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  • Sep 28, 2009, 09:39 AM
    NC after a recent breakup, want to hear some thoughts.
    Aehs01 has been changed to Telan, and all threads have been merged for easy access

    So I'll do some explaining so this all makes sense and I get the best responses out of this topic. I happen to find a great NC thread thanks to Google searches and discovering what the 'no contact rule' really is. I've come across mostly all the same information reading online and speaking with friends when it comes to break ups.

    I'll explain a bit of my past so my current situation makes more sense. I've dated and had dates with numerous girl's.. about 3 years ago back in early 2006 I fell in love for the first time, I was 21 at the time. 3 1/2 months into this relationship my girlfriend broke up with me over an argument, she was 18 and extremely immature.. more or less she strung me along worse then any girl ever had keeping me in the loop for the next ~2 years.. she would date other guys, sleep with other guys and I would always be there for her.. thinking because of how she acted she wanted to work things out.. we tried probably 4 or 5 times and every time I ended up extremely disapointed.. I had a NC period of over a year 1/2 with her and in all this time (about 3 years total) I never met anyone new and had only gone on dates that went no where. This really damaged me, made me lost confidence in myself, made me think I'd never meet anyone again.. always trying to get back what I once had for such a short amount of time.. it was all a complete waste and even to this day the best thing I got going with this girl is we can talk like normal human beings and we don't hangout ever.

    So on to the current situation.. I'm now 24 and have learned a lot alone from dating others and being in that one relationship that really did a number on me. I met a girl back in May/June and we started dating and eventually made it official.. this girl was amazing, we never fought and we were always doing fun things, going places, just overall having a great relationship. We fell in love in a short amount of time and I knew it was love, after being in so many situations and knowing how sure I was about my feelings I was back where I wanted to be. Now this girl was 20, more mature then my last but had been in a lot less experiences. She had 1 ex boyfriend who she was engadged to and dated for 4 years, he abused her and mistreated her all the time.. essentially they both had issues and she got rid of him 5-6 months before I had met her. While we dated he was always hounding her and trying to get her back.. he had pretty much screwed himself because he did things that could never be un-done.. she ignored him most of the time.

    So 2 1/2 months into our relationship we get into our first real fight.. she started telling me that she wanted to be friends with her ex. I explained that maybe one day years from now they could be friends again and be able to talk like normal people.. speaking from my own experiences with my last girlfriend. This kid wanted her back badly and she in my opinion was thinking very irrationally about this situation. I let her hangout with friends that were guys and didn't mind this because I trusted her and I knew there was no past between them. She got upset with me and cancelled our plans, from here on out things just went downhill.. she had her wisdom teeth out, failed her class in school which in turn meant her failing all her classes and having to stop going to school.. she pretty much hit 'rock bottom' as she described it. She took me down with her and broke up with me over a Facebook message.. She told me she was confused and had an urge to want to see other people, she was thinking that because of me telling her I didn't want her to see this ex of hers I was being controlling, as if I was going to fall into a controlling habit just as her ex was controlling with her.. this scared her. She explained that she was terrified of the unknown and not knowing if our relationship will work out. I became angry and deleted her as a friend and removed all our photo's.. I look back at that now and wish I just left her alone and did absolutely nothing at the time but I was upset. We saw each other 2 weeks later and she told me how much she missed me and how sorry she was, how breaking up with me was one of the biggest regrets she ever had. We slept together and more or less had a 'make up' day.. She told me she had not heard from her ex in two weeks and did not miss him, she said she had no desire to be friends with him and told me she realized I was the really the first person she ever loved, that not only she loved me as a boyfriend but as a person because I treated her so well and appreciated her. We didn't get back together because she still emphasized being confused.. being scared to lose me. She would tell me she shouldn't be with anyone, as she had fallen back into bad habits such as drinking alcohol often and smoking ciggs.. picking up on her past but she wanting me to 'wait' for her. At first this was what I did, another two weeks went by and we were starting to argue more.. I left her alone for the most part and let her come to me.. she attempted to make plans with me again.. ending up that she had to cancel on me due to some family plans that came up unexpectedly.

    I told her I wanted a two week break to cool off.. she became very angry about this and just made me feel bad.. we argued more and we ended up speaking the next night, more apologies. I left her alone most of that week and she checked up on me twice, apologized to me more for how she was treating me and how sorry she was. I decided that weekend I couldn't take my emotions being thrown up and down so I told her I needed to see her in person. She came over on Sunday the 13th, we talked and it was ovious she was still in love with me.. she told me many times she was. We talked and I decided to tell her I think we should have absolutely no contact and that I would not be put through this again.. knowing what had happened for the past few years I was not going to be walked on again. We ended up sleeping together even after the discussion of NC.. I don't regret it because I think it left the night with her remembering what it was like to really be happy with me, how she told me she loved me. It has been two weeks since last night and it has been so hard to not think about her. The first week I would check her Facebook and hoped not to read something that would make me feel hurt.. one night was her mentioning drinking and it was obvious this whole situation was bothering her, another her sounding happy about going to the Zoo on the coming weekend. I have decided at this point not to login to FB at all so I don't get any temptation to look at her page, deleting her I thought would re-create issues as they did the first time I removed her so I left it be. I'm being strong this time around and honestly hope she realizes that me and her had a special relationship.. I feel as though her only being with me and this one other kid she is going to want to explore and date around to see what is out there.. I can't blame her as she has not experienced that. My plan is to wait another 2 1/2 weeks and ask her out to a casual short lunch and treat the situation normal with the hopes that she will talk about how she is feeling now that I've really been gone for over a month. I'm curious to know what you all think of this.. I know it's long and if you read this far I thank you.
  • Sep 28, 2009, 11:06 AM
    Are you sure you can handle the situation ?
    NC as such as Im sure you know means no lunches or any other get togethers.
    She s confused and I think meeting up would add to the confusion for both of you.
  • Sep 28, 2009, 11:25 AM

    Originally Posted by amicon View Post
    Are you sure you can handle the situation ?
    NC as such as Im sure you know means no lunches or any other get togethers.
    She s confused and I think meeting up would add to the confusion for both of you.

    Well my thought was giving her a month of knowing I'm not there.. also her knowing I don't 'need' her and I'm not desperate. I actually took this suggestion from a pdf book I found online called 'the magic of making up' it seems to be solid as this month away will give her time to honestly see if she misses me and wants to work it out. I decided to do NC, she wants to talk to me so.. I'll see how I feel in a couple weeks.
  • Sep 29, 2009, 07:47 AM

    Well.. last night I got a message from her, she more or less said that she loved me and that she didn't want to risk ruining something with the person that could possibly be 'the one' I told her I will need to continue NC unless she truly wants to work it out. Didn't get many reply's on this but if people are more curious maybe I'll post what was said.
  • Sep 29, 2009, 08:25 AM

    Okay. You're a male right? Get your emotions in order... Seems like your always mad/upset cause all you do is argue with this girl and the only time you mentioned your happy together and doing okay is after you guys have sex...

    Seems like a very immature relationship on both parts. Yours being because your playing games with her as far as being emotionally distraught and punishing her for it. Her part because she wants to date around and see what's out there and has bad habits like alcoholism, smoking, and keeping you on the hook by saying she thinks she loves you...

    I think both of you need to grow up and talk to each other and really decide if your right for each other. If so, STOP arguing, learn to compromise, and make it work. If not, STOP pestering each other like a high school relationship and MOVE ON.

    Sorry for being harsh, but I felt like I just read a story from AOL Instant Messenger from when I was in 10th grade...

    Best of luck.
  • Sep 29, 2009, 09:19 AM

    Originally Posted by troy70 View Post
    Okay. Your a male right? Get your emotions in order... Seems like your always mad/upset cause all you do is argue with this girl and the only time you mentioned your happy together and doing okay is after you guys have sex...

    Seems like a very immature relationship on both parts. Yours being because your playing games with her as far as being emotionally distraught and punishing her for it. Her part because she wants to date around and see what's out there and has bad habits like alcoholism, smoking, and keeping you on the hook by saying she thinks she loves you...

    I think both of you need to grow up and talk to each other and really decide if your right for each other. If so, STOP arguing, learn to compromise, and make it work. If not, STOP pestering each other like a high school relationship and MOVE ON.

    Sorry for being harsh, but I felt like I just read a story from AOL Instant Messenger from when I was in 10th grade...

    Best of luck.

    We actually have not argued that much, maybe I made that part sound worse then it was. We have hardly argued really. I really don't think I've been playing games with her, I told her I wanted to work it out and we've always been good about communicating.. she is confused and is not sure if she is ready to settle.. I understand that and honestly look at it that due to her age it makes sense and there is nothing I can do about it. I've left the decision up to her if she wants to get back together with me or not.. not sure how you see this as something from high school.
  • Sep 29, 2009, 09:32 AM

    Originally Posted by Aehs01 View Post
    I let her hangout with friends that were guys and didn't mind this because I trusted her and I knew there was no past between them.


    Originally Posted by Aehs01 View Post
    She told me she was confused and had an urge to want to see other people, she was thinking that because of me telling her I didn't want her to see this ex of hers I was being controlling, as if I was going to fall into a controlling habit just as her ex was controlling with her.

    Perhaps you chose unfortunate wording here, but "letting" her hang out with friends? Are you her owner?

    Also, it sounds like your relationship has been chock full o' drama. Maybe you are into that, as some people are. If not, I would just stick to NC and try to move on, and try not to worry about how defriending her on Facebook will make HER feel. You should focus on you.
  • Sep 29, 2009, 09:49 AM

    Originally Posted by unaffected View Post
    Perhaps you chose unfortunate wording here, but "letting" her hang out with friends? Are you her owner?

    Also, it sounds like your relationship has been chock full o' drama. Maybe you are into that, as some people are. If not, I would just stick to NC and try to move on, and try not to worry about how defriending her on facebook will make HER feel. You should focus on you.

    Well for some time now I've thought about that whole drama subject, you would not imagine some of the story's I have regarding women and all the crazy stuff I've had happen when it comes to relationships.. I hate it in a lot of ways but it certainly makes everything a lot more interesting.. I've learned to walk away from situations as I've gotten older rather then let them continue to get much worse.. hence doing NC here as opposed to bugging her and making everything worse.

    I suppose that was some bad wording, she is her own person and is free to do as she pleases, hanging out with guy friends etc... it just came up as a topic with us and it's always been an issue in general to most any relationship with either me or friends. Most women I have been with never liked me hanging out around other women at all, it was just the respectful thing to do but I had no reason not to trust this girl so it honestly was never a problem... it's just a different story when it comes to someone she was with for 4 years who is desperately trying to be with her again.
  • Oct 3, 2009, 02:26 PM

    Sounds like other than recently you were good together. Just let her do what she needs to do Im sure she loves you if she risked losing you for good to protect you from her drama and mess of a life she has had before you. Ya its unfortunate that she didn't discover how much of a mess she was before you fell for her. If you need no contact than do it. But then again maybe to her she's feeling like OK this guy claims he loves me but he's just saying like you, you need a friend now but I can't be your friend so you have to get through this yourself. If you really loved her or love her I think you would be there through thick and thin for her. Cutting her off my just be pushing her away and you may find that it pushes her to confid in someone else. Are you really going to risk something like that.
    But then again this site is just so you get ideas but I think you can figure out what's best for you. Just follow your heart. Just remember NC leaves the question will he / she be there still when its done. And even if you can't be friends with her now do to emtions what makes you think that days months years will change that. If you love her there's never going to be a time that you can be just friends with her. So you need to figure out what's more important to you.
  • Oct 4, 2009, 01:14 AM
    Ok first off, I'm 24 and I'm a female.. I have an 8 yrs old daughter, so yes that means I started early and I have been in a couple of relationships over the years.. I have played games with guys heads and I'm not proud of it but now I try to open eyes to those who are being played with "Game recognizes Game" as it was once said to me. I'm going to give you my opinion from my perspective..

    First, that first girlfriend you had, I think that she really didn't want to be with you in the first place, she dated you as long as she could put up with you. You must have been doing something that was convenient for her. After your breakup she just wanted to keep you along for a reason, like you were so nice to her and like you said you were always there for her when she needed you, why not keep you around. You said you guys tried 4 or 5 times to work it out but it was a dissapointment, of course she really did not want to work it out. I don't understand, if you knew she was dating other guys and sleeping with others guys, why would you want to hang about? Obviously the person the loves you and wants to be with you will try to be with you and not want to date other people. Buts that's the past which you should have learned by now.
    Now with this second girl she is 20 and only dated one guy that she was with since she was 16. You say that they have been broken up for like 5 or 6 months when you started dating her and she ignored him most of the time. If she was truly over him and was done with the mistreating and abuse she would have had NO CONTACT what so ever with this guy, the fact that she did should have been your first sign to say "hold on why would she still want to talk to this guy? Something is not right!". The fact that he was still in the picture, even if it was every so often, what she has been so use to over the past years, what feels like that's all she knows, is going to make her feel confused about being in another relationship. Although she claims that she loves you and wants to be with you she still has ex in her life and picking up old habits means that she has been around him. The fact that she comes around saying that she misses you and loves you not only as a boyfriend but as a friend but doesn't want to get back emphasizing being confused, I see it as she is not being true to you or herself, she is playing games. She needs to stop and get that guy out of her life if she is truly done with him first. Then she needs to get back on track with her school and think about putting herself first-love herself first before she can think about dating and starting a new life with you or any guy for that matter. I think that all that NC is all a game being played back and forth. This girl sounds like she has a lot to make up for 4 yrs lost of her life. She needs to go out, meet guys, and have fun and enjoy life but before anything het her life back on track before you two can have anything.
    My advise to you is back off for a while and try to find a girl who is more around your age and try not to fall in love so fast although I think its more like lust than love what you have, maybe pity of seeing her struggling and wanting to make her life better and knowing that you can treat a girl right, you want to prove yourself. Thers a saying we spanish people have " a new broom sweeps well". If you read between the lines you'll know what I mean.

    Well I think I about covered it. Im sorry if I'm a bit harsh at the beginning with that first part but it's how I see it.
  • Oct 4, 2009, 08:19 AM

    Originally Posted by followurheart View Post
    sounds like other than recently you were good together. Just let her do what she needs to do Im sure she loves you if she risked loosing you for good to protect you from her drama and mess of a life she has had before you. Ya its unfortunate that she didnt discover how much of a mess she was before you fell for her. If you need no contact than do it. But then again maybe to her shes feeling like ok this guy claims he loves me but hes just saying like you, you need a friend now but I can't be your friend so you have to get thru this yourself. If you really loved her or love her I think you would be there thru thick and thin for her. Cutting her off my just be pushing her away and you may find that it pushes her to confid in someone else. Are you really going to risk something like that.
    But then again this site is just so you get ideas but I think you can figure out whats best for you. Just follow your heart. Just remember NC leaves the question will he / she be there still when its done. And even if you can't be friends with her now do to emtions what makes you think that days months years will change that. If you love her theres never gonna be a time that you can be just friends with her. So you need to figure out whats more important to you.

    I think this comment was right on the money, I read it and started to believe I made the wrong choice due to my situation. I've been talking with her a bit the past couple days, she had blocked me on Facebook and I think was hoping for me to stay in her life as friends through this rough time. She is with someone else now, someone who she claims is just a rebound that she is using.. apparently a guy who is going through some divorce.. I didn't want to ask details because I didn't want to think about it. I hardly slept Friday night just thinking about her being with someone else so soon. After reading your post I asked her if I had stuck around.. would she be with this new guy? And she claims probably not, she says she felt that I abandoned her.. I feel like maybe I made a mistake of trying to leave her be when she needed me the most.. she makes it very obvious she still cares quite a bit about me. I then found out shortly after me starting NC.. she got very drunk one night and slept with someone else (I don't know if it's this same guy, I didn't even ask) At this point I'm devastated but I almost feel like she needed this at the same time so she could realize how ridiculous she is being over everything.. we are not together. At this point I talked to her this morning via texts and she said she can't hear my voice over the phone because she cried for hours last night she says.. I'm not really sure what to do but nothing seems to be getting better. My thought was to give her 1 shot at redemption, she was honest with me about what happened and I know she is upset about everything that has happened.. I'm also going to tell her if she does not want to talk this through and attempt to work it out then I will most definitely need to do NC and if that happens I see the chances of us getting back together in the future pretty slim.. I guess that's how I'm feeling right now.
  • Oct 4, 2009, 08:30 AM

    Originally Posted by flaka112 View Post
    Ok first off, im 24 and im a female.. I have an 8 yrs old daughter, so yes that means i started early and i have been in a couple of relationships over the years.. i have played games with guys heads and im not proud of it but now i try to open eyes to those who are being played with "Game recognizes Game" as it was once said to me. i'm going to give you my opinion from my perspective..

    First, that first girlfriend you had, i think that she really didn't want to be with you in the first place, she dated you as long as she could put up with you. You must have been doing something that was convenient for her. After your breakup she just wanted to keep you along for a reason, like you were so nice to her and like you said you were always there for her when she needed you, why not keep you around. You said you guys tried 4 or 5 times to work it out but it was a dissapointment, of course she really did not want to work it out. I dont understand, if you knew she was dating other guys and sleeping with others guys, why would you want to hang about? Obviously the person the loves you and wants to be with you will try to be with you and not want to date other people. Buts thats the past which you should have learned by now.
    Now with this second girl she is 20 and only dated one guy that she was with since she was 16. You say that they have been broken up for like 5 or 6 mths when you started dating her and she ignored him most of the time. If she was truly over him and was done with the mistreating and abuse she would have had NO CONTACT what so ever with this guy, the fact that she did should have been your first sign to say "hold on why would she still want to talk to this guy? Something is not right!". The fact that he was still in the picture, even if it was every so often, what she has been so use to over the past years, what feels like thats all she knows, is going to make her feel confused about being in another relationship. Although she claims that she loves you and wants to be with you she still has ex in her life and picking up old habits means that she has been around him. The fact that she comes around saying that she misses you and loves you not only as a boyfriend but as a friend but doesnt want to get back emphasizing being confused, i see it as she is not being true to you or herself, she is playing games. She needs to stop and get that guy out of her life if she is truly done with him first. Then she needs to get back on track with her school and think about putting herself first-love herself first before she can think about dating and starting a new life with you or any guy for that matter. I think that all that NC is all a game being played back and forth. This girl sounds like she has a lot to make up for 4 yrs lost of her life. She needs to go out, meet guys, and have fun and enjoy life but before anything het her life back on track before you two can have anything.
    My advise to you is back off for a while and try to find a girl who is more around your age and try not to fall in love so fast although i think its more like lust than love what you have, maybe pity of seeing her struggling and wanting to make her life better and knowing that you can treat a girl right, you want to prove yourself. Thers a saying we spanish people have " a new broom sweeps well". If you read between the lines you'll know what i mean.

    Well i think i about covered it. Im sorry if im a bit harsh at the beggining with that first part but it's how i see it.

    Thanks for the reply, I'm not going to get into the firs girl as that is the past and I have most definitely learned from that experience. If you read my above post you will know where I'm at right now.. I guess this situation has just become worse. I did find out she still talks to this ex of 4 years and he seems to be over the fact of trying to be with her but he is on a roll making her feel like non stop.. apparently he told her she should go slit her wrists and she took it pretty personally. Everyone I've talked to about this says she is too young, this is for sure true. I've been with enough women to know the difference between lust and love, I do believe we had something really special going even though it was a short amount of time. I've been with many women and just felt next to nothing when it comes to how I feel about them.. some lust relationships here and there where I've learned more.

    I guess how I see this is I know if I move on I will find someone else, I feel like only recently I've falling into a 'pity' mode over everything she has had happen. I honestly just want it to go back to the way it was.. I mean she would ignore that kid for 2-3 weeks straight, he would come back into the picture when he did things such as sending me a threatening message on myspace.. they also had a mutual friend die and he had to reach out to her to tell her so the contact seemed to just happen without her wanting it to.. like he showed up at her work unannouned once. We were happy going places and enjoying each others company while together, I don't think it's impossible to have that back again.. I think most of her issues she will need to work out herself but I feel like I don't have to be out of her life for that to happen.. I guess I'll see how this week goes, if you read my above post you will see the current situation.
  • Nov 9, 2009, 09:57 AM
    Should I feel bad for telling her how I really felt after we broke up?
    To make a longer story short, I dated this girl for roughly 3 months. She was 20.. I'm 24. She to me is still growing up and learning a lot.. she decided to break up with me mostly because of not being over an ex of 4 years and not being ready to settle down and be in any type of serious relationship. She ended up failing school, drinking, doing drugs.. she was being immature.. about a month after us being broken up.. still hanging out and sleeping together I decided to implement NC to prevent myself from getting hurt more knowing she would eventually move on to someone else.. she would tell me she wondered what it was like to date other people really only being with me and one other person.

    Basically when I found out she went and slept with someone else days after me telling her I couldn't do this anymore (NC) I pretty much got angry and told her off over IM, telling her how immature she was and pointing out her flaws.. telling her how messed up it was for her to jump into a rebound with someone else.. she pretty much told me ' you' and it's now been exactly a month since we spoke.. I had looked at her Facebook a few days after her 'closing message' to me seeing that she was in a new relationship and with a new guy, went away with him to a hotel over a weekend etc etc... should I feel bad for really telling her off, telling her how I really felt?

    Might be able to understand this better if you read my other post. I created this one because I wanted to focus more on the fact that I probably made her feel like sh*t and I honestly feel bad about it. I hate doing NC but I know it's the only way to heal and the fact that she is with someone else so soon tells me that she was not for me. I can explain more if need be. Thanks
  • Nov 9, 2009, 10:19 AM

    Originally Posted by Aehs01 View Post
    I probably made her feel like sh*t and I honestly feel bad about it.

    If so, apologize. Only "mature" option left for you at this point.
  • Nov 9, 2009, 10:31 AM

    Originally Posted by Scleros View Post
    If so, apologize. Only "mature" option left for you at this point.

    Well I sent her an e-mail the morning after stating that I felt horrible about what I said and I'd never contact her again.. if I try to apologize now I'll be breaking NC and most likely I'll just end up feeling worse about everything. I guess I just wanted some opinions for the next time I end up in a situation like this.. I feel as though there was no reason to bring her down despite how horrible she was to me.
  • Nov 9, 2009, 10:34 AM
    The whole point of NC is no contact at all so you should stay away from Facebook as well. Whenever you get information about the ex it ll set you back. As for the telling off should you apologize? A short Im sorry might be in order but what s done is done and that would be yet another breach of your NC, and you might get stuck waiting for a reply that you may never receive,so more confusion.
  • Nov 9, 2009, 10:42 AM

    Originally Posted by amicon View Post
    The whole point of NC is no contact at all so you should stay away from Facebook as well. Whenever you get information about the ex it ll set you back. As for the telling off should you apologize? A short Im sorry might be in order but what s done is done and that would be yet another breach of your NC, and you might get stuck waiting for a reply that you may never receive,so more confusion.

    Yeah and that is my fear, I believe I'm at the point with her that she will most likely ignore me if I do that. She has a new guy in her life and I've most likely been written off in her mind.. I honestly think despite her telling me she never wanted to talk to me ever again.. one day even if it's a year or more from now she will come around and tell me what she did was wrong. I think she knows that now but her actions are speaking louder then her just telling me that she is sorry. Best thing I've been doing is writing in a journal to myself.. I've stuck to NC completely.. no texts, no FB, no calls.. nothing. I have no idea what she is doing right now.
  • Nov 9, 2009, 10:54 AM
    Then you re doing it by the book-stay that way-you ll heal with time.
    And whatever she s doing or has done-right or wrong, won't matter.
  • Nov 9, 2009, 11:07 AM

    Originally Posted by amicon View Post
    Then you re doing it by the book-stay that way-you ll heal with time.
    And whatever she s doing or has done-right or wrong, wont matter.

    This is the 2nd time I'll be going through this, the first time I did NC it literally took me 2 years to fully implement it with the girl I first fell in love with.. I'm finding it difficult this time around but I do know it will get better.. time is the only thing I know that will help.

    The girl I first fell in love with I'm completely over now and we can actually speak like normal human beings without anger or issues.. feels much better then always being hurt over her actions.. now I just don't care what she does.
  • Nov 9, 2009, 12:16 PM
    NCs tough but you know it works and I don't think it'll take two years this time. And yes once we re completely over them it should be possible to speak to them again as we no longer care what they re doing.

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