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Type: Posts; User: ScottGem

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  1. As I understand the law for the bank to issue the...

    As I understand the law for the bank to issue the balance of the bank account to you there will need to be probate. If the bank account had ben joint survivorship then you could do away with probate....
  2. Answers

    What is the structure of your database? A survey...

    What is the structure of your database? A survey database requires a very specific structure. Something like this:

    TblQuestions: QuestionID (PK AutoNumber), Question
    TblRespondent: RespondentID...
  3. Question: Company scam

    by ScottGem

    I suggest you contact your Publisher and make...

    I suggest you contact your Publisher and make sure you read the contract with your publisher. Most likely that contract gives retailers the right to set the retail pricing for anything they sell. I...
  4. It depends on who's name the vehicle is in, what...

    It depends on who's name the vehicle is in, what the laws are for your area, etc.

    It is possible, but not that likely.
  5. Question: Re-nig

    by ScottGem

    This is generally called "right of rescission"....

    This is generally called "right of rescission". So you can search on your state law (Note: any question on law needs to include your general locale as laws vary by area). The federal law only applies...
  6. Question: What will happen

    by ScottGem

    I'm confused. Who was this girl? What was the...

    I'm confused. Who was this girl? What was the check for? Did the check have the account owner's name on it? Did you know the account holder? What relationship did this girl have to the account...
  7. Answers

    While I certainly agree, one will often need an...

    While I certainly agree, one will often need an attorney to insure that you get properly compensated. Insurance companies are not in the business of paying claims. They will generally avoid as much...
  8. Answers

    You should not have gone without a police report,...

    You should not have gone without a police report, but that's water under the bridge.

    Back in January I was T-boned by a driver who slid through a red light. Clearly his fault and he admitted it to...
  9. Answers

    I'm pretty sure I understand and I'm telling you...

    I'm pretty sure I understand and I'm telling you your process is wrong. There are two ways to handle this; 1) add a NEW record with a transaction type indicating a return and 2) have a returned date...
  10. Answers

    First, Controls do not have a Recordsource, Forms...

    First, Controls do not have a Recordsource, Forms do. Without knowing what code is behind the unbound LoanID control. I'm not sure what's wrong. I would use a Search Combo to find and populate the...
  11. Answers

    I'm not sure what the problem is. Frankly I would...

    I'm not sure what the problem is. Frankly I would have one form bound to tblAssetLoaned. I would call the form from another form that had buttons for New Loan and Return. In addition I would have a...
  12. As noted it depends on where you are located....

    As noted it depends on where you are located. Different areas have different rules. Your first stop is your local Bureau of Vital Statistics. They should be able to advise what the process is for...
  13. Without knowing the details of why they were...

    Without knowing the details of why they were removed, its very hard to say. Your only real recourse is to retain an attorney who can advise you.
  14. Answers

    When you sue you are claiming that someone is...

    When you sue you are claiming that someone is liable due to negligence on their part. Unless you can prove the landlord was aware of the faulty wiring and did nothing there is no negligence.
  15. Answers

    As a Developer, you don't need to have memorized...

    As a Developer, you don't need to have memorized all the syntax of the language you work with or all the features of the IDE you work with. But you do need to understand all the concepts and know...
  16. Answers

    Sorry, we don't do your homework for you. What is...

    Sorry, we don't do your homework for you. What is YOUR opinion.
  17. Tomder First, when refer to Obama and Clinton as...

    Tomder First, when refer to Obama and Clinton as Emperor and Evita, you turn me off. You want to post your opinion and facts to support them, fine. But things like that just show unreasoning bias....
  18. Smoothy, just as I expected, you haven't offered...

    Smoothy, just as I expected, you haven't offered one specific thing that proves he's been slandered or libeled. I'm not talking about individuals on social media mouthing off. I'm taking about...
  19. Please prove to me that Trump has been libeled or...

    Please prove to me that Trump has been libeled or slandered in any way. I've seen absolutely nothing said or written about Trump that qualifies as that.
  20. First, I'm a facts guy. I call the facts out no...

    First, I'm a facts guy. I call the facts out no matter who gets them wrong.

    And again, I don't recall it ever referred to as a matter. Nor does what it was called matter, it's the extent of the...
  21. Don't blame Tomder for this. It was the...

    Don't blame Tomder for this. It was the Republican members of the House Judiciary committee (and not all of them) who signed this silliness and put together that list.
  22. I will remind you that Clinton has not received...

    I will remind you that Clinton has not received so much as an indictment. So stating has a fact that she is crooked is libel.

    And your obvious bias against democrats has you continuing to make...
  23. Uh huh. Did it ever occur to anyone that these...

    Uh huh. Did it ever occur to anyone that these question HAVE been answered, just not the way Trump thinks they should be. But this is just Sessions trying to get back into Trump's good graces.
  24. Answers

    Depends on where you want to upload to.

    Depends on where you want to upload to.
  25. Why would you want to travel to NK?

    Why would you want to travel to NK?
  26. I'm not sure how on could duplicate the Big Bang....

    I'm not sure how on could duplicate the Big Bang. How would you suggest they do it? Most astronomers believe in the theory based on observed astronomical phenomenon.

    The Bible, like almost all...
  27. Answers

    You want to be a mother yet you are willing to...

    You want to be a mother yet you are willing to risk your baby's health by taking medication without seeing a doctor.

    After 8 months it is time for you AND your partner to see a doctor and both be...
  28. Answers

    Contact AT&T shareholder services

    Contact AT&T shareholder services
  29. You can send a letter return receipt which will...

    You can send a letter return receipt which will show the address the mail was delivered to. However, that won't work if they remailed it. You can ask the court to issue a summons to the old landlord...
  30. Question: Condo violation

    by ScottGem

    Can you setup a security camera to record it?...

    Can you setup a security camera to record it? Then bring the proof to the HOA.
  31. As noted, your general location is important as...

    As noted, your general location is important as laws vary. However, in my experience, a notice to vacate is basically a request. It does not have the force of law. It is simply the prelude to...
  32. Answers

    Where are you getting your info from. I've heard...

    Where are you getting your info from. I've heard nothing about Clinton people putting u the Russian lawyer. And while its true that half of the memos Comey created contained confidential info Comey...
  33. Answers

    Unfortunately that was an actual quote from...

    Unfortunately that was an actual quote from Trump's tweets. A statement he backpedaled on 12 hours later.

    What I want to know is why anyone would expect Putin to admit the hacking? If I was in...
  34. Really? You have spoken to everyone outside the...

    Really? You have spoken to everyone outside the DNC to determine their feelings on the matter? Sweeping generalizations like that show a disdain for facts. Even if the statement were true you could...
  35. Answers

    Access has native support for PDF creation. But...

    Access has native support for PDF creation. But what you export to PDF is a report. Set your report for the orientation, borders, etc. Then you can print the report to PDF from the Print Preview menu...
  36. Of course YOU see who you sent to, but the...

    Of course YOU see who you sent to, but the recipient only sees themselves. When I send such an e-mail I send the e-mail to myself and then BCC the rest of the recipients.
  37. Question: Credit Card

    by ScottGem

    By law, the statement should indicate how long it...

    By law, the statement should indicate how long it would take to pay off the account paying only the minimum payment. And how much needs to be paid monthly to pay it in 3 years.

    Does he continue...
  38. Answers

    It depends on how its handled. I agree that the...

    It depends on how its handled. I agree that the use of a photo ID to verify voters is OK. But then the government has to provide a photo ID FREE OF CHARGE to anyone requesting one. Not everyone has...
  39. Answers

    Koboch has been slapped down by courts several...

    Koboch has been slapped down by courts several times for attempting to disenfranchise voters. His Crosscheck program was responsible for disenfranchising tens of thousands of voters. Voters who might...
  40. Question: Condo violation?

    by ScottGem

    What's stopping you from walking the carts back...

    What's stopping you from walking the carts back to TJ Maxx? I'm guessing the store is not far if this woman is taking the carts. If you can, get a picture of the woman and give it to the store so...
  41. Yes, because you are not publishing. Copyright...

    Yes, because you are not publishing. Copyright protection prevents someone from publishing copyrighted works. By e-mailing you are not publishing.

    As such, the Copyright Act gives the copyright...
  42. Answers

    Why did you change names and not continue this...

    Why did you change names and not continue this thread:
  43. There is a fair use doctrine. Use of an image in...

    There is a fair use doctrine. Use of an image in a magazine as part of a review of that image should be allowable. Also the onus oif this would be on the magazine publisher. They are the ones who...
  44. They can get a default judgement. But you can...

    They can get a default judgement. But you can fight it if you can prove non-service. However, that is only a delaying tactic. As you will be properly served before you leave the courthouse.
  45. Answers

    I oppose the same things. I even agree with you,...

    I oppose the same things. I even agree with you, that in today's world the people most doing those things are Muslim. I have said often that the worst crimes in history have been done in the name of...
  46. Question: PayPal Purchase

    by ScottGem

    If you want to accept payment by credit card,...

    If you want to accept payment by credit card, then you need to upgrade your paypal account to a business account. You will then be charged a fee for credit card transactions. However, if both are...
  47. Answers

    No I'm not splitting hairs. The thrust of Trump's...

    No I'm not splitting hairs. The thrust of Trump's Exec Order is that we need to stop people coming into this country who will do us harm. The 9/11 attackers (most from Saudi Arabia by the way) were...
  48. Answers

    Clete, That's NOT what I said. I said "there have...

    Clete, That's NOT what I said. I said "there have been no attacks by foreign nationals since 9/11". Read that link again. You will see all those incidents were committed by American citizens or legal...
  49. Answers

    Let me emphasize that, which points out the...

    Let me emphasize that, which points out the fallacy of your post. The first EO was issued in February. More than 90 days have past. The court issued stays blocked the travel restrictions. They did...
  50. Answers

    Where is this. You probably have no rights here....

    Where is this. You probably have no rights here. Your job offer was probably contingent on passing s background check.
Results 1 to 50 of 500