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  • Aug 11, 2009, 09:16 AM
    What would you think if your ex has been like this since dumping you 18 months on
    we split up nearly 18 months ago after being together for over 2 years and being engaged.

    we split as he dumped me and he wanted space didn't know what he wanted his head wasn't clear - he lost about 3 stone in weight and every time I saw him he broke down in tears. We didn't keep in touch (I gave him the space he asked for) and just saw him randomly in the high street

    3 months after the split I saw him outside his work and he straight away broke down telling me he still thinks of me everyday and he honestly thought I was the one. He then wanted to try again and I said we will meet up and talk not here in the week, he said OK ill text u. two days later I got a text saying I can't get back into a relationship my heads not clear don't want to put u through what I have done already. Hope u understand.

    9 months ago (8 months after we split) I saw him in the pub and he told me I bumped into him and He told me he still thinks of me everyday, still has everything I have given him, has photos on his camera that he hasn’t got developed yet, any car the same as mine he looks for me, any small blonde he thinks its me, any song, still thinks of me when what would have been our wedding song is played, he still thinks of me calling Charlie when he sees on the same (charlie is a dog ) he still has all my phone numbers, asked me if I still nicked all the bed covers and said I was like sleeping beauty - he kept saying its all good all good and I'm not lying afterwards. And at the time I thought it was for the best.and its normal to b like this.

    I saw him In December in the high street with my mum 2 months on from him saying all this and he got all emotional with me, hugged me tight and kissed me on the cheek as he left me

    February he spoke to my male friend , told him I just had a operation he shook his head and his eyes watered. My ex told him this is the hardest thing he has ever done and that I am an amazing girl.

    Saw him getting into his car in March and he stood and watched me driving up the road , I hooted him and he waved as I passed he then was watching me as I drove past ( I would have stopped but had cars behind me)

    Just recently( beg july) I have seen him drive pass my road after work (never comes down the road) even thou he doesn't need to come this way , the novelty boxing gloves I bought him when we were together is in the new car, as well as a tax disc holder I bought him. He drove past me whilst I was parked up I hooted my horn he stuck his hand out the window gave me a big wave and hooted his horn. The following day I saw him driving behind me in the distance no cars between us I stuck my hand out the window and he sped up to catch me up he hooted then I hooted he hooted again I went down my road and he continued his journey I text him to say like the new motor ;-) and within minutes I got a reply -(which I was surprised at) all it said is, yeah its OK thanks. Still a old one thou. Hope your well.

    I haven't had a proper conversation with his since last October 8 months after being apart. We are now apart 18 months and only seen his actions , I am confused.

    what do you think?
  • Aug 11, 2009, 10:05 AM

    Curious as to why you care so much about his actions and why you still involve yourself in his life... this is doing nothing but adding to your confusion.
  • Aug 11, 2009, 10:09 AM

    I was about to say what KC already mentioned. Astonishing detail when it comes to documenting his every move, when and where these events took place.

    I'd say the 18 months would have been better spent focusing on anything BUT what he is doing, same goes for him.

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