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  • Jul 29, 2007, 05:36 PM
    Is my boyfriend using me for sex
    I have been with my boyfriend for a year and 2 months now & at first I didn't think that things could get any better. But now I just feel like I don't want to be with him anymore. He is constantly mean and when I'm around he never makes me feel loved. Its like I'm invisible. The only time he wants to touch me is during sex. Or when he feels horny. Half the time he acts like he doesn't even want to kiss me. I feel so hurt because I know he loves me he spoils me to death money is never a factor. But I'm not feeling a lot of love emotionally. Half the time when I cry he ignores me. I don't understand it. SEX is the only time I feel like he cares. There are so many men that want to be with me and I keep turning them down because I'm in love. My boyfriend gets mad because I get a lot of attention from boys so he doesn't like me to wear skirts or shorts... lets just say my butt isn't the normal size... so he hates tight jeans and all of that. I want to move on but I'm so attatched to him I don't know what to do.
  • Jul 29, 2007, 05:40 PM
    I don't know what else we can tell you here Darling. This guy is bad news. I want you to listen to what we are all telling you: THIS GUY IS NO GOOD.

    You seem like a sweet, darling girl who wants to be love and cared for. Dolly you deserve that more then you give yourself credit for. Please get rid of this guy who treats you so badly. Your boyfriend should not make you feel sad more then happy, simply as that. If you spend more time crying, unhappy and feeling bad about yourself then feeling happy and good about you its not a good relationship.

    A GOOD man makes you feel good about who you are and treats you wonderfully and makes you feel loved.

    I don't know how much more we can help you here sweetheart. You need to start helping you too.
  • Jul 29, 2007, 05:45 PM
    BAD NEWS IS RIGHT... leave him alone I bet one of the guys u turned down would be a wonderful match for u. The minute u find that a guy only wants to be sexual with u is the minute u leave him alone.
  • Jul 29, 2007, 05:51 PM
    I also want to say that I don't think you are really in love with him. I think that you are infatuated with him. If you really sat down and thought about it I think you would find that you are not really all that in love with him.
  • Jul 29, 2007, 06:00 PM
    It sounds like both of you have trouble communicating. How can he know what your issues are if you don't voice them in a calm demeanor. If a girl is crying all the time we are just going to ignore her because it comes off as though she just wants attention. He also needs to do some opening up but you have to tell him what you want and you have to do it calmly.

    That being said, he has issues with his jealousy and control. If he can't get those straightened out then he isn't a good person to be around. If he has to tell you what to wear then you have no freedom and that issue also needs to be addressed.

    Over all I think you should give it a break for a few months then see where you both are at.
  • Jul 29, 2007, 06:10 PM

    Originally Posted by Donnica
    I have been with my boyfriend for a year and 2 months now & at first i didnt think that things could get any better. but now i just feel like i dont want to be with him anymore. He is constantly mean and when im around he never makes me feel loved. Its like im invisible. The only time he wants to touch me is during sex. Or when he feels horny. Half the time he acts like he doesnt even want to kiss me. I feel so hurt because I know he loves me he spoils me to death money is never a factor. but im not feeling alot of love emotionally. Half the time when i cry he ignores me. I dont understand it. SEX is the only time i feel like he cares. There are so many men that want to be with me and i keep turning them down because im in love. My boyfriend gets mad because i get alot of attention from boys so he doesnt like me to wear skirts or shorts...lets just say my butt isnt the normal he hates tight jeans and all of that. i want to move on but im so attatched to him i dont know what to do.

    You should ignore him as he ignores you. Try talking to someone else. If he does not care for you, move on. It will be hard but you must do it. Think about yourself. Do you want to be happy or continue being miserable? I am sure you deserve better.
  • Jul 29, 2007, 06:20 PM
    He does not love you.
    He does love having sex with you.

    If that does not work for you, then get away...
    Even if you are on birth control (which I pray you are) an unwanted pregnancy
    Or living with a man that does not love you is a prescription for losing years
    Of your life you now still have a chance to save and control.
  • Jul 30, 2007, 12:05 AM
    Hun, I think you know the answer. I bet you're just scared that without him, you have no one. But with him, you have no one! You need to drop him last months Mary Jane Shoes(that's teen talk for: dump his !) and find someone who will love and care for you as much as you want!
  • Jul 30, 2007, 08:24 AM
    If you don't feel loved then you shouldn't be with him. He sounds like a controlling jerk if you ask me. No man in there right mind should ever tell you what you can and can not wear. Money isn't everything, money can't buy you happness. You deserve someone that is going to make you happy completely not just in the bed room. That's not fair to you. You deresve so much more. Tell him that he needs to start thinking about you entirly not just his penis. I wouldn't give it to him until he startes treating you better. And if you want to wear skirts, and shorts, then that is your business. If he can't trust you, you shouldn't be with him. You need to love yourself and tell yourself that you deserve the best!
  • Jul 30, 2007, 11:34 PM
    Hell yeah! I been there done that. He has no respect for you and you do not deserve that. It's abuse!! You may say that you love him but you also have said that that you don't want to be with him. You can love someone but not in the same way you used to or not in "that way". Once you get to that point it's over b/f g/f. You better get your sh** and get your a** out the door. He thinks he has the right to control you. You can't ware that? That makes your butt look funny? What the F*** ever!! The guy should want others to see what a hot partner he has got. He is abusing you! Your a** on demand not a girlfriend. In a relationship all physical and emotional demands are met by both people because you both care no matter what the issue is. Both desire to be together all the time and both people openly show the desire to be together. Even my rents act like there freshly in love and they have been together for 30 years!! Now that is a real relationship! Unfortunately it takes time to find that special one. Don't stop for the first guy who makes you warm all over and full of butterflies.
    I know that you feel comforted the fact that you feel financially stable but he is using that to his advantage and he knows it. Believe ME!! Another "abuse" hint. Don't your current relationship behaviors lightly. Your relationship will stay this way as long as you are together and when you finally decide to stand up for yourself you may fall victim to a physical slap to the face (if he hasn't done I to you already).
    I know it's hard. You'll feel heart broken for a while and you will always have feelings for him after and even when you get into a new relationship. Everyone I know including myself have feelings for our ex's. It's natural. Just keep them ex's... they're ex's for a reason!
    If you have others wanting to be with why not give it a try? You'll find another, one who will love everything about you and bet you he'll be a hell of a lot better than what you got. This is one minor hurdle in your life and to get over and past it will make you a stronger and better person!

    Hope it helped! Stay confident and strong... do it and stick to it!
  • Jul 30, 2007, 11:41 PM
    Yes, he probably is... I would dump him right now ;)
  • Jul 31, 2007, 12:50 PM
    OK, but you really should dump him! But, is he violent at all? If he is, id dump him and tell the cops he threatened you if he did at all. My best friends went through the same thing. He did threten her, she almost was murdered!
  • Jul 31, 2007, 04:22 PM
    I say let him go girl! There's a guy out there who will love you, shower you with money, enjoy your company and treat you like a queen. Don't settle for halfway love ( or lust)...

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