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Tv show 80s or 90s with some type of robot suit?
[ 1 Answers ]
The setting is like from outer space there's spaceships. One thing I remember clearly is one of the villain is like a pterodactyl but robot (kinda like sauron from x-men in robot form) he had like a triangular shape on his chest. Another character is a human but he's wearing a robot like suit looks...
80s/90s cartoon about a doll where reality goes to a cartoon
[ 19 Answers ]
There was a doll that a movie was made about or vice versa, I can't remember. Anyway, these 2 girls, one is the doll, crawl through a little toy tunnel type thing and turn into a cartoon. They meet a rich spoiled girl and she has all these amazing toys in a huge room in her mansion. Then there is a...
Name of a 80s or 90s cartoon
[ 2 Answers ]
I've been trying to think of a cartoon that had a group of bears or animals that rolled into a ball to move around... My sister had a few of the toys when she was little...
80s cartoon. Rusting robot at the end.
[ 0 Answers ]
I have been perplexed about an animated movie from my childhood in the 80s. All I can remember about it is that a female robot rusts to death at the end. Anyone know what it is?
Cartoon about a man in a robot suit
[ 1 Answers ]
I am looking for the name of a cartoon that was out either in the 80s or early 90s. It was about a man that can go into a robot suit after using a crystal. He can only be in the suit for a max of a half our before he starts to turn bad. His crystal eventually gets broken and he uses a bigger... View more questions Search