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  • Nov 17, 2011, 07:45 AM
    She met someone else she wants to see and can't while she is still involved with you
  • Nov 25, 2011, 11:18 AM
    Please help me understand better the situation I'm in...
    Hey everyone, here's some background info on my situation.
    If you don't want to read it that's cool but I would really appreciate some insight.
    Apologies for it being long.

    A lot has happened since March 2011 when me and my ex of 3 yrs broke up. For the last 4 months there has been on and off contact, mostly initiated by her through emails and fb. Last month I had sent her a message basically telling her to go away, we're not together anymore and she replied saying 'don't worry I won't waste my time on you anymore'.

    I heard nothing until a few days ago where she had messaged me saying 'I still love you'. This was the first I've ever heard her say this since we broke up. I asked to talk on the phone, she agreed but wanted a few days as she was very nervous, had a lot going on and needed to figure out what she wanted to tell me apart from that she misses me.

    I called her Saturday evening and we had about an hour long conversation, we reminisced a lot and she told me her feelings and I told her mine. She still loves me, misses me and us and wanted me back but was confused about 1 thing. That was she was scared that things may go back to their old ways. I told her I still loved her, wanted her back if she could make her mind up on the phone. She asked me to wait for her to make a final decision but I said no, I'm not waiting any longer (I mean she's had long enough already, nearly 8 months).

    Eventually we both agreed not to give it a go, she said I was harsh, I could tell she was hurt. She then said she won't text me or message me again and that we should no longer talk. I said OK best of luck, take care etc. She then asked me why I kept her number, I told her why and she said she had deleted mine. I don't know where that came from, was she hurt that's why she had to say something like that?

    Anyway the very next morning, I receive a text from her asking a final question. She wanted to know if I still had pictures of us together or if I had deleted them because she wanted them. I replied and said I would send her what I have on Monday. She then replied and said thank you ps you will always be the love of my life. I didn't respond to that but I sent her the pics and she replied to that and said she has those pictures already and do I not have anymore. Obviously I would have sent them if I did so I haven't bothered replying and I've heard nothing since yesterday.

    I just want to know what do you think she's doing? What's with wanting the pictures and telling me I'm the love of her life?
  • Nov 25, 2011, 12:07 PM
    Homegirl 50
    Maybe she is feeling a bit lonely and reminiscing. Either way, you did right.
    Leave her alone.
  • Nov 25, 2011, 04:42 PM
    This effort to get attention should best be ignored, because she has had enough time to figure things out for herself.

    Whatever events triggered her contact, its her problem, not yours.
  • Dec 2, 2011, 01:53 AM
    Why are you still curious on why she did what she did? Who will know for sure why? You don't even do an NC or try to ignore whatever messages you get from her. You said yourself you don't want to get her back. Then what's the point of caring about why she did what she did. You should just move on, ignore her, and live your life happily.
  • Dec 24, 2011, 12:18 AM
    Walk out of the house tomorrow like a mover and shaker. I understand the want to help idea and the pain but sometimes when you read these threads well... should I block or unblock on FB? What could that email have meant? Many evaluations of he said she said. It's a breakup not the end of the world. Movers and shakers don't spend hours and hours wondering why they got blocked on FB. Get out there and make things happen. And they don't spend hours and hours answering the same questions with “expert” advice that has only been qualified as expert by themselves. What would Apple or Microsoft look like today if Jobs and Gates spent their days on here deciphering what a blocked FB action really meant. Get out there and do something... all of you.

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