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Type: Posts; User: arnimal7

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  1. Thanks for responding. Yes, she is divorced and...

    Thanks for responding. Yes, she is divorced and her parents both passed away... She does have a lot of personal issues. It can't be a miscarage though. It's just bizarre, how can someone do or say...
  2. My girlfriend in the hospital, and don't know why!

    First off, thanks for taking the time to read this. Second, I would only like people who either have had this happen to or is a professional on this topic to answer my question.

    A close friend...
  3. Such a great movie! I own it.It stars Kelly...

    Such a great movie! I own it.It stars Kelly Maroney.:)
  4. Answers

    Ok, so you will not like what I have to say, but...

    Ok, so you will not like what I have to say, but you wrote in, so I will say it. I know that there are two sides to every story! The fact that all three kids have the same feelings towards you only...
  5. Answers

    It also sounds like Madonna "Take a Bow"

    It also sounds like Madonna "Take a Bow"
  6. Answers

    You should do what you want. If you are using a 0...

    You should do what you want. If you are using a 0 (clippers) anyway, then that is like having a shaved head. Who cares what other people think or say! A lot of men look better bald any way!
  7. Question: Lost it all

    by arnimal7

    I agree, you need to talk to her. Tell her the...

    I agree, you need to talk to her. Tell her the truth. Now my question to you is, why do you think people are telling her this? Is there something more to this story then you are sharing?
  8. Answers

    I understand your tears of frustration, and 2...

    I understand your tears of frustration, and 2 years and 2 months is along time. However looking at his info(passwords) will only drive you crazy. Sometimes it is better to not know then to know. I...
  9. Answers

    Hi Cutie, You pretty much answered your own...

    Hi Cutie, You pretty much answered your own question. Stop calling and texting and give him his space. He needs his space right now. The last thing you should do is come across as a stalker. Trust...
  10. Answers

    What does that even mean? You will have to find...

    What does that even mean? You will have to find out? Sounds like mindgames to me. All I know is that in the beginng of a relationship, there is that newness, excitement, and curiousity of getting to...
  11. Answers

    Hi Mike, well to be quite honest, I think 2 weeks...

    Hi Mike, well to be quite honest, I think 2 weeks is a little to early to be unhappy in a relationship. Have you tried talking to her about it?
  12. Answers

    Hi Hank, Sorry to hear about your split. Based...

    Hi Hank, Sorry to hear about your split. Based off your story I think that you are not to blame. Better now than never to find out how cold hearted she was. If anything you were to nice in paying her...
  13. Question: Finding a song

    by arnimal7

    Thank you for the info, I will try that site:)

    Thank you for the info, I will try that site:)
  14. Question: Finding a song

    by arnimal7

    Finding a song

    So I'm on my way to school this moring when I hear this song. I want to say it came out in the early 90's. It's almost like a remake of the 80's song "In the name of love" by U2. It has pretty much...
  15. Hello Sherrif, I'm here to rescue the ladies;)

    Hello Sherrif, I'm here to rescue the ladies;)
  16. Answers

    She should tell her parents. If her Mother is...

    She should tell her parents. If her Mother is going to hurt her over this, then Mom has issues too. Rape is rape and should be reported. Please convince her to do the right thing.
  17. Answers

    I had such bad morning sickness for the first 4...

    I had such bad morning sickness for the first 4 months which was a life time to me. Lol Obviously you have talked to your Doc about this, right? I was so sick that I had to have an IV. Don't worry...
  18. Question: What Should I do

    by arnimal7

    Hi TinkTink, how old are you guys?

    Hi TinkTink, how old are you guys?
  19. I guess I don't understand this, but what does...

    I guess I don't understand this, but what does him being a Gemini have to do with anything. I have dated a Gemini, Libra, and Leo. They all were a mess. LOL
  20. LOL Off to the gold mines. I'll be back.;)

    LOL Off to the gold mines. I'll be back.;)
  21. Quick, his car is a transformer. RUNNNN:eek:

    Quick, his car is a transformer. RUNNNN:eek:
  22. As I'm making my way to the courtyard * I see...

    As I'm making my way to the courtyard * I see that stringer was kind enough to leave his 1987 Pinto outside with the keys in the ignition.* Wooo I'm free:D
  23. Good job starbuck, you have found a distraction,...

    Good job starbuck, you have found a distraction, now we can escape. :D
  24. Hey starbuck, I get that all the time. Thank you...

    Hey starbuck, I get that all the time. Thank you I like both of them;)
  25. *hands Darky a Bett Boop cup* Here you will...

    *hands Darky a Bett Boop cup* Here you will like:cool:
  26. Wait Dark, I have something for you to drink,...

    Wait Dark, I have something for you to drink, come this way.:cool:
  27. Stringer is taking a break, this should be easy....

    Stringer is taking a break, this should be easy. Do you hear something? It's over there.:)
  28. Look, I found a chest under Stringers desk....

    Look, I found a chest under Stringers desk. *opening the chest, I find handcuffs, mouthwash, some Home and Garden Mags, and what's this, oh no an old VHS copy of the movie Barberella. NOOOOOO I'm...
  29. Great idea, Look Dark just went into the cell to...

    Great idea, Look Dark just went into the cell to look for us. Quick, hurry lock him in. Now if I can just get Stringer to drink his own drink.
  30. Quick before they get to Alty, we need to...

    Quick before they get to Alty, we need to distract them somehow. I just slipped all over the feathers, ouch that hurt.
  31. NOOOO, not that scary song, nooo my ears, I am...

    NOOOO, not that scary song, nooo my ears, I am tainted for life, help me ladies.
  32. Quick Darkvision, keep stringer occupied while us...

    Quick Darkvision, keep stringer occupied while us girls escape. :)
  33. There's feathers in my drink. :P

    There's feathers in my drink. :P
  34. I will aim at Stringer. Stringer you better move...

    I will aim at Stringer. Stringer you better move out of the way, I aim pretty good and I have quite a right hook. :)
  35. Me likey pillow fights. :)

    Me likey pillow fights. :)
  36. Question: Hair crises!

    by arnimal7

    No problem, again because you aren't in my chair,...

    No problem, again because you aren't in my chair, it's hard for me to judge on what I would use.
  37. No problem.

    No problem.
  38. Question: Is it normal?

    by arnimal7

    I can understand that.

    I can understand that.
  39. Question: Hair crises!

    by arnimal7

    It turned bluish because you used ash. Big no no....

    It turned bluish because you used ash. Big no no. You need to add a filler. Find out what the color on your head is. So lets just say the darkest strand is a 6. Then I would use a 5 to cover all of...
  40. Question: Is it normal?

    by arnimal7

    No problem. If those two meaning your friend and...

    No problem. If those two meaning your friend and her boyfriend are OK with it, then so be it. Normal for yourself, well that's up to you.
  41. Question: Is it normal?

    by arnimal7

    I don't want to say that it is or isn't normal....

    I don't want to say that it is or isn't normal. Lots of people confide in their friends when it comes to sex. I know that I have. Now there is a difference in a kiss and tell. The best thing for you...
  42. Answers

    Hi samas, I have to agree with everyone else. You...

    Hi samas, I have to agree with everyone else. You know KC brought up a great point. The fact that she said he was built like a linebacker has put thoughts in your head. Now if your girlfriend said he...
  43. Question: Should I call?

    by arnimal7

    Hi Supergirl, I think you should stop calling...

    Hi Supergirl, I think you should stop calling him. If he wants to pursue you then great, if not then great. Don't make yourself look desperate. I'm sorry if I sound to blunt.
  44. Answers

    I agree with Artlady, there is a difference....

    I agree with Artlady, there is a difference. First off I judge nobody on here and what you do is your business. So with that being said I will proceed. Maybe you guys should use a lot less, if you...
  45. Hey never, first off I just want to say that it...

    Hey never, first off I just want to say that it takes a strong person to not only realize you have a problem/problems but to do something about it. So with that being said I commend you. Now it seems...
  46. Answers

    Yeah you should move on. First off, the fact that...

    Yeah you should move on. First off, the fact that he doesn't want anyone else to know is one of the dumbest things I've heard of. I would stop all contact with him or you will start to look...
  47. Answers

    Hello there, Love is a great thing, but so is...

    Hello there, Love is a great thing, but so is sex. Have you tried to sit him down and talk to him about these issues? How do you initiate sex with him? It's normal to question the fact that he might...
  48. Question: Will we

    by arnimal7

    Hey there, did you guys end on good or bad terms?...

    Hey there, did you guys end on good or bad terms? The fact that you guys are talking again can be a good thing. I can't tell you how many times my hsuband and I broke up and got back together before...
  49. Question: Return of the ex

    by arnimal7

    Hi Missy, I understand where you are coming from...

    Hi Missy, I understand where you are coming from being that you aren't quite over him and the relationship yet. The fact is, you both live in the same town, so instead of beating yourself up over it,...
  50. Hi there, I love DJ Spiller (Groove Jet) techno....

    Hi there, I love DJ Spiller (Groove Jet) techno. I know you wanted more hip hop but this song is awesome. I used it in cheerleading. The girls loved it. :)
Results 1 to 50 of 118