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  • May 18, 2011, 05:04 AM

    Originally Posted by sawsall02 View Post
    Wondergirl, I am brandishing a spiritual sword, not a physical one.

    I said nothing about a sword, spiritual or physical.

    As Christians we should defend the faith. Although I ask myself at times, how would Christ handle this? I think after enough, he would turn them over to their sins.
    No one has attacked "the faith." Only you are making trouble where none had existed. And you consider yourself a Christian? That's not what Christians do.

    How would Christ have handled this? Far differently from how you have. Jesus sat down and ate with publicans and prostitutes, meanwhile probably discussed the weather, asked how many pets they owned and what their favorite foods were, and generally made an emotional connection with them. Only when He had made a connection with their hearts could He have begun to connect with their souls. You have not made an emotional connection here nor a spiritual one. Jesus is weeping.
  • May 18, 2011, 06:06 AM

    To Sawsall,

    I was raised to never discuss politics or religion. However, I was also raised to be tolerant of others belief systems and to never push my beliefs on anyone. It appears that you, on the other hand, were not raised to be tolerant and appreciate the differences of belief systems. It seems you were raised to shove Jesus down the throat of anyone you meet.

    The subject of this thread is "how can you convince someone to believe in god." As it is apparent here, there is no one that can effectively convince someone to believe in something other then what they hold truly in their hearts and/or minds.

    I'll give you an example... but this is truly for another thread so please, no one hijack this thread from my statements only. If you wish to start another thread about this, please feel free to do so.

    I am a scientific person. I don't believe that life begins at conception. I believe that the zygote is parasitic until a certain stage of development. I know I'm not going to convince you otherwise, and I respect your beliefs, and you aren't going to convince me otherwise, but I guarantee you won't respect my beliefs.
  • Jun 29, 2011, 10:02 PM
    Why is it important to convince someone of your beliffs?

    I think if you're a good person and don't hert any one then you don't need organised religion to use as a moral guide. All religions have a similar message - Be good to other and good will come to etc, 'karma'

    I think if you don't praise any gods at all but still live a good life you still don't have to fear death as it is going to happen to us all.

    Also remember trying to change someone's belifs is a form of facsim. Don't be a religious fanatic/facist and get along with humans as a spieces.

    Black white yellow brown any shade in between - lets forget religious diferances.

    Religion is great as a form of phiosiphy, a good moral code to stand by but don't forget that religion in history has been the corses of many wars just like politics. Lets not repeat history learn from the poast for a better future.

    Peace for the future... I hope.
  • Jun 30, 2011, 05:51 AM

    Originally Posted by dronit View Post
    Why is it important to convince someone of your beliffs?

    I think if your a good person and don't hert any one then you don't need organised religion to use as a moral guide. All religions have a similar message - Be good to other and good will come to ect, 'karma'

    I think if you don't praise any gods at all but still live a good life you still don't have to fear death as it is going to happen to us all.

    Also remeber trying to change someones belifs is a form of facsim. Don't be a religous fanatic/facist and get along with humans as a spieces.

    Black white yellow brown any shade in between - lets forget religous diferances.

    Religion is great as a form of phiosiphy, a good moral code to stand by but don't forget that religion in history has been the corses of many wars just like politics. Lets not repeat history learn from the poast for a better future.

    Peace for the future......... I hope.


    The OP was referring to herself, which we learned later in this thread. So no fascism or fanaticism. Just someone who's lost something important to her and wants to know if she should fight to get it back back.
  • Jun 30, 2011, 07:23 AM

    Generally, it's best to read an ENTIRE thread before responding. Otherwise you miss connotations that are revealed when the OP gives more information.

    In addition, this thread is from several months ago. Please watch dates when responding.

    This thread is now closed.

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