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    mandy98's Avatar
    mandy98 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 5, 2012, 09:36 AM
    Finding the average speed
    What is the average speed of 27 meters in 18 seconds?
    What is the average speed of a butterfly that flies 24.4 miles in 4 hours?
    What is the average soeed if 240 filometers in 3 hours and 20 minutes?
    Tonyr1084's Avatar
    Tonyr1084 Posts: 18, Reputation: 7
    New Member

    Jan 5, 2012, 09:52 AM
    Understand that the word AVERAGE means a common number that represents the entire range of the data. Another word sometimes confused with average is Median. Median is the middle of the highest and lowest - and is not the same as average.

    An average is the calculation of a series of numbers then calculated by dividing the total of those numbers by the number of entries.

    For instance; what is the average of 10 15 22 7 & 9? To figure that you need to add those numbers (this case = 63). Then you divide 63 by the number of factors, in this case there are FIVE factors (the factors are the 10, the 15, the 22, the 7 and the 9). Hence; 63 divided by 5 is 12.6. That's the average. I mentioned "Median". What's the Median? It's the middle point of the highest and lowest number. In this case, the highest is 22, the lowest is 7. Therefore the Median is 14.5. You can see the numbers are different. The Median (14.5) is the same distance away from the high number and from the low number.

    Some of your questions are not complete. You ask what's the average speed of 27 meters in 18 seconds. What do you need to know? How many meters per second? Simple: Divide 27 by 18. This case the answer is 1 and 1/2 meters per second. However, if you are referring to meters per hour, you'll have to take my answer and multiply by 3600. Why 3600? Because there are 60 seconds in a minute and there are 60 minutes in an hour. If you only want to know how many meters pre minute, multiply 1 1/2 by 60.

    You'll need to do your own work.

    The butterfly travels 24.4 miles in 4 hours? Divide 24.4 by 4.

    what is the average speed of 240 kilometers in 3 hours and 20 minutes? Convert 3 hours 20 minutes into all minutes. 3 X 60 + 20. Then divide 240 by your answer. You get a new answer in minutes. If you need to convert back to hours, multiply your answer by 60 (minutes). That will tell you the speed in KPH (Kilometers Per Hour).

    Good luck.


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