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  • May 27, 2011, 06:38 AM
    Homegirl 50

    How old are you?
    If you trust your girl friend, the fact that another guy finds her attractive means nothing. If you think you are the only guy looking at her, you need a wake up call. Looking at someone does not mean you will go after them. Liking them does not mean you will go after them.
  • May 27, 2011, 07:26 AM
    Threads merged

    OP is prepared to have an affair or pay a prostitute for sex but is concerned by the look he sees in his roommate's eyes where the girlfriend is concerned?

    There are problems here far beyond jealousy and inability to masturbate.
  • May 27, 2011, 01:58 PM
    Maybe we should just leave this alone until he comes back.

    I don't feel he loves her unconditionally or he would never once consider cheating on her. Having these thoughts maybe he should just let her go respectfully before its to late.

    As far as his friend having an attraction. Big deal. My husbands friends have all hit on me and several times. So sad for them for doing it.
  • May 27, 2011, 03:43 PM

    Originally Posted by 88sunflower View Post
    Maybe we should just leave this alone until he comes back.

    I don't feel he loves her unconditionally or he would never once consider cheating on her. Having these thoughts maybe he should just let her go respectfully before its to late.

    As far as his friend having an attraction. Big deal. My husbands friends have all hit on me and several times. So sad for them for doing it.

    Instead of coming back he opened a new thread.

    I agree with you about friends hitting on other people's wives and so forth. And I don't think he loves her "unconditionally." He "loves" her on HIS terms.
  • May 27, 2011, 04:15 PM

    88sunflower finds this helpful : Judy those were just my thoughts. I think he is surprised at these responses more then anything.

    And I'm surprised that HE'S surprised by the responses!
  • May 27, 2011, 04:21 PM

    Chidi... break it off with her. She deserves someone who will be honest, faithful, and respectful. If you loved her as you say, you would want that for her.

    That you are even considering cheating on someone you profess to love shows that you have no business being in a serious relationship with anyone at this time.

    Show some integrity and do what is right.
  • May 28, 2011, 04:00 AM

    I know you guys all want me to think with my brain not my penis.but please do put me into consideration.have you guys ever stayed more than six months without sex! I love her,yes I really not looking for permission am asking because I have do I hold on please tell me(excluding masturbating)thats all I've been getting from you guys.. note=am not against masturbation and its not a cultural thing is just that I don't feel anything when I do it.
  • May 28, 2011, 04:12 AM

    Originally Posted by Chidi01 View Post
    I know you guys all want me to think with my brain not my penis.but please do put me into consideration.have you guys ever stayed more than six months without sex!? i love her,yes i realy not looking for permission am asking because i have do i hold on please tell me(excluding masturbating)thats all i've been getting from you guys..note=am not against masturbation and its not a cultural thing is just that i don't feel anything when i do it.

    Yes, I have.
  • May 28, 2011, 04:54 AM

    Dude, there may come to be many times you have to do without sex. You don't like masturbating, then maybe you don't know how(?), and that's a learning experience. There are also COLD showers you can take.

    Whatever you chose the bottom line is if you let your nature rule your good common sense, then you are out of control, and leave yourself open to temptation, and a lot of bad behavior.

    Life throws things at us as a test of our character, and you never know when self control will be all you have to keep your dignity, and self respect. What if you get married and still through injury, illness, or like now distance doesn't allow you to have your woman with you to satisfy your needs? What of pregnancy?

    You are young, and best not start bad habits or dumb behavior just because you can't get some when you want it.

    When a cold shower, or self indulgence doesn't work, then you just have too much time on your hands, and you need something else to do. It would help if you got busy with something constructive and not just sit and dwell on sex.

    Change your thoughts, and you will change your attitude, because trust me, even when your female is with you, she may not want to have sex when you want her to. Or cannot (illness, injury, or just plain mad at you for whatever females get mad about, the list is endless) so start now and not be a slave to your nature, you are a man, not a dog.

    Hit that cold shower.
  • May 28, 2011, 05:25 AM

    Let's hope his partner never gets sick or pregnant or is injured. He'll be out howling at the moon within 24 hours.
  • May 28, 2011, 06:03 AM

    Originally Posted by Chidi01 View Post
    I know you guys all want me to think with my brain not my penis.but please do put me into consideration.have you guys ever stayed more than six months without sex!? i love her,yes i realy not looking for permission am asking because i have do i hold on please tell me(excluding masturbating)thats all i've been getting from you guys..note=am not against masturbation and its not a cultural thing is just that i don't feel anything when i do it.

    You want to know what I think? First how would you like it if your girl went out and slept with other guys because she hasn't seen you for 6 months? I am sure you wouldn't be to happy about it.

    Now what I really think. I think your selfish, rude, immature and certainly undeserving of any respectable girl. I most certainly do think you came here thinking you were going to hear what you wanted to hear or you never would have asked. You were wondering about cheating on your girlfriend. Where in your right mind did you think you would get the green light from anyone here? There are a lot of guys here that have been hurt and here looking for comfort because women have ripped out hearts and stomped on them. Then you come along with a girl and you want to treat her like this? Maybe we can find her a decent boyfriend here.

    Wait here is what I think also. Cheating on her is a great idea! You go out and find whatever one is willing to give it up every time you want it. Then when you finally see your girl who will more then likely be missing you and want to shower you with her affection, well you just hold off and tell her what you have done. You watch her expressions and no doubt her eyes will fill with tears and you will hurt her. Then when you feel like a man for doing that to the girl who loves you I want you to puff out your chest like a real man and run back to the one you cheated with. That's a great idea.
  • May 28, 2011, 06:40 AM

    I read this WHOLE thread and feel obligated to answer.

    I'm quite sure the majority of people, if polled, would say that they prefer a real life sex partner to masturbation . Yet, during a "dry spell" or "long distance relationship salvaging", they are more than willing to take matters in their own hands. You say that "you don't feel anything", I'm not quite sure what that means. Does that mean that you don't love your hand? Or do you not feel your penis?

    Either way, deal with it. Wait for her return, or "do it" yourself.

    No one here is going to suggest that you visit a prostitute. Get real. If that's what you want to do, then your not much of a boyfriend are you?

    And for the "friend" who wants to have his way with this lucky girl, shame on him for verbalizing his lust. Most of us just THINK it, not say it, when we are smitten with the love of another. It's all part of growing up.
  • May 28, 2011, 06:44 AM

    Based on his threads, could OP be an attention getter, some form of a troll? He seems to want to discuss masturbation -
  • May 28, 2011, 04:27 PM

    Originally Posted by Chidi01 View Post
    I know you guys all want me to think with my brain not my penis.but please do put me into consideration.have you guys ever stayed more than six months without sex!? i love her,yes i realy not looking for permission am asking because i have do i hold on please tell me(excluding masturbating)thats all i've been getting from you guys..note=am not against masturbation and its not a cultural thing is just that i don't feel anything when i do it.

    You're thinking with your penis. You don't want to believe you are, but you are. If you really loved her then you'd never even consider cheating. Real men, men that really love a woman, don't cheat.

    The fact that you can't control yourself is disturbing. Have you thought about counseling? Do you have a sex addiction? Many people go 6 months or more without sex. When I was pregnant with my first child I couldn't stand even the idea of sex. My husband and I went without sex for my entire pregnancy, and then at least 2 months after the child was born. All in all it was almost a year, and we survived. Why? Because our relationship isn't only about sex. We love each other, we respect each other, and we are committed to each other.

    The fact that you can't even wait 2 months shows me that you either have a problem, need therapy, or you don't give a damn about this girl. I mean really, a prostitute?

    Other then masturbating the only solution is to break up with her so that she can find a real man, one that doesn't only want her for sex.
  • May 28, 2011, 08:20 PM

    Personaly, I think she can do better than you.

    You don't deserve her.

    That's all I have to say.
  • May 29, 2011, 03:20 AM

    Thanks a lot you guys are the I know a've not been thinking right.(clouded thoughts)a've really leant a lot and am going to put them into for you tal I love my hands ***.lol.. thanks a lot all of you for your contributions(I'll try)
  • May 29, 2011, 05:40 AM

    Originally Posted by Chidi01 View Post
    I know you guys all want me to think with my brain not my penis.but please do put me into consideration.have you guys ever stayed more than six months without sex!? i love her,yes i realy not looking for permission am asking because i have do i hold on please tell me(excluding masturbating)thats all i've been getting from you guys..note=am not against masturbation and its not a cultural thing is just that i don't feel anything when i do it.

    My fiancé and I have not had sex in almost 4 YEARS... don't talk to me about having to go without for a measly couple of months.

    Granted it is because I have a medical condition, but we come up with ways around it that keeps us both happy.
    You need to think outside the box...
    What could you do sexually while she is away that doesn't involve another person and still satisfies you?
    I can't answer that for you, only you know what "gets you off", but masturbation doesn't have to just be your hand and a box of tissues.

    You can buy toys online for men, or there are 'home-made' things you can do to make the experience different. I don't think I would be allowed to post a link here but do some googling if you can't think of creative ways yourself.
  • May 29, 2011, 05:55 PM

    Chidi01 does not find this helpful : I do love her

    You're right. You do love her.

    I had it all backwards. I guess cheating is another form of love that I'm not aware of.

    Silly me... :/

    Look, if you DID love her, then you wouldn't even dream of cheating on her.

    So don't sit there an act like a saint.

    Oh and by the way, read the rules of the site before handing out reddies.

    Wow, not only a cheater, but he can't even take the time to read the rules of the site, AND nice chat talk. What are you like 12?

    It's called full sentences.

  • May 30, 2011, 07:56 AM

    I think that this thread has gone the distance, taken it's course. It needs to be closed. This guy is throwing out reddies, and defending his ignorant solutions to lack of sex. I couldn't care less about what happens to him and his horny little self.

    People have given all that they can give. Yet he hasn't absorbed any of it.

    If masturbation doesn't solve his problem, then he can do whatever he needs to do, I don't care.

    I know that this sounds harsh, but I feel more for the ones that have confessed to more serious problems than his.

    Please forgive me valued members, but we're talking to a brick wall.

    A short, shallow, poorly built, brick wall.
  • May 30, 2011, 03:07 PM

    Chidi01 does not find this helpful : Thanks mr expert.but you sound rude to it that u can't help me or what?anyway a've learnt a lot.thanks

    I'm as rude as you are immature.

    Yes, you've "learnt". And we've learned a lot about YOU and YOUR values.

    And I saw this reddie coming a mile away. "Mr. Expert" doesn't care.
  • May 30, 2011, 03:36 PM

    Originally Posted by jmjoseph View Post
    Chidi01 does not find this helpful : Thanks mr expert.but you sound rude to it that u can't help me or what?anyway a've learnt alot.thanks

    I'm as rude as you are immature.

    Yes, you've "learnt". And we've learned alot about YOU and YOUR values.

    And I saw this reddie coming a mile away. "Mr. Expert" doesn't care.

    Bravo. I have to spread the rep, but I couldn't agree more.

    To the OP, bottom line is this, you want to cheat. That tells us a lot. One, you can't keep it in your pants even though you claim to love this girl. Two, you don't have any morals. Three, you're immature and not willing to go without in order to maintain your relationship.

    We've said what needed to be said, we told you what you needed to hear. You're not here for advice, that much is obvious. You want someone to tell you it's okay to cheat. The fact is, it's not okay. So, you have to decide. Do you love her enough to keep your penis out of another woman, or do you screw around, put her and yourself at risk?

    The fact that you don't think cheating is a big deal is really disturbing. Let her go. Let her find someone that can love her enough to not only think about himself and his penis.

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