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  • Jul 6, 2007, 09:46 PM
    You kind of sound like the older future version of me except I'm italian and white. Lol but honestly if there is such a thing as "soulmates" or my fave saying "star crossed lovers" then he will come to you. I have never had a boyfriend either and I am almost 15 in a few days. I think I will be single forever, because the guys I like are too popular for me I don't know what to do so I have my own problems lol I love celebs like zac efron so I want a guy like that but everybody I like is so out of my league I mean I'm not ugly or fat but I don't know I'm just shy and a good girl like u. so us good girls need to stick together. Haha one day your prince will come trust me!
  • Jul 6, 2007, 10:31 PM

    Originally Posted by AandZ4ever
    You kinda sound like the older future version of me except im italian and white. lol but honestly if there is such a thing as "soulmates" or my fave saying "star crossed lovers" then he will come to you. i have never had a bf either and i am almost 15 in a few days. i think i will be single forever, because the guys i like are too popular for me i dont kno what to do so i have my own problems lol i love celebs like zac efron so i want a guy like that but everybody i like is so out of my league i mean im not ugly or fat but i dont kno im just shy and a good gurl like u. so us good gurls need to stick together. haha one day ur prince will come trust me!

    Lately I've noticed this trend in your posts... you seem to think that because you're 15 and you've never had a boyfriend, you're doomed to grow old alone and live with a bunch of cats. Not that there's anything wrong with that... cats make nice pets.

    You're FIFTEEN. You're a friggin' child still! There's just soooooooooooooooooo much time ahead that you really shouldn't think about this right now. A guy will come along... hell, LOTS of guys will come along. Just give it some more time.
  • Jul 6, 2007, 11:53 PM
    Yeah, but you also have to realize our days are numberd, our lives can end at any moment, LIVE EVERDAY AS IF IT WERE YOUR LAST, plus Gods coming soon, so be ready.
  • Jul 7, 2007, 07:14 AM

    Originally Posted by JonLR92
    yeah, but you also have to realize our days are numberd, our lives can end at any moment, LIVE EVERDAY AS IF IT WERE YOUR LAST, plus Gods coming soon, so be ready.

    ... :rolleyes: It doesn't mean we should date as kids, get married as soon as possible, have a family at 15, just to make sure that we did it all before everything ends. Absolutely not! It's just ridiculous.
  • Jul 7, 2007, 03:28 PM
    I know I know, but when you look back at your life you shouldn't be like dam I should have done this or that, you want to be like I took care of this and that, no regrets, nothing left unsaid, you know what I'm saying
  • Jul 7, 2007, 03:34 PM
    Well, if your so wonderful, doesn't that mean that it should take longer, because an equally wonderful guy is meant for you? And they are in shorter supply maybe?
    No need to worry about it peoples, there's someone out there meant for you, and you will find them. You can't not find them, its fate, its love. Just be patient. They will come at the right time, the right place, the right person.
    Remember, each one that turns you down, is like when your tossing the little fish back into the ocean, so you can wait for the big fish to come along. So each heartbreak, each rejection, is just narrowing it down for you.
  • Jul 7, 2007, 07:45 PM
    Keep it simple, work at what you enjoy and have a great time with your life until someone comes to share it with you. Then when the kids are gone, and the grands are sleep you hug your partner and your very happy with what you've done, and still have just enough left to have a good time, when the grands go home.
  • Jul 7, 2007, 09:31 PM
    I know but I am worried because I can have many regrets if I don't do certain things like I haven't been to a dance at my high school either I don't know
  • Jul 17, 2007, 08:55 AM
    R must be surrounded by nerds that don't know how to get a chick!:D
    Don't worry someone will be coming to the Princess!
  • Jul 21, 2007, 01:21 PM

    Originally Posted by jasonpeace
    R must be surrounded by nerds that don't know how to get a chick!:D
    Don't worry someone will be coming to the Princess!

    :D I have nothing against nerds, they are cool people, try hard to be socialized, I'd like to find them some nice girls.
    Lately couple guys contacted me, a good sign;) I have learned to take things easy and don't scare guys away now, thank you "askmehelpdesk".:)
  • Jul 22, 2007, 06:12 AM
    Your personal message inbox is full. You need to delete something to free up some space.
  • Feb 4, 2008, 03:36 PM
    It's hard to imagine what you could be doing right or wrong without sort of listening to the conversation or watching your body language. I would suggest picking up a couple of those books on dating 101. Men love a challenge too. Don't give them too much of you too soon. They really don't have to know your feelings about pre-marital sex or marriage on the first date. Enjoy casual conversation and keep it really light. The sexiest woman to a man is the one who's relaxed and not overly concerned with him being 'the one'. Do you have a gym or club or someplace you enjoy all by yourself. You might meet someone great there who has a lot in common with you . Don't look for him. Be willing to have some great male friends (they often stick around without pushing for sex or a relationship for up to 6 months - sometimes longer). Mr. Right will show up.
    Good Luck!

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