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  • May 25, 2015, 08:10 AM
    You also tend to hang onto anyone who gives you attention whether it be a guy, people on this site, or mental health professionals. I find it unsettling that someone you have been with only a short time seems to know all the details about you, enough to comment and judge you on. A few questions ago I said that you seem to have a whole lot going on at the moment. Until you put it all together you won't be a successful partner to anyone. But at 16 years old you need to focus on growing up and not on attention seeking.
  • May 25, 2015, 08:35 AM
    I reply with okay thanks because I don't know what else to say? And we haven't done nothing sexual, but I do understand were your coming from, but is this still true if he says he's hasn't slept with anyone. And I have been truthful in everything, I think your meaning because I don't put up all the information I didn't know it was important. And your correct I think I do need to look after myself but that's hard I have only done that once and that was when I moved out at 15 years old. And your right didn't realise I was attention seeking was simply asking for advice?
  • May 25, 2015, 12:23 PM
    The other people answering you are doing so because they care about you...some of it may sound harsh or accusatory and it is...but because they care.

    Me? Well, I don't know you enough to care one way or the other really so I will say what I have to say without any fanfare and leave it at that. First, I agree that you shouldn't be with a 21 year old guy...he is up to no good. That's how this works. Second, he sounds like a jerk anyway. If he is already getting upset because you wanted to spend time with your mother, it is only going to get worse. I think you already know that and already have doubts about him otherwise you wouldn't have asked this question.

    Tell him it's over, forget him, fix yourself, become more stable, and then worry about a relationship.
  • May 25, 2015, 04:21 PM
    He hasn't slept with anyone. Is this what he says, and he is 21 and a player ? Don't think so really.

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