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  • Aug 26, 2010, 07:46 PM

    Read your 2nd post yourself, and see that it's a rerun of the first, without the sex scenes.
  • Aug 26, 2010, 11:17 PM

    Yeah, you are still waiting to see what she decides about the guy she's sleeping with tonight.

    For your next move.

    Got to go back to my OG, yo. Sorry.

    You targeted & seduced a young girl. Wanted her since she was 17.

    Now on a mission to still control. Power to get off on. Good sex, huh?

    Should we call the stalking police? Alert all the women? Or should I say girls?

    Let them know about you?

    Or better yet, let her come to her senses. Sounds like you are perfect. Ask your Dad.
  • Aug 27, 2010, 09:26 AM

    Originally Posted by vanheart View Post
    Yeah, you are still waiting to see what she decides about the guy shes sleeping with tonight.

    For your next move.

    Gotta go back to my OG, yo. Sorry.

    You targeted & seduced a young girl. Wanted her since she was 17.

    Now on a mission to still control. Power to get off on. Good sex, huh?

    Should we call the stalking police? Alert all the women? Or should I say girls?

    Let them know about you?

    Or better yet, let her come to her senses. Sounds like you are perfect. Ask your Dad.

    Ha wow, that was pretty lame. I had respect for a lot of the advice on here until this. I never once looked at her in any malicious way when she came to this country. After 2 years, I barely saw or even spoke to her. The one time I was forced to live in my father's house (she was 19 at the time) was because I was changing apartments. She & I had a few nice long conversations & went out a few times. Never got physical until after I moved out & we realized we had feelings. I can't believe I'm even explaining myself to someone who had to get "OG" on me. Don't worry guys & gals, I will not be on here after this no matter what the outcome is. There is no "i told you so" because as I said, I WILL move on. Trust me, I know my potential. I have feelings for this girl so its going to be a process just like it was for all of you.

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