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Type: Posts; User: smoffitt92

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  1. How long do ruptured blood vessles bleed for

    I think I ruptured or tore a blood vessal. I've been bleeding lightly for three days is this normal if it's a blood vessal? How much longer will it bleed if this is normal? Is it also normal to fing...
  2. Can you start spotting during pregnancy it its not around the time you have your period?

    I'm 8 weeks pregnant and thing I'm spotting. It is about a week away from my normal time of having my period is this OK? I also and noticing little pices of tissus in the light colored blood like you...
  3. I'm 8 weeks pregnant and began spotting after masturbation is this bad?

    I'm 8 weeks pregnant and have been spotting for the past 2 days its just pink blood but there are little particles of what looks like tissues like you'd see when you have your period but there are...
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