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  • Sep 7, 2006, 02:05 PM
    Never Been Kissed...
    I'm 17 and believe it or not I have never been kissed. I haven't even been in a relationship. I have never had a boyfriend. It's really depressing because all of my friends are always talking about their boyfriends. I think that I'm attractive. I know that it is partly my fault because it is really hard for me to open up to people. Besides that I would like to know is there something wrong with me? I don't have a lot of friends and I don't know where I can meet a nice guy. Can you give me some advice about how to act around boys and things to say to them?
  • Sep 7, 2006, 09:11 PM
    Watch other girls that seem to have lots of friends, listen to what they say to other people, watch how they act and how they dress. If you approve of the things that they do then maybe you could adapt some of those things. I would bet that the friends that you have are the kids that were friendly to you. So you do the same thing be nice to others. Join one of the clubs in school that puts in with groups. When I was in High School, a long time ago, I was on the debate team and I made many friends and still have some of them. Good Luck
  • Sep 8, 2006, 12:29 AM
    It is perfectly natural that you have never been kissed, or have not been a relationship. When one of those boyfreind bragging girls winds up pregnant then you can laugh to yourself self and think man glad that's not me. Or, perhaps your standards are set too high.
    Are you holding outfor a perfect one? No one is perfect.
    BE friendly, approachable, a lot of nice guys go to youth groups, try going to a church youth group. That is where I meet lots of my friends. Try not to worry so much, I know its hard not having a boyfreind, "be above the influence" use this single time to buckle down in school, do well. When you are out of high school go to college, boyfreinds in high school were nice but the broken heart is worse than being single. Try asking someone out on a date, be nice friendly apprachable...
    Be your own person, but understand there is a special meshing that goes along with it all. I didn't have a lot of friends in hiighschool but the ones I had were amazing.
    Take up "male hobby" where you meet a lot of guys... video games, sports, etc. if it really doesn't interest you after trying it, don't continue but give them a shot, maybe ask a guy for a casual date of video game playing. Or a casual date of playing tag foot bal with some friends?
    Ask a guy if he has seen such and such movies and if he will want to see it that you are going yadda ydda just don't have sex. Please do not fall for that line of everyone is doing it puffy guff you are too young to be having kids kido.
  • Sep 8, 2006, 12:40 PM
    I think your already on the right track and if your patient the right guys will come along. Read some of the threads in the relationship section and see how there is an upside and a down side to having a boyfriend. No need to rush into anything you have a lot of time.
  • Sep 10, 2006, 09:12 AM
    I was 17 or 18 when I had my first kiss. The funny thing was I always compared myself to my friend who would always tell me about all the girls he was sleeping with. It would make me so depressed and then I flat out caught him lying about sleeping with a girl from the previous Saturday. She was a mutual friend of ours and she was hanging out with me on that Saturday. I started to question some of the other girls he said he slept with and they all said that it never happened. My point is when you're a teenager people tend to exaggerate what they've done with other people. I'd bet a year's salary that your friends are exaggerated what they've done or how far they've gone with guys. Furthermore, I'm 29 and I don't find another woman who is 29 with a 12 or 13 year old kid very attractive. I pretty much just think of her as a waste of my time. Believe me there are advantages you can't even imagine or think of or that you think are even relevant at your age to not getting involved with guys.
  • Sep 12, 2006, 03:37 AM

    Originally Posted by thatgirl
    I'm 17 and believe it or not i have never been kissed. i haven't even been in a relationship. i have never had a boyfriend. it's really depressing because all of my friends are always talking about their boyfriends. i think that im attractive. i know that it is partly my fault because it is really hard for me to open up to people. besides that i would like to know is there something wrong with me? i dont have a lot of friends and i dont know where i can meet a nice guy. can you give me some advice about how to act around boys and things to say to them?

    I was kissed the first time when I was 17, your age, and all my friends had boyfriends and some of them were having sex already.
    There is absolutley nothing wrong with you, and don't do things just so you can compare with your friends. Do things for you.

    In front of boys act yourself. Boys don't like fake girls ;) Unless they only want 1 thing which we know what it is
  • Sep 13, 2006, 11:47 AM
    Thanks for the advice guys.
    I'm going 2 try it out
  • Oct 13, 2006, 11:30 AM

    Originally Posted by thatgirl
    I'm 17 and believe it or not i have never been kissed. i haven't even been in a relationship. i have never had a boyfriend. it's really depressing because all of my friends are always talking about their boyfriends. i think that im attractive. i know that it is partly my fault because it is really hard for me to open up to people. besides that i would like to know is there something wrong with me? i dont have a lot of friends and i dont know where i can meet a nice guy. can you give me some advice about how to act around boys and things to say to them?

    I think its good that you have been able to last this long so that way when you get kissed it will mean so mure to you...

    Your first kiss is not just a kiss
    It will be a moment in your life where time will stand still...
  • Oct 13, 2006, 11:53 AM
    I think it is sweet that you have not gotten your first kiss. That means that you'll be able to appreciate it when it does happen! I suggest that you join something where there are other kids your age (not necessarily at school - because at 17 you don't have that much longer anyway!) Keep in mind that life does go on after high school!

    I met most of my boyfriends growing up at my very first job. I worked at a video store & I HAD to go up & talk with people. (I especially enjoyed talking with the cute guys!). It gave me confidence - I would take extra attention on my looks (like fixing my hair & makeup & wearing nice clothes). And it wasn't long before the boys really started noticing me.
    So - you need a plan!
    1. Start taking care of yourself (if you aren't already) - like eating right & drinking lots of water
    2. Get a job where there are other young people around
    3. After you start earning your own money - go get a manicure or pedicure (something that makes you feel pretty)
    3. Enroll in college (even if it's just a community college) - remember it won't be long till you graduate
    4. Maybe even get involved with a church that has young people (it's always good to do that!)
    5. Be Yourself!
    6. Be Proud of Your Innocence - a nice guy will truly appreciate it!

    I promise that once you stop thinking about boys - they WILL start to notice you! And as far as what to say or act - please just be yourself. You want to attract someone that has the same likes & morals as you do. I bet you will have this particular milestone in your life, in your past before the year is up!

    Good Luck - & Have Fun Being Young!
  • Aug 11, 2009, 11:46 PM
    I'm 17 and also have never been kissed! I feel like I'm the only one, all my friends are already having sex with their boyfriends, but I'm glad to hear it's normal, I think it will be worth it when the perfect guy finally comes around

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