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  • Nov 11, 2012, 05:21 PM
    How can I make my ex fall back in love with me?
    Me and my ex broke up because he went off to college and wanted to "find himself." After about a month he told me he missed me so we tried working on it. It was going great for about 2 weeks. That's when he called me and told me he didn't have feelings for me. I mean, we are still super close, and I'm grateful that he is still in my life, but I'm so broken. It feels only right with him. I don't want to force him into anything and trap him, so I guess I just want to know how to make him fall back in love with me. And please don't tell me something like "Move on and find someone else blahblahblahblah." because that wasn't the question. Just please answer what I asked. Please and thank you (:
  • Nov 11, 2012, 06:08 PM
    I don't want to sound like I am a b****, but sometimes I find that playing "hard to get" works.
    Don't act uninterested, but always be preoccupied with something.
    How often do you see or talk to each other? That can also be a factor. If you are too "available" for him, he might lose interest.
    I sometimes do it with my partner. If I am too available for him, I find that he starts to appear uninterested. So I make myself busy, and unavailable, and he is always interested.
    Hope my little piece of advice helps!

    Good luck.
  • Nov 11, 2012, 06:20 PM
    You can't make someone do something they don't want to do.
  • Nov 11, 2012, 07:25 PM
    There are a lot of reasons relationships end and falling out of love is often not the reason. Distance is really tough, particularly when one of you leave for college. It's really, really hard to get the full experience of college when you have a girlfriend or boyfriend back home. Your boyfriend is probably realizing that the situation is not one that he wants to continue, regardless of his feelings for you. He is young and wants to fully experience college.

    People change a lot, too, when they go off on their own to school. It's a rare opportunity in life to start over. Nobody knows you, and you have a new chance to define yourself as an adult. Many people outgrow who they used to be, and in that process, what they need from others changes too. You can't stop him from doing this.

    If you're meant to get back together, you will. Otherwise you will meet someone else who is a better fit, for example, when you go off to college yourself (or whatever you plan to do after high school). Whether you want to hear it or not, you do have to move on because he broke up with you. You must respect his wishes.

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