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  • Mar 20, 2010, 12:01 AM
    I don't have much experience with men, but
    OK, so I'm just really curious about this thing that seems to go on often... my boyfriend's head is constantly turned by teenage girls, especially those in scanty clothes, then he makes angry remarks about how their parents let them go out dressed like that... he seems to pay a lot of attention, though, like he really stares and watches them walk, etc. So, is he just saying this stuff to make me think that's all he's thinking, is how disgusting it is that their parents let them dress that way, or is it a cover so he can check them out? I'm very curious as to what kind of man I'm dating... he often makes comments, too, such as when a teen has a large chest, with a low cut shirt, he'll say, oh, I feel sorry for her parents, she's probably having sex... to me it seems as though he's hiding some sort of thing he may have for the under age group... frustration that society says it's taboo? Then again, what if I'm totally wrong? I wouldn't even be here asking about it, but it's happened enough to get annoying, and also to make me start wondering!
  • Mar 20, 2010, 12:59 AM

    There's definitely something off about it. It's very obsessive. Negative and degrading towards women- to look at a teenager and only comment on her physical appearance. If the first thing that comes out of his mouth is something sexual, then yes, that's exactly what his train of thought is.
  • Mar 20, 2010, 01:36 AM

    Yea I agree with rockerchick. His doing that so he can lust over them jail baits. You need to get a man that has his eyes only for you, he doesn't respect you and for him to cover his little staring problem he says thus things to make it seem like its OK for him to look,how is that showing respect to you.


    my boyfriend's head is constantly turned by teenage girls, especially those in scanty clothes, then he makes angry remarks about how their parents let them go out dressed like that... he seems to pay a lot of attention, though, like he really stares and watches them walk, etc.
    that says it all, if he has a remark on how they dress or anything then that should be it, he should just stop and focus on you, but what he does is continue and keep watching them like a piece of meat. So just leave before you get to deep into the relationship and you start being blind.
  • Mar 20, 2010, 05:58 AM

    This makes me feel uncomfortable-I think he is crossing a line,and the anger he expresses,to me is a big red flag.

    I would seriously reconsider being in a relationship with him if I were you.
  • Mar 20, 2010, 06:05 AM
    This makes me uncomfortable reading as well. Think you should confront him and tell him your suspicions then gauge his reaction. Good luck if you decide to do it
  • Mar 20, 2010, 08:50 AM

    I would simply mention it makes you uncomfortable and ask why he feels the need to point it out all the time.
  • Mar 20, 2010, 09:27 AM

    I would think that a lot of guys who look at women and lust over them would never say anything about it especially to their girlfriend. Because it's like putting a target on your back. If you feel unconfortable talk to him about it. Maybe he's just a difficult guy and have his own view about raising children.
  • Mar 20, 2010, 09:52 AM

    I have some friends who are very open with their girlfriend. Sometimes he can say, oh that girl is wearing a cute outfit, and his girlfriend will look and agree/disagree.
    Same applies the other way around.

    A lot of it depends on each persons maturity level and what the intention behind the words is.
  • Mar 20, 2010, 04:16 PM

    Ask him, as who can guess at his deep thoughts or motives.

    Me, I learned long ago to look, keep my mouth shut, and not be so obvious, I pizz the wife off.

    Maybe you should talk, and see what's behind his comments, you may just be with a guy who would be a strict father, but who knows.
  • Mar 22, 2010, 05:24 PM

    Ok, thanks guys! It did definitely seem off to me, so I did talk to him about why he'd always comment like this, and he didn't get angry or upset with me for asking... I asked in a positive way, and the first thing he said was, well, maybe I'm just a prude, and then he went on to explain that when his daughter was 16 and living with him, he'd make her change her clothes if he thought it was promiscuous in any way, even though she got angry at him for it, and that once one of her friends tried flirting with him, which upset him even more, since he said she was way too young for him. He's a great guy otherwise, I'd just thought this thing was getting kind of weird, not to mention annoying! So, I'm glad we talked. Maybe now he won't make those comments!
  • Mar 22, 2010, 07:46 PM

    Or you will understand if he does.

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