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  1. Thanks! That's Exactly What I Was Looking For.

    Thanks! That's Exactly What I Was Looking For.
  2. What's The Name Of The Song In The Blockbuster Commercial?

    I Believe It's An Instrumental Song. The Guinea Pig Gets A Massage And Is Asked By The Rabbit If He Can Act. I Know Blockbuster Is Gone. But What's The Name Of The Song In The Commercial. Does Anyone...
  3. My girlfriend hasn't texted me, should I pick her up from school?

    She has 2 classes today, and she gets a break during one of them. But she didn't text, I'm pretty sure she'll text me for a ride home when she gets out, though? Should I pick her up or no? I always...
  4. Answers

    How do you get to know someone?

    My girlfriend and I have 5 months together. She thinks we should get to know each other better. I know her favorite color and the movies she likes. But what else could I do so she can get to know me?...
  5. Answers

    Does Anyone Know About The USCIS?

    I'm Doing Some Research. I Need To Know When It Was Created? Where It Was Created? What City And State? And Where Is It Happening? Please And Thanks.
  6. Can You Get A Woman To Have Sex With You The 1st Time You Meet Her?

    If So Any Tips? I'm Going To Help A Woman Move Furniture. Can I Get A Kiss Or Sex Out Of It? This Is The 1st Time I'm Meeting Her.
  7. I Don't Know What To Tell You. But Maybe You...

    I Don't Know What To Tell You. But Maybe You Should Try Contacting The Police Or Going To Them For Advice. All I Can Say Is Stay Calm. Panicking Won't Help. I Wish You Good Luck.
  8. Maybe You Should Divorce Him For Not Adding Your...

    Maybe You Should Divorce Him For Not Adding Your Name.
  9. What's The Movie Called? Where A Lady Is Hurt When A Violin Is Played?

    I Saw That Movie Years Ago. I Think This Lady Is A Vampire Or Some Sort Of Monster And A Girl Or Boy In The Family Play A Violin And It Hurts The Lady's Ears. Also She Hides The Wife Of The Family...
  10. Question: What to do

    by anonymousdude

    Just Forget About That Guy. It's Clearly Not...

    Just Forget About That Guy. It's Clearly Not Working Out. Move On. There's Plenty Of Guys In The World. Move On.
  11. Answers

    Question For Dermatologists

    I Have Scratched My Legs And I Have What Appears To Be White Itchy Flaky Spots On My Legs. But Only Where I'm Scratchy. The White Goes Away. But If I Scratch The Same Spot The White Dry Skin Comes...
  12. I Think You Should Take Her Just To Be Sure.

    I Think You Should Take Her Just To Be Sure.
  13. Answers

    Is It Free To Get A Cat Euthanized?

    And Do I Have To Be The Owner Of The Cat? The Cat Got In My House And Killed My Parakeet.
  14. Don't Worry About Him. Or Anyone. He Wants To...

    Don't Worry About Him. Or Anyone. He Wants To Take A Break. So.. Take A Break. Don't Beg ANY Guy. I Say You Dump Him, And Move On.
  15. Answers

    How To Make The Next Move On A Girl?

    So I Got Her Number, And I Asked Her About Her Favorite Food, Movies, Music, Etc. Now What? How Can I Get Her To Be My Girlfriend Or Make Out With Her, Etc.
  16. Answers

    Don't Look At It As A Bad Thing. It's Normal. And...

    Don't Look At It As A Bad Thing. It's Normal. And A Lot Of Girls Get Fake Boobs. So On The Contrary. Congratulations (;
  17. My Left Testicle Has Little To No Sperm. Is This Normal?

    It's Been This Way For A While. If Anyone Has This Same Thing And Has Been To The Doctor Or Hospital Please Let Me Know. Thanks.
  18. Does Anyone Know Where I Can Get Aftermarket Tail Lights And Headlights For Cheap?

    I'm Looking For A Reliable Website That Sells Not The Original Tail Lights And Headlights, But Aftermarket Lights. Of If You Guys Know An Actual Place I Could Go To In Person That's Fine, Too. But,...
  19. Answers

    1st I Suggest You Take Singing Lessons. I've...

    1st I Suggest You Take Singing Lessons. I've Heard Some Singers That Have A Good Voice, But Are Off Chord. So Even If You Have A Good Voice, You Have To Know How To Use It. So... Please Take My...
  20. Does Anyone Know Who Julio Cesar Chavez Junior Is Fighting Next?

    I Would Like To See Chavez Junior Face Sergio "Maravilla" Martinez Next. Since Martinez Has Been Calling Out Chavez Junior For A While Now. Also I Think A Lot Of People Underestimate Chavez. People...
  21. Answers

    It's Obvious You Like Him. Just Talk To Him....

    It's Obvious You Like Him. Just Talk To Him. Don't Be Shy. Say Hi Or Something.
  22. Answers

    Move On. You Were Being Nice To Her, And She Does...

    Move On. You Were Being Nice To Her, And She Does Something Like This?. She's Just Playing With You. Move On.
  23. Answers

    I Need Advice On A Girl

    So I met this girl over the weekend. And she seems nice and she's really pretty. She has 2 kids. But I don't mind. I've been texting her. But, sometimes she stops texting me. I think maybe because I...
  24. Answers

    I Suggest You Try All Sports. Not Just Dance, And...

    I Suggest You Try All Sports. Not Just Dance, And Not Just Basketball. Find Out What You're Best At.
  25. It's Not That People Will Like You More. There's...

    It's Not That People Will Like You More. There's Nice People That Are Fat. But... I'm Sure You'll Get More Chances Of Getting A Girlfriend Or Boyfriend, If You Don't Already Have One. I'm Not Sure If...
  26. Break Up With Him. He Shouldn't Be Mean.

    Break Up With Him. He Shouldn't Be Mean.
  27. Answers

    It's Legal As Long As You Don't Have Sex.

    It's Legal As Long As You Don't Have Sex.
  28. Answers

    Should I Break Up With My Girlfriend?

    So, she told me that her ex wants us to break up. She says he is a friend, and she says he is her everything as a best friend, and I am her everything as a boyfriend. She also says he cares about...
Results 1 to 28 of 34