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  • Jul 14, 2012, 12:42 AM
    Do I end my bad relationship and wait for my ex girlfriend and see how her relationship goes?
    Well I and my now ex girlfriend were in a long distance relationship, and she had told me a little after we were dating she was a cheater. But I didn't give much thought about it. A little while later she tells me she cheated on me and had sex with a guy. Even though she did hurt me, I still wanted to date her.

    Then we got into an argument and we broke up. It’s been almost 8 months since we broke up and we became best friends and we still have feelings for each other and would like to get back together. But she just recently got a boyfriend and I was already in a relationship. And just last night she had sex with her boyfriend and is now pregnant and is engaged to him. I flipped out when she told me and I told her my feelings for her and said I wanted another chance with her.

    Well my relationship isn't the best and I told her that if I had broken up with my girlfriend and if things didn't work out with her boyfriend if we could get back together. I don't know if I should break up with my girlfriend and wait for my ex girlfriend to become available and get back with her. She knows I want to be with her and everything and we had talked before that she saw a relationship with me in the future. I mean I want to be with my girlfriend and all but the relationship ain't the best and I feel like my ex girlfriend has changed and will over all make for a good relationship.

    So should I see how my relationship goes and if I do break up with my girlfriend should I wait and see how my ex girlfriend relationship goes?

    She did say that if I did break up with my girlfriend and that things didn’t work out with her boyfriend she would consider getting back with me.
  • Jul 14, 2012, 12:56 AM
    Leave any bad relationship period. Theirs 8 billion people in the world theirs always someone better. So don't wait hoping your ex's happiness will end just because you want to be with her move on for now.
  • Jul 14, 2012, 01:58 AM
    Well I want to end my relationship I'm not trying to rush into a relationship with her ill let her be and if she does break up with her boyfriend OK. I don't want to be just waiting for her but I don't want to get in a relationship and miss out on a relationship with my ex do you get what I'm trying to say here
  • Jul 14, 2012, 03:29 AM
    Your first mistake is actually wanting to get back with an ex. If you're unhappy with your current relationship fine, end it, but getting back with an ex is stupid. I always describe it as, buying the same crappy chocolate bar twice, hoping it's going to taste better the second time. There's a reason ex's are ex's leave it that way and if you keep in touch with them and hope they come back to you, then the relationships you have for the rest of your life will be ruined.
  • Jul 14, 2012, 04:11 AM
    OK I get what you mean but how will getting back with my ex mess up every other relationship OK yes she did something wrong but after we broke up she realized she did something wrong and she waned to get back with me but I was with someone and now I see a chance to break up wth my girlfriend and see how her relationship goes and see if we have a chance of dating again. Her and I both have strong feelings for each other and we both want to get back together then I don't see what the big deal is
  • Jul 14, 2012, 04:38 AM
    You need to end the one you are in, but you never 1` wait on someone else who is in a relationship. 2. go back to a ex who hurt you and cheated on you.

    You sound like you did not get over ex, and I assume you follow her on face book or still talk with her, stop it, break all contact and move on.
  • Jul 14, 2012, 05:04 AM

    Originally Posted by preston95 View Post
    ok i get what u mean but how will getting back with my ex mess up every other relationship ok yes she did something wrong but after we broke up she realized she did something wrong and she waned to get back with me but i was with someone and now i see a chance to break up wth my gf and see how her relationship goes and see if we have a chance of dating again. her and i both have strong feelings for each other and we both want to get back together then i dont see wat the big deal is

    If you're not over an ex, it ruins your relationships in the future. Period. It does, you talk to them, think about them, wonder if they'd get back together and think about what could be fixed. It robs the love you need to give in a healthy relationship.

    Of course she's going to realize what she did wrong, she lost you because of it. You know the saying, "don't know what you've got until it's gone" it applies. That doesn't mean that the problem is going to get fixed. You can go get back together with her, but the problems are just going to arise again once you both start to become comfortable with one another.

    In the end, the choices are yours. Getting back with an ex may seem like a good idea, but in reality it's just a waste of time. When a relationship doesn't work out, it should be a lesson learned, not another opportunity.
  • Jul 14, 2012, 12:07 PM
    Well does anyone have something similar like this happen to them
  • Jul 14, 2012, 05:48 PM

    Originally Posted by preston95 View Post
    well does anyone have something similar like this happen to them

    No, because most of the people that are answering your question are rational and wouldn't get back with an ex.
  • Jul 14, 2012, 06:54 PM
    Not to be mean but then this doesn't apply to them then I'm talking to the people who have done something similar to me
  • Jul 15, 2012, 05:47 AM
    Good luck,

    No rational person should get back with an ex. If you want to go ahead, but have fun going right into the same mess and same routine as last time and making the same mistakes.
  • Jul 15, 2012, 01:24 PM
    OK I never did anything to break up the relationship it was her and she said she changed so I trust her and I want to give her another chance
  • Jul 15, 2012, 05:57 PM

    Originally Posted by preston95 View Post
    ok i never did anything to break up the relationship it was her and she said she changed so i trust her and i wanna give her another chance

    You just answered your own question. Go ahead, give her another chance, but people don't change very easily, even for other people. If you have to learn the hard way, that's up to you I guess.
  • Jul 15, 2012, 06:04 PM
    Well she said she changed so I believe her if she didn't well that's my fault for getting back with her and thinking it would work out
  • Jul 15, 2012, 10:27 PM
    I suppose if you are not worried about falling on your face, or being wrong about her changing,and being cheated on again, then its your risk to take.

    Just please don't hold your breath waiting on this cheater, who is talking to you while cheating on her ex, and baby daddy. Hmm, to be fair, you are a cheater too, since you are with someone but trying to get some one else.

    Two lying cheaters seldom make a good relationship, but who knows?? Takes a big fool to believe a liar I think. Harsh I know, but I bet its accurate.
  • Jul 16, 2012, 06:13 AM
    Well I have had 4 gf's already including my now ex girlfriend as of today and I still have feelings for my ex girlfriend I'm talking about. I took a risk dating her knowing she was a cheater but I truly believe she has changed even though I don't like that she has gotten engaged and pregnant in a very short period. I'm her best friend ill be here for her even though I don't think what she did was good and we have been talking about getting back together before she got with her current boyfriend but I was in relationship at the time and she said she would consider dating me if we are both single and I think its worth waiting for her. I also know that some people out there have an ex bf/gf they haven't gotten over so I'm not the only one. At least she told me she had cheated on me and didn't just wait for me to find out later on so I do give her that. If you met her and you were me and this happened to you I bet you u would do exactly as I am doing. She thinks I'm a perfect boyfriend and have everything she wants in a boyfriend and she has everything I would want in a girlfriend.only thing I never got was our relationship was going great I don't know why she cheated on me.idk what it is about her but there's something different about her that every girl I have dated hasent had that's another reason I want to be with her. I know you are saying what is this guy doing wanting to get with his ex but to be honest I think its OK. Ill keep you updated on what happenes. We both still had feelings for each other when we broke up so I told her I still wanted to be friends with her and she said yes. I think our friendship has gotten me and her closer.there was never anything wrong with the relationship its just that cheated on me she did hurt me but I still wanted to be with her as lond as she can stay committed to me and change her ways I think we will have a great and lasting relationship
  • Jul 16, 2012, 07:07 AM

    Originally Posted by preston95 View Post
    well i have had 4 gf's already including my now ex gf as of today and i still have feelings for my ex gf im talking about. i took a risk dating her knowing she was a cheater but i truly believe she has changed even though i dont like that she has gotten engaged and pregnant in a very short period of time. im her best friend ill be here for her even though i dont think wat she did was good and we have been talking about getting back together before she got with her current bf but i was in relationship at the time and she said she would consider dating me if we are both single and i think its worth waiting for her. i also know that some people out there have an ex bf/gf they havent gotten over so im not the only one. at least she told me she had cheated on me and didnt just wait for me to find out later on so i do give her that. if u met her and u were me and this happened to u i bet u u would do exactly as i am doing. she thinks im a perfect bf and have everything she wants in a bf and she has everything i would want in a gf.only thing i never got was our relationship was going great idk why she cheated on me.idk wat it is about her but there's something different about her that every girl i have dated hasent had thats another reason i want to be with her. i know yall are saying wat is this guy doing wanting to get with his ex but to be honest i think its ok. ill keep yall updated on wat happenes. we both still had feelings for each other when we broke up so i told her i still wanted to be friends with her and she said yes. i think our friendship has gotten me and her closer.there was never anything wrong with the relationship its just that cheated on me she did hurt me but i still wanted to be with her as lond as she can stay comitted to me and change her ways i think we will have a great and lasting relationship

    Then what are you doing here? Why did you ask the question already knowing the answer yourself? Did you come here seeking reassurance of what you wanted to do? If that's the case, you aren't getting it, because it's not a good idea to get back with an ex, period, that's why they are an ex in the first place.

    If you aren't seeing that, then this entire thead hasgone and is going nowhere.
  • Jul 16, 2012, 07:18 AM
    So its okay to cheat as long as she tells you about it? Come on guy, you both are cheating on others NOW! How is that okay? Have you told your girlnow you want the ex back? If not,that's lying and cheating!

    How long will you wait for her current thing to fall apart,and you get a second chance?
  • Jul 16, 2012, 11:39 AM
    Its not OK to cheat at all and me and my girlfriend broke up the relationship wasent doing good and I didn't want to be in it
  • Jul 16, 2012, 01:21 PM
    Then leave her alone until she does the same, and stop helping HER cheat on baby daddy. Make sense?
  • Jul 16, 2012, 02:18 PM
    Yea but if she breaks up with him and we do get back together would her ex boyfriend still be the dad or what
  • Jul 16, 2012, 02:28 PM
    The baby daddy will have full rights and be in her life until the baby grows up, and leaves.
  • Jul 16, 2012, 02:39 PM
    That's what I thought one thing how would the dad have a involvement I'm her life and not mess up our relationship would we have to talk about all that
  • Jul 16, 2012, 02:55 PM
    Save your speculation for after her child is born, and for now carry on with building a life that makes you happy without her.
  • Jul 16, 2012, 03:05 PM
  • Sep 6, 2012, 09:58 PM

    Originally Posted by preston95 View Post
    well does anyone have something similar like this happen to them

    OK mr. well letme say you are so sweet iwould love having guys lyk you around no doubt but bby boy please this isn't the girl who's a forever she's worth so much to you and ibet only u. but honestly don't ruin your life with sumone who most likely will your blinded and its sad if she looks gewd well honey looks are jusst moment in people life but I assure you there's beautiful people around even more and its inside and out ehich is amazing huns.. yea I have sumttin similar but nut relly but something
  • Sep 6, 2012, 10:26 PM
    I also cheated on my husband and I would like to go to live with my lover but if my relationship does not work out then I absolutely want to come back to my husband also does not want me to come back if I leave him to go to the other.your girl friend has her baby on the way so chance for her to come back are small.better move forward either she come back or not.

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