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Film title of 80 s film
[ 4 Answers ]
This is driving me crazy! I watched a film some time in the late eighties think it was a foreign arty film where a girl meets a man on a train and they start up a weird relationship and moves inwith him , he was foreign and think she may have been as well but spoke english, think her name was...
What's the title of this film!
[ 2 Answers ]
I remember this movie when I was seven or so. Its an late 80's or early 90's movie. All I remember is a boy who always flys his remote controlled airplane, then crashes it and comes across a lake with an old shack next to it. He later finds out the shack is owned by a witch. He also meets a...
Title of a film
[ 1 Answers ]
I am wanting to know the name of a film where a woman went to sleep at night and there was some kind of bright light in the night. When she woke up the next day all the people had gone.She dove around in a red sports car and met some other people whom she formed a family with. I have had some... View more questions Search