyLou Posts: 194, Reputation: 7
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    Mar 7, 2007, 03:33 PM
    I'd rather not even try putting both meds in then, if they get sick again. I don't want to end up killing them if it doesn't work.

    Last night I tried calling all the fish stores within an hour of where I live to ask if anyone would want the babies, and NOBODY wanted them. Only two of them actually checked to see if they would have room for them. I guess I'm going to have to see if I can find somewhere on line that I could advertise and say local shipping or pick up only. I know some people are willing to ship cross country, but I think of the stress the it puts them under.

    My brothers fish are all doing well. He was saying the other day (jokingly) he wants to cross-breed all of them. He told my sister-in-law that he was going to buy fifteen tanks to put in the basement and put two different breeds of fish in each tank. My sister-in-law was like, "No no no no no. Not gonna happen." He doesn't have that many fish either.

    Speaking of cross-breeds, yesterday I noticed, when my female convict went under the light, that she has a shiny yellow tail fin and the spikes on the top of her head alternate between black and yellow. You can't really see it that well in the picture I put up, but it's really neat looking.

    AKaeTrue's Avatar
    AKaeTrue Posts: 1,599, Reputation: 272
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    Mar 7, 2007, 11:23 PM
    I'm sorry to hear that no one had room for the babies...
    Maybe the pet shops would let you place a flyer in the fish dept (like at pets mart) that said "free baby cichlids"...

    Big Mouth seems to be doing well. She's swimming among the other fish. She won't have a mate, but she will have company.
    I really miss her.

    I'm glad your brothers fish are doing good:)

    Some fish change colors depending on their mood... I bet it's awesome to watch...

    Good luck on finding homes for the babies...

    CrazyDaisyLou's Avatar
    CrazyDaisyLou Posts: 194, Reputation: 7
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    Mar 11, 2007, 01:55 PM
    How are the little fishies you got? I'm glad that Big Mouth is happier in her new home. Maybe one day you'll be able to get her back...

    Someone told me that if I can't find somewhere to take the babies soon, I should flush them down the toilet, but that seems so mean to me. But if there's no other way, I guess I will have to. I will try doing what you said first, putting up a sign, but they are getting big, fast. The other day, one of the first set jumped in the breeding cage. I came down in the morning to find one big baby in the cage and ten dead small babies. I left them out of the cage, so they could go under the rocks. I don't know if they are really safer there, but the bigger ones can't get through the rocks anymore.

    One of my brother's fish died the other day. It was called a Giraffe Cichlid. I looked up info on it after it died because he couldn't remember what it was called, and he wanted the info before that. It said that you have to watch the nitrate levels in the tank because they are sensitive to that. We tested the water and the nitrate levels were fine but the nitrite was at the caution mark. Do you think that was what possibly killed it? I put some of the stuff to level it out in it right after he added the fish and more of it after the one fish died, but I haven't been back yet to test again since it happened. Also, he called the store where he got them when it died, because he thought it might have been the hardness of his water. When I tested the first time it went straight to the 300 mark, didn't even wait five seconds for the strip to change. The second test went to the 300 mark too, but it took a lot longer. The lady at the pet store said that it was OK to be that hard, since they are all cichlids, because they like hard water. Is it really OK to be that hard? That doesn't seem quite right to me. Or doesn't it really matter? He has a mix of Africans and South Americans. Mine are doing fine in the soft water, and his seem to be doing fine (except that one) with the hard water. If he gets another one of the giraffe cichlids, should he test the water once a week, or more/less often?

    He FINALLY added a bubble stone. I've been on him the last week to add one. He kept saying he didn't understand what the bubble stone does for them, so he wasn't going to get one. When the fish died, I went out, paid fifteen bucks for the stone and air pump, and made him put it in. You should have seen the fish in the tank. They seemed over-joyed to finally have fresh air. They were all swimming in the stream of bubbles, going up and down and back and forth. Looked like they were having a blast. And my brother says, "Well, it must be good for them if they are swimming in it like that." That's what I've been trying to tell him the past week. Duh!! Oh well, can't tell everyone everything.

    Speaking of fish... :D... and my brother, he said one day one of the convicts got really pissed off by something or another and it turned totally black. He says, "I've never seen anything like it before. It was cool!" Mine haven't done that yet, but the big one does have black fins and the rest have white fins. And his big one has yellow on it's tail fin, too, but not on it's little spikes.

    AKaeTrue's Avatar
    AKaeTrue Posts: 1,599, Reputation: 272
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    Mar 11, 2007, 06:40 PM
    My little fishies are doing really good. And Big Mouth is reportedly doing very well and liking her new home.

    I can't see flushing a live fish down the toilet. They don't die right away and it would be a torturous death.

    I have found that it is very easy to give fish away for free.
    My city has a Yahoo Group called FreeCycle. Everything is free. I noticed that there were lots of these groups in many different places of the US.
    Once I needed to find a home for several pond fish and my responses were overwhelming. If you don't have anything like this, many news papers classified ads are free when you are giving away pets.

    Using Oil Of Cloves (5 drops per gallon of water), which you can buy at health food stores, is the humane method used among fish keepers when they have a suffering fish and have exhausted all other treatment options.
    This method is used to sedate fish and other aquatic animals when a medical procedure needs to be done, if not put back into fresh water, they will go into a forever sleep. They have to be left in the solution overnight.

    Your brothers tank is going through the cycling process where the nitrogen cycle is developing all the necessary beneficial bacteria it needs to break down the waste and be clean and healthy. Once this is complete, there will be a 0 nitrite reading. This process is often very hard on fish because it's like living in toxic water.
    He shouldn't get any more fish until his tank has completed the nitrogen cycle and has made a decision on what compatible species of fish he likes. Just because they are a Cichlid does not mean they are compatible to live together.

    Good job for buying your brothers tank an air pump and a diffuser. I'm sure the fish really appreciate it:)
    CrazyDaisyLou's Avatar
    CrazyDaisyLou Posts: 194, Reputation: 7
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    Mar 12, 2007, 06:13 AM
    Thank you, thank you. I know his fish are appreciating the fresh air. It was great to see them looking so happy. It's a little to late to tell him not to just get any fish though, he did that right after he bought the tank. I didn't even know he had the tank when he called me to tell me he bought some fish. He bought one if it said cichlid and he liked the way it looked. But I will tell him not to add anymore. The info I found on a couple of them said that you should only put them in a tank with one male and a couple of females of the same breed and that is it. I noticed when I was over at his house that the convicts only mess with each other unless one of the others make them angry.

    I'm glad all of your fish and Big Mouth are doing good. :D

    I know that there is the freecycle group in my area (I feel like I get a million emails everday), but I thought that you weren't allowed to post pets. I will double check in my group to make sure. If I can, I may be able to help someone else get rid of a few fish too. That would be great. I can't see killing a fish at all. Not any kind of animal.

    Sorry it took so long to get back. I haven't been home much. Just to feed the animals and them I'm gone.

    AKaeTrue's Avatar
    AKaeTrue Posts: 1,599, Reputation: 272
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    Mar 16, 2007, 10:18 PM
    The info I found on a couple of them said that you should only put them in a tank with one male and a couple of females of the same breed and that is it
    That is exactly why I have 2 mean killing machines living in a 55 all by themselves...

    You know, all my babies are out and about now. I think I got a batch of peacock hybrids :( Not exactly what I was hoping for... I'm still not sure yet... But they don't look like anything I've ever seen, so they must be muts... I'm sure they'll be pretty as they get older (peacock hybrids are sort of like the swan of fish - lol)

    Did you ever find out if your freecycle site allows pets?

    CrazyDaisyLou's Avatar
    CrazyDaisyLou Posts: 194, Reputation: 7
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    Mar 17, 2007, 06:53 AM
    I haven't had a chance yet to find out about freecycle. My dad went into the hospital last week and I have been driving my mom back and forth. It is an hour drive, and I have to work during the day, so I haven't been home from about 5:30 am until about 9:30 pm for the past week or so. Today is the day, though, that I will look, because she is staying there the weekend and I don't have to pick her up until tomorrow. I went into my email this morning and I had almost 350 emails from freecycle. LOL I forgot to check off to send one email with all the offers, so if I don't check every day, that is the result. :D

    My brother says all of the others are still doing well, but they are still small. Only about an inch long, the convicts a little bigger because the others ate the small ones I gave him, so I got them for him from someone else.

    I've heard of peacock fish, but I've never seen one. Can't even imagine what they look like because I think of the peacock's tail and I don't believe for a minute that a fish would have a peacock's tail on it. It would look really odd. ;)

    :confused: When you put a live plant in a tank, do you have to do anything special, like add dirt or specific chemicals or anything? I asked someone else, and the person said no, just make sure there are rocks covering the roots, but there is a live plant in a tank at work. It was only put in about a month ago, but it already looks like it is dying. Some of the leaves and stems are turning black/brown. Maybe that's normal? I would eventually like to add a live plant to my tank, when/if I get a bigger one, but I would like to find out information first. I have heard people talk about CO tanks in other posts, and I wasn't sure exactly what they do. :confused:

    AKaeTrue's Avatar
    AKaeTrue Posts: 1,599, Reputation: 272
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    Mar 17, 2007, 10:28 AM
    Have you ever seen oxygen tanks hooked up to a little thing that goes to peoples nose and they carry it around with them?

    Well, that's what the CO2 ( Carbon dioxide) tanks look like except that they have a device that goes from the tank to the aquarium water (instead of the nose with oxygen tanks).
    It can deliver CO2 bubbles for the plants to breath just like our air pumps deliver oxygen bubbles for our fish to breath.

    Kind of cool...

    If you want plants, a fizz tab fertilizer would do the trick.
    It delivers nutrient and CO2 to prevent the plants from turning yellow, brown, and black...

    Here are some pics of African peacocks. These pics match mine the closest; however it's not a perfect match. I think I have hybrids.
    Name:  1c.bmp
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    CrazyDaisyLou's Avatar
    CrazyDaisyLou Posts: 194, Reputation: 7
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    Mar 17, 2007, 12:32 PM
    That first yellow one is pretty neat looking. You'll have to post pics when they get older, unless you decide to get rid of them and get others. Do you think you can tell what they are mixed with?

    I just found that you CAN post pets on my local freecycle group. YEAH!! Thank you for the idea. Also, thank you for explaining the CO2 tank. If I get some plants I will make sure I get something to put in the water to give them the CO2 to breath.

    Thanks so much.

    AKaeTrue's Avatar
    AKaeTrue Posts: 1,599, Reputation: 272
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    Mar 18, 2007, 12:35 AM
    I think my little babies are prodigies of different coloration types of peacocks breeding together.

    I'm not sure of their specific names, but like a Yellow Sunshine peacock breeding with a Red Tiger Peacock (totally made up those names:D , but you know what I'm talking about)... So the coloration and name that goes with them doesn't match the what the fish looks like...
    I guess that's what I get for buying out of the "assorted" tank... LOL...
    Yeah, they're "assorted" all right... :D

    I'm going to keep them though... I'll start taking some pictures so I can post them. They're getting big quick!!

    That's great news about your free cycle!! Yea!!
    You'll have about a million emails now - lol

    CrazyDaisyLou's Avatar
    CrazyDaisyLou Posts: 194, Reputation: 7
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    Mar 18, 2007, 05:00 PM
    I received one offer to take some already, but she wanted community fish. Had to disappoint her. I don't mind a lot of emails as long as a few of the people actually turn up to take some.:eek:

    I'm glad you are going to keep the fish. It will be interesting to see what they look like. And believe it or not (I looked it up), there is a red peacock, and the yellow peacock's nick name is sunshine peackock.:cool:

    Speaking of pig-headed people (not that we actually were). :D I went to my brother's house last night and was looking at the fish. My sister-in-law pointed out that two of the convicts they got were spending a lot of time together. I looked at them. The one is a female. The other is a male. I told him the one is a female, and he doesn't believe me. He said that she got the color on her side the same time she got the yellow on her fins, and he says it's yellow and keeps calling the fish "he." He won't listen to me. It's not yellow on the side, but that orangish-pinkish color. My sister-in-law believes me though. He will learn, oh yes he will. (Evil laugh) :p

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    AKaeTrue Posts: 1,599, Reputation: 272
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    Mar 18, 2007, 09:07 PM
    LOL ;)!! Yes, Yes, Yes!! You've been there - done that :eek: Your brothers in for a rude awakening :D...
    ... Crazy Daisy KNOWS what the pretty, pinky orange color is all about :D LMAO!!

    About the freecycle people... LOL... I noticed that most of them can't tell a table from a chair... LITERALLY...

    Last year I bought new dining room chairs to go with my dinning room table because the ones that came with the table were falling apart.
    Just last weekend I bought the dinning room table that goes with the chairs, so I was giving the old table away...

    My Post said, OFFER: Dining room table without chairs...
    In the post, I explained what the table looked like.

    Do you know that I had people email me asking "what do the chairs look like", "how many chairs does it come with", etc,etc...

    That's funny about the peacocks! I've looked through so many sites viewing these fish but they all had the scientific name instead of their nick names (with the exception of a few)...
    I took a wild guess because of what the looked like to me...
    After I read your post, I looked up specifically "Sunshine" and "red" peacocks and actually got to see some really good pictures... Thanks:D

    CrazyDaisyLou's Avatar
    CrazyDaisyLou Posts: 194, Reputation: 7
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    Mar 20, 2007, 06:15 PM
    That's funny. I can't believe that they asked what the chairs looked like when you put in that it came without them. Apparently they can't read too well.

    I'm glad you got to see some good pictures.

    I might be able to get a bigger tank soon. I received my tax refund in the mail yesterday. Woohoo!! Been waiting on that.

    AKaeTrue's Avatar
    AKaeTrue Posts: 1,599, Reputation: 272
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    Mar 23, 2007, 09:57 PM
    So, how's it going?
    Able to give any fish away?
    CrazyDaisyLou's Avatar
    CrazyDaisyLou Posts: 194, Reputation: 7
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    Mar 25, 2007, 04:08 PM
    Hi. Sorry I didn't get back sooner. My dad came home from the hospital the other day, and I just haven't had time to do anything.

    How are your fish doing? Are the babies looking any different yet?

    I did get rid of about half of the first set of babies. I took the second set out of the breeding cage, and I think they all got eaten. That's okay though. Now I won't have to buy a million gallon tank!! :D

    I was watching the fish today, and I noticed that one of the four bigger ones that are in the second tank isn't using one of his fins. It is there but he just doesn't use it, and one of the others keeps chasing him, which I guess means he's sick. Does that sound like anything familiar? And if it does, is it fixable? None of the others are doing that, so I thought that I might have to isolate him for a while? He's trying to eat, but the one other fish keeps going after him every time he comes out to eat.

    Thank you so much for your help.

    CrazyDaisyLou's Avatar
    CrazyDaisyLou Posts: 194, Reputation: 7
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    Mar 26, 2007, 05:05 AM
    Hi.:D Have you found out how Big Mouth is doing lately?

    The fish is using his one fin a little today, but he still isn't using it like he should be. I forgot to write yesterday that he holds his fin to his side. I put a little of that Melafix in the tank. Do you think that helped him a little? I put a little food in this morning, also, and he ate a good bit before the other one came to chase him.

    I really need to think of names for these fish. I want to name them, I just wouldn't know what to name them.

    Daisy :p
    AKaeTrue's Avatar
    AKaeTrue Posts: 1,599, Reputation: 272
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    Mar 26, 2007, 12:50 PM
    The babies are doing good. They still don't look much different though.
    They spend a lot of time hiding too.

    I haven't heard about Big Mouth lately.
    Last time I got an update, she was doing good.

    Your fish sounds like maybe it has an injury to it's fin from being picked on.
    The melafix does wonders for things like wounds and injuries.

    If you separate a fish, separate the bully.
    His attitude of being the bully will calm down and it will give the hurt one a chance to establish his place among the other fish.

    Hope your dad is doing well.


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