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    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Aug 26, 2008, 04:54 PM
    For our sweet Chery
    For Chery aka Momma C,

    Starbuck8 aka Starby and I have been talking about doing this for a while, so here it goes. Chery, we hope you don't mind.

    As many of you may know, Chery has terminal cancer, and she’s recently taken a turn for the worse.

    Chery has been a member of AMHD for many years; she is a wonderful person, a great listener, and a great problem solver.

    Chery is always there when she’s needed, call on her and she comes running, ready to give a hug, a kind word, whatever is needed. Now she needs us, she needs our support during this difficult trial.

    What can I say about Momma C, there’s so much to say. She is everything rolled in to one, and I, for one, consider myself blessed because she is my friend.

    Tears are running down my cheeks as I’m writing this, I don’t know what to say, how to describe someone who is indescribable?

    I know that all of you want to give her the support that she’s always given to us on AMHD. It’s our turn to give a shoulder, to lend an ear, to be there for our wonderful Momma C.

    Hopefully you are all allot more eloquent than I am. ;)

    Chery, all I can say is this, I love you dear, you have made such a big difference in my life. I’ve never seen you face to face, never held your hand, never gave you a real bear hug, but that doesn’t matter. I see your heart every time you write something on this site. I see your soul when you talk to us. You are an angel on earth, a bona fide angel, and you are loved.
    startover22's Avatar
    startover22 Posts: 2,758, Reputation: 363
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    Aug 26, 2008, 05:27 PM
    Chery, knowing you and your strength, you will be feeling better real soon! I love you
    jrebel7's Avatar
    jrebel7 Posts: 1,255, Reputation: 251
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    Aug 26, 2008, 05:40 PM
    What a lovely idea from two sweet friends for a special friend, Chery!

    Chery, you have won the heart of so many on this site. You are the persona of love and acceptance. When I was a new kid on the block, you were warm and welcoming, making me feel a part of something so much larger than any of us! I thank you for that.

    Your sense of humor hits me right between the eyes, just when I need a huge laugh! We know bad things happen to good people and if it were within our power to change this situation for you, we would all do it in a moment! We love you! I love you. You have taken me under your wing in PM's as well as posting together on same threads. You have a great way of looking at life and death and have been an inspiration to my heart. The love you have for your family, your little grandson, is so phenomenal and touches all of us. What a great legacy, this love of yours!

    Chery, the fight you have in you, I hope I can one day possess. You inspire me to be stronger in my daily life with the issues I face. You speak with clarity of thought and purpose.

    Thank you Chery for all you are to me and to this site! I love you! Anything I can do, I am here for you, day or night. Sometimes the nights get long. Just let me know and I will be here for you!

    The love you provide Chery, meets more needs than you can even imagine.

    Now Chery, just because we are sharing how much you mean to us, doesn't mean you can stop giving us all this good advice we need!! LOL We are not giving up our hopes and desires for a miracle in your life. Feel better soon and when we get out of line, give us "what for", will you??

    Love you much! Jan (sometimes known as Princess Rebby!) :)

    I sure would love to fly over there to Germany and take you for a ride on my Rebel. What a great time that would be. We will just have to take a "virtual" trip together on the bike, soon!
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Aug 26, 2008, 05:42 PM
    You've got all of the prayers and hugs in the world from me my sweets, and I am going shopping on Thursday, and buying myself some green apple candles! :D I'll think of you and know you will feel better soon, every time I light them! Lord knows my house needs a better smell than skunk! ;)

    We started this just so you know how much we care, appreciate, and love you bunches Momma C. Feel better soon, and I'm so glad you had a nice weekend! :)

    We aren't going to let you leave us here my dear! Who will kick butt, and who will give us a wake up call when we need one?! No one but you can do that, and we listen because well frankly... we are scared what will happen if we don't... LOL! ;) ;)

    You can call me anytime day or night also. I'm awake, I'm always awake! LOL!
    jrebel7's Avatar
    jrebel7 Posts: 1,255, Reputation: 251
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    Aug 26, 2008, 05:46 PM
    Alty and Starby, thank you for providing this wonderful venue for us to express our feelings in one place to our unique and special friend, Chery!

    Love and Hugs!
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Aug 26, 2008, 06:46 PM
    Rebbie, it was our pleasure. We've been wanting to do this for a long time, ad it's about time that we did.

    Chery is such a wonderful person, I have adopted her as my mother, and she took me in with open arms, no hesitation whatsoever.

    Chery dear, there is no one else like you, and I have been so blessed to know you. What would have happened had I not stumbled on to this site. Thank goodness for AMHD, and for my virtual family, my extended family, heck, my family. :)

    Love you all so much.
    Allheart's Avatar
    Allheart Posts: 1,639, Reputation: 436
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    Aug 27, 2008, 12:46 AM
    Alty and Star - What beautiful hearts you both have.

    Chery - We rejoice in knowing you, we rejoice in loving you and we rejoice for being so blessed to have touched our lives.

    I believe with all my heart, there are beautiful angels who do walk this earth, who's calling is to love, heal and give. Chery, our angel on earth, my goodness how you have answered your calling in ways none of us could ever duplicate, but we cherish you, your love, your gifts that you give so freely...

    And mostly, We love you and are right there by your side.

    Thank you Chery for allowing us and sharing your beautiful innerspirit, love and wisdom with all of us.

    ISneezeFunny's Avatar
    ISneezeFunny Posts: 4,175, Reputation: 821
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    Aug 27, 2008, 10:01 AM
    Momma C:

    I've been on this site for only a few months, but even in that short time, you've shown me what a wonderful person you are. Your caring ways have shown us what one should strive to become.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, and remember, I'll be sure to have the green apple candle always burning.
    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Aug 27, 2008, 03:39 PM
    My dear sweet friends. I thank you with all my heart for the friendship and love you have shown me in so many ways these past years and months - and this one is so endearing to me and always will be special. Of course you know that I am crying tears of such emotional endearment right now - and no my dear Alty, I'm not mad (how could I be with such a wonderful 'daughter' as you!).

    The care and support I feel coming from you all just overwhelms me so and no matter how I feel, or how much pain I am in, I will certainly not give you or those who need me up. Even though my visits here have been a little sporadic lately, I intend to stay with you until I can no longer type - and you know me, I'm tough, so I will be here for as long as I can.

    I have already talked to my daughter and asked her to inform you when the time comes where I can no longer join you on AMHD and I sincerely hope that this is still far away in the future. I am currently going through a new therapy regimen and hope it will improve my stamina so that I can sit up longer and be more active here - we'll have to wait and see. It's a new non-radioactive infusion therapy and I hope I am in the upper percentage of those it works positive on.

    My grandson has started to look forward to seeing me and the looks and smiles I get from him now - and even a hug now and then, just make me more determined not to give up yet. So, keep them green apple candles lit because they seem to be working.

    I'm attaching two pictures from this past weekend and hope that they bring a smile to your hearts as they certainly did mine.. Got to work on getting the red-eye out of the pictures and am making a DVD with slideshows of 2007 and 2008 so that Alex can watch then on TV later.

    The love and warmth I share with you all is beyond description and I appreciate it ever so much.

    In love, Your Momma C.
    Attached Images
    startover22's Avatar
    startover22 Posts: 2,758, Reputation: 363
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    Aug 27, 2008, 05:34 PM
    Chery, I love the pictures, too sweet for words so I won't even try. Hugs and lot's a love. You are always in my thoughts;)
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Aug 27, 2008, 06:28 PM
    What a cute little blondie, and your grandson is adorable too. ;)

    Great pics Chery, so nice of you to share them with us. :)
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Aug 27, 2008, 06:54 PM
    I sure hope that new therapy works well for you. We know you are strong, and you can kick some royal butt against those nasty little scouts! Cheers to you Momma C! :D

    Love and Hugs from the little girl that first asked if you could adopt me, and if I could call you Momma C! You've got sooooo many children now to take care of now! What have you been doing with your nights? ;) LOL!

    I loved seeing your pics when you sent them to me, and I meant to comment on how sweet little baby A is. Those eyes are some real lady killers!
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Aug 27, 2008, 06:55 PM
    Only a very special person can reach around the world, and touch so many hearts, and minds, I for one thank you, for taking time, and just being so darn special, to so many.
    Stringer's Avatar
    Stringer Posts: 3,733, Reputation: 770
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    Aug 27, 2008, 08:43 PM
    I guess I am not as tough as I thought I was Chery, I am sitting here typing with tears running from my eyes... "Indescribable" does not begin to to speak to how I feel about you my dear. You and I go back over a year and a half, and every time we "spoke" your first concern was about me... me, can you imagine?. Wow (sorry... I had to stop... couldn't see my keyboard)... damn...

    I have posted many times about how much I miss my mother and what a great adviser, friend and consultant she was to me. When she passed, you were one of the first to help... there was so much pain. Your sincere caring and help was so needed, but... you were there, not just once... you were there for me always.

    If anyone would have told me that someone living half way around the world, that I have never seen in person could mean sooo much to me, I would never have believe them, never. But you do Chery, you do.

    All the posts on this thread sum up how I feel about you, you are SPECIAL, very special. If anyone ever came close to being for me what I lost over a year ago, it is you.

    From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. You gave me the strength when I needed it.

    There are so many forms of love Chery, My love for you is admiration, respect, caring.. I feel like you are one of my family.

    Well, I know that mom is looking down on you and smiling... and that you helped her boy when he needed it and nodding her head in agreement...

    Much love to one of the best people I have been blessed to call my friend.

    Unknown008's Avatar
    Unknown008 Posts: 8,076, Reputation: 723
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    Aug 28, 2008, 03:53 AM
    Oh, Chery, I feel very sad for you... I don't know what to say... I met you so recently and you're perhaps going soon... but this short elapsed time was wonderful with your presence, and that of the others. I was perhaps the first time that I could talk to people so openly. I know that you're a fighter and will always be for me, as you proved on one of the other boards. And you have a wonderful grandson there! Keep strong and don't be too sad. I'll pray for you as I did before and perhaps I'll even try the green apple candles for you. I love you much, you were like a mommy for me. Peace be with you, always.

    Big big hugs,
    friend4u178's Avatar
    friend4u178 Posts: 3,349, Reputation: 1584
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    Aug 28, 2008, 10:59 PM
    How did I miss this thread :(

    Chery I can only echo what everyone else has said on here , I have been on this site now for a year and have found so many good people who I have never met and yet I still classify as my friends.

    You are one very special person , one who gives people hope and I can't imagine how many hearts you have helped to heal with all your great and caring advise. I wish you all the best with everything you do :)
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    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Aug 28, 2008, 11:13 PM
    Aw, Friend, that's such a cute picture. Thanks ever so much. You too have already been 'adopted' so call me Momma C any time.

    I always wanted a big family and am happy to have this one - better late than never.

    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Aug 28, 2008, 11:25 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown008
    Oh, Chery, i feel very sad for you.... i don't know what to say.... i met you so recently and you're perhaps going soon... but this short elapsed time was wonderful with your presence, and that of the others. i was perhaps the first time that i could talk to people so openly. I know that you're a fighter and will always be for me, as you proved on one of the other boards. And you have a wonderful grandson there! Keep strong and don't be too sad. I'll pray for you as i did before and perhaps i'll even try the green apple candles for you. I love you much, you were like a mommy for me. Peace be with you, always.

    Big big hugs,
    Thanks dear, call me Momma C any time - all of you can.
    One favor you can do for me is send me a nice postcard from Mauritius please. My address is: C.M. Inglehart, Am Stuhl 4, 66849 Landstuhl, Germany. I've always wanted to visit there.

    Oh and by the way, any and all postcards are welcome, so all my children - I urge you to send some from where you all live too. P.S. Pass it on.

    When I no longer need them, Alexander will have on heck of a collection - I hope.

    Night,night for now, going to try and sleep for at least an hour.

    Just thought I'd send a few postcards from one of my favorite places too.
    friend4u178's Avatar
    friend4u178 Posts: 3,349, Reputation: 1584
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    Aug 28, 2008, 11:32 PM
    What a great idea Momma C , you WILL be receiving one from Australia :)
    Stringer's Avatar
    Stringer Posts: 3,733, Reputation: 770
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    Aug 28, 2008, 11:34 PM
    AND one from Chicago, Illinois Chery, maybe several...

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