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  • Jun 17, 2011, 04:28 PM
    Dumped after 6 years of being with my GF!
    My girlfriend of 7 years tried breaking up with me 2 days after my 28th birthday. She told me she wanted to go on a break and I told her that it would be a permanet break. She said she didn't want that and that she needed some time apart.

    I didn't agree and we broke up. A week later I sent her a message letting her know that I over reacted and that I would agree to being apart for a month.

    Well a week later she called me and wanted to hangout, something came up and I couldn't hangout with her. The month came, we got together, talked and she told me she wanted to be friends basically and I said I didn't want that. Then she finally agreed to be bf-gf but we were going to take it slow.

    Then a day later she gives me the run around and gives me all these excuses as to why she doesn't want to hang out with me. Finally, she tells me that I'm not her boyfriend and she's not obligated to tell me anything. Well I hung up on her she called twice and I didn't answer.

    3 days later I call her and we talk, she basically told me she didn't love me anymore and she didn't want to hurt me because I'm a great guy and I haven't done anything to her for her to hurt me. Well I had to go so we kept the conversation short and told her I would call her the next day.

    I called her and she didn't answer, then she called me and I didn't answer and so we played phone tag all day. Finally, I came to a conclusion that I wasn't going to keep playing these games. I stopped calling her.
    2 weeks later she calls me with some random excuse of needing help. She asks me if I'm seeing anyone and that she bets I have a new girlfriend. Well we basically catch up and leave it at that. I continue with NC and she would call me every 2 weeks to "catch up" and so I play along.

    Then on a Friday night she calls me and tells me she misses me and crys telling me about the good old times (this is now about 3 months later). She tells me she wants to make it work but isn't fully committed to me yet. She tells me she's 50% and she wants to give me 100%. I let her know my feelings towards her and so forth. During this time we hung out like 3 times talked a few times. We were on good terms all though not back together.

    Well all of a sudden we stopped talking for about a month. I decided to call her and we talked and planned a date. While on this date she asks me why I didn't call her on valentines day to take her out. I simply said valentines day is reserved for people who love each other. She then told me if I loved her. I told her that she was the one that didn't love me. She responded with I love you ( this is now 6 months after she broke up with me).

    Well everything was going well and I started asking her why she never gave that reason as to why she initially broke up with me. She just said that's how she felt at the time. I asked her if she expected us to be apart this long and she replied with no. Well we finally get back together she's finally tells me she wants us boyfriend girlfriend again. I agree and we date for about a month.

    during this month she is telling me one thing and showing me another. She tells me she loves me and cares about me but when I ask her if she's in love with me she doesn't respong or nods her head. I'm confused here. So now I'm starting not to trust what she tells me. Well finally after conflicting stories of hers I caught her lying to me about her where abouts. She wasn't with another guy. She simply didn't feel like telling me the truth I told her I couldn't deal with her lying after everything that has happened.

    If she really cared about she would try and be honest with me. Well now all trust is gone and we broke up. She kept telling me not to hater her, to give her some space, not to hurt her and so on and so on. She has hurt me and now she has the audacity however you spell that lol to tell me not to hurt her after all the hurt she's put me through I saw that as selfish.

    Well now its been 3 months and she hasn't contacted me what has happened? She would always contact like at the beginning. Have I lost her for ever? I don't know what to do if I should call her or keep NC. I told he I would never hate her. She would tell me before the reason she wouldn't call me as often is because she thought I hated her could this be the reason why she doesn't contact me? All advice welcome I need it before I do something stupid. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Jun 17, 2011, 04:36 PM

    It's over. There's no light at the end of the tunnel. Truth is, she's over the relationship, and she has been for a long time.

    She kept contacting you because she missed the constant in her life, which was you. She never wanted a relationship after the initial break up, but you pushed it, and she was desperate enough to have you in her life (as a friend) to agree to it.

    The fact is, you two can't be friends, and she doesn't want to be your girlfriend, and she finally realized that.

    It's time for you to move on, I guarantee she has.
  • Jun 17, 2011, 04:42 PM
    Now that is some crazy head games. Listen if its been 3 months since her last contact then leave it be. Seriously why look back now and start that yo-yo all over again. Can't you see it happening?

    Sure at first her walking away was tough and you went back and forth. Maybe she wasn't sure and after so many years the change was hard and you were both at a loss. But its been long enough now you know if she wanted to be with you so many months would not have gone by. Don't fall back in to that pattern again. You have gone this far. Stay strong and stay NC. Don't even bother. The cycle could start again.

    Yes there is light at the end of the tunnel. At the end for you and a brighter future.
  • Jun 17, 2011, 06:38 PM
    I guess that's life, any of you single ladies?
  • Jun 17, 2011, 06:38 PM
    Comment on Altenweg's post
    Are you single?
  • Jun 17, 2011, 06:55 PM


    Are you single?
    No. I've been married for 16 years, with my hubby for 21 years. We met at 19, and we've been together since.
  • Jun 17, 2011, 08:03 PM
    Comment on Altenweg's post
    Nice did you guys ever break up to make up?
  • Jun 18, 2011, 02:59 AM

    Originally Posted by lolocolo View Post
    i guess thats life, any of you single ladies?

    I am with Alty. Been with my hubby 20 years. Don't go looking for cyber love silly!
  • Jun 18, 2011, 10:31 AM
    Comment on 88sunflower's post
    I'm not lol
  • Jun 18, 2011, 11:03 AM


    Nice did you guys ever break up to make up?
    No. We never broke up, not even for an hour. Every time we had an argument we worked it out, like couples are supposed to do. I never doubted my love for him, nor did he doubt his love for me.
  • Jun 18, 2011, 11:08 AM

    Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    No. We never broke up, not even for an hour. Every time we had an argument we worked it out, like couples are supposed to do. I never doubted my love for him, nor did he doubt his love for me.

    Aww ! I know this is off the subject but that's so sweet Alty! :)

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