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  • Apr 5, 2007, 10:12 AM
    Love Spells
    I was just curious if Love Spells really do work... Could someone please comment on this. I have heard mixed messages on them... some have worked, and some have not, but would like to know if anyone has any insight.
  • Apr 5, 2007, 10:16 AM
    Oh, they can work... but anyone actually casting one has dubious allegiance to "good".

    Taking away someone's free will is a bad thing. Also, the consequences of making someone love you are usually quite high---someone else's life is usually ruined/upset/miserable because of it.

    What you put out comes back to you sevenfold. Do you really want that kind of karma?

    Besides... would you really want someone to fall in love with you because they HAVE to?
  • Apr 5, 2007, 11:07 AM
    Hi.. Thank you for your answer... What if the person already has feelings for you, just issues with themselves as to why they are afraid to act out those feelings? Could you ellaborate please on what you mean with the consequences?
  • Apr 5, 2007, 11:14 AM
    I believe Witchcraft is a bad thing for christains because you don't believe the power of God is enough. The only type of spell I use is prayer.

    What is your religion?

  • Apr 5, 2007, 11:17 AM
    Just don't do it.

    Love spells are on the border of being black magic.

    Consequences? Well, how about falling for someone you'd never want to? A married man, someone who is involved with the bad side of the law, someone like that? Or... what if the reason they're not sure about being involved with you has to do with working out feelings for someone else? They could fall for you now, only to cheat on you with that other person because they never actually resolved their feelings.

    The thing is... spells of any kind are tricky, and you have to think through EVERY possible outcome and consequence before casting, or it will backfire on you so severely that you will wish you'd never done it. Any spell cast should ALWAYS include the idea that it is with the free will and good of all behind it.

    Any time you take away someone's free will, someone's ability to CHOOSE... that's bad, and borderline black magic.

    Just be yourself. That should be enough to make the right person fall for you anyway.
  • Apr 5, 2007, 11:18 AM
    I am actually a Catholic... but not a practicing one. I was baptized... and received communion, but never confirmed. It's along story at that one.. But, I do believe in Christ and prayer... however, I don't think all magic is bad... or considered black magic... I think more along the lines of black magic.. that is when you want something hurtful on someone and I don't believe in doing something like that.
    Sometimes I feel as though my faith with the lord isn't always all there because my father passed away... and while he was sick... sick but OK.. I prayed and prayed and prayed... but I guess overtime I will forgive God and know he is in a better place. I am probably a more spiritual person if anything.

    Thank you for that response... The consequences are funny though because what you mentioned... someone I fell in love with was cheating with the ex... who he said he didn't have feelings more.. but he was also commitment phobic so I guess that explains it...
    I was just thinking consequences like something bad out of a horror film happenning to me.
    Have you ever had experience with spells of any kind?
  • Apr 5, 2007, 11:29 AM

    Originally Posted by NJGirl07
    I am probably a more spiritual person if anything.

    If you were more spiritual you would obey the word of God.

    Do you think God is not helping you?

    God helps us in many ways and sometimes we may be hurt but the reason for it could save you from an even greater threat.

    It takes time for some prayers to take action but you should never give up.

    The power of God is our only helper.

  • Apr 5, 2007, 11:31 AM
    I understand what you are saying... but not everyone is a believer in God. Everyone has different beliefs... and my post was about love spells working... I'm not expecting a religion instruction LOL... Don't take offense to that please.. it's all in good humor!
  • Apr 5, 2007, 11:36 AM
    Im anwering your question in ways. You said you were catholic meaning you are a believer of God. I'm explaining why you shouldn't do it. I'm giving an opinion.

    You said "but would like to know if anyone has any insight."

    Am I not giving insight.

  • Apr 5, 2007, 11:59 AM
    Yes you are giving me insight... I also want to hear from people who have done love spells or have cast them as well...
  • Apr 5, 2007, 12:11 PM
    There has been several "ladies" who were into witchcraft that I know have tried variouis spells, but the issue is they can't work on anyone who does not believe in them. If you believe they can effect you, then you will allow them to.

    But as a Catholic, you should have learned that the bible is very clear about avoiding any form of witchcraft, the power from it comes from the same sourse, those that claim it for good, ( is it good to control the mind of another to love someone they don't love) not really good from the other persons view point, it is for selfish reasons, and thus still bad.

    And do you really want someone to love you because of a "spell" not becuae they really wanted to.
  • Apr 5, 2007, 12:17 PM
    Well I am a little skeptical about love spells to be honest.. and witchcraft in general. I have never known it to be a true thing. I have read some things about it and started to believe in some form, but still a little skeptical. I am a catholic, but once again I am not a practicing one... but still one. I have never read the bible... so I really don't know what it says regarding witchcraft.
    I am curious though, has anyone had success with love spells?
  • Apr 5, 2007, 12:22 PM
    God doesn't like witchcraft at all.

    I know sometimes people get it in their head that they control religions when there not. They think that proforming this act makes them look good because there in control.



    We don't have the POWER
  • Apr 5, 2007, 12:25 PM
    Ok.. well has anyone had success with these kind of spells? And what were the outcomes? Just curious!
  • Apr 5, 2007, 12:32 PM
    Why do you care so much about wheather or not they have had success?

    About 73% of all people are christains and the other 25% are jews, and other religions.
    Leaving 2% with the devil and witchcraft. You may not ever get a post with someone that does this, but you know I could be wrong.

  • Apr 5, 2007, 12:36 PM
    I came to this forum to ask about Love Spells... not for advice about believing in GOD. This is the psychic and fortuneteller forum.. maybe you should move to the religion forum and leave this forum for people who are curious about this stuff like me. So, for anyone else reading these please, has anyone had experience with this before?
  • Apr 5, 2007, 12:52 PM
    Ok, I came to this question to explan to you that your going against God's word. But if your going to ignore my knowledge from God than I can't help you. I have no knowledge of witchcraft but only know the wicked do it. So do as you wish but I'm not going to help you proform any type of witchcraft.

    (Im not being mean... only firm)

  • Apr 5, 2007, 01:01 PM
    You really, really don't want to do that sort of thing.

    It doesn't matter what you think your intentions are, or even if it really is 'for the best.' That's not how it will end up.

    I've been on the receiving end of the opposite: An anti-love spell. I woman I was involved with decided that there were issues (primarily with her baggage, and with me finishing up college), and decided to cast a spell to stop the feelings between us. It didn't work exactly how she intended: She still had the feelings for me, but I had nothing but anger and resentment (after the initial shock and hurt wore off). She wanted more than anything to be friends after all of it blew over, but she made sure that was impossible by making that choice.

    It doesn't matter whether the spell did that or not... that's what happened in the end. By trying to do anything like this, you're setting yourself up for hurt and resentment for the rest of your life.

    Edit: Kriscool, you've been asked by the original poster more than once to stop preaching to her. Please respect her wishes on that.
  • Apr 5, 2007, 01:05 PM
    I highly resent you tossing witchcraft in with devil worship.

    I do not disparage Christianity. Please do not disparage my religion.

    Wiccans/pagans use spells in combination with prayers. It is a valid and recognized religion. Just because it's not the POPULAR religion does not mean it is wrong or evil.

    Saying that spellcasting is all bad magic, or all done for selfish reasons is like saying that all Christians are the type that would burn a woman to death for practicing "witchcraft" or the type that stand outside abortion clinics and murder doctors for the "good" of all mankind.

    If you look at my earlier posts, I state that spellcasting that does not leave room for free will is BAD... and could be called "Black Magic". I also recommended against love spells, because they seldom work the way the caster wants them to.

    Kriscool... your religion knows nothing about spellcasting. Mine does. Please go back to your corner and be quiet if you can't contribute more to the question than "Don't do it because God says so".
  • Apr 5, 2007, 01:06 PM
    Thank you Nosnosna... I really wasn't asking to be preached to lol... All anti- spells I hear to be a form of bad magic... You are doing something for the negative with that effect I think. Something that is resentful and hurtful and that's not good. Something to enhance chemistry I think is OK. Has anything else happened with the spell? Do you know of anyone else who has done something like this?

    Why do you go against love spells?
  • Apr 5, 2007, 01:28 PM
    Because love spells are wishing for something that is against someone else's free will.

    How would you like it if someone made YOU love HIM? What if it was the ugliest, fattest, guy in your class, the one with acne all over his face, the guy that smells like sour sweat no matter how often he showers?

    I'm against love spells because you don't really know what you're asking for. You're asking for someone to like you no matter what else they may feel. You're asking for someone to give up their right to choose you. You're asking for a handsome prince to fall madly in love with you because the fairy godmother said so. THAT JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN THAT WAY!

    More than likely, he'd find out you cast a spell, and the spell would break then and there. Because of the sevenfold return, he'd hate you. He'd tell everyone what you did, and THEY would hate you. You'd probably go years without having a boyfriend because of it.

    Spells are not some light little "Wish upon a star" sort of thing! They're to be taken seriously, and you have to take responsibility for what you cast.

    Please... figure out exactly what you are asking, because you're not asking if these spells work. I really think you want to know how to make a guy like you---or you're looking for someone to give you permission to cast a spell.
  • Apr 5, 2007, 05:16 PM
    Hi.. I would like to comment here. I have never cast a spell but I have a friend that is in the process of having someone do it. From what she said, they do not base the love spells on free will... meaning it is just a way for the person to get positive energy from the person that likes them. In her situation, the person really really liked her but had commitment phobia or something.. I'm not exactly sure. But, I am curious myself how this guy would find out that she cast a spell if she kept it quiet? Don't ask, don't tell right. I don't know. But I'm curious about this whole issue.
  • Apr 11, 2007, 05:37 AM
    Just wondering if anyone else knows anything about love spells.
  • Apr 14, 2007, 04:59 PM

    Originally Posted by NJGirl07
    I was just curious if Love Spells really do work.... Could someone please comment on this. I have heard mixed messages on them.... some have worked, and some have not, but would like to know if anyone has any insight.

    Yes love spells do work if you believe in them . You have to have faith for it to work.
  • Apr 16, 2007, 06:07 AM
    Have you had any experience with them?
  • May 5, 2007, 01:02 PM
    Hi there well firstly I would like to say that spells do has for me couple of times as long as you are using spells which doesn't not harm any one is fine,lot of concentration is required while casting spells I have a few... try this as twilight descends

    I invoke the spirit of the earth of caves and chasms deep I call upon the winds that swwp through the lightenings path I climb the high volcanos rim and invoke the fire that glows therein I call upon the swirling coil of waves that dash upon the soil come to me from your world without end come to me as a lover and friend.

    All the best
  • May 5, 2007, 07:35 PM
    Ak007... Are you a caster? Have you ever had a love spell done for you and what was the outcome?
  • May 5, 2007, 11:17 PM
    Hi well I'm not a spell caster but I have studied a lot about this subject and I have personally used it it does help but you got to keep tying its not easy at all
  • May 5, 2007, 11:34 PM
    Would you really want to spend your life with someone you 'forced' to love you? You would never know whether they really loved you or not.
  • May 5, 2007, 11:45 PM
    Well it entirely depends on a particular individual as long as you are not harming anyone it is fine
  • May 5, 2007, 11:50 PM
    Love spells can work a lot but you have to be careful because this can be dangerous from what I have heard. Anytime a spell has been done something will change in your life.. Does that make since? Like who you meet, etc because it is a spell and you may meet someone knew in your life, etc. If you are wanting a spell for your current relationship you may fall or another man/women etc. If you want your current spouse to notice you the spouce may treat you extra nice for a while and the spell will where off and you may be treated worse than before or your marriage may be better but eventually fail in the long run. You are suppose to be happy for what you have. Like if you do a money spell you may wish for money and then someone close to you may pass on and then you will get money. I highly recommend being cautious with any spells. Find the right person, this is important and do your research.
  • May 6, 2007, 09:22 PM
    psychic debbie

    Originally Posted by NJGirl07
    I was just curious if Love Spells really do work.... Could someone please comment on this. I have heard mixed messages on them.... some have worked, and some have not, but would like to know if anyone has any insight.

    hello my name is debbie and I am a psychic expert and I do love spell 8 out of 10 spells work the reason why the other 2 had no affect because the client had no faith in the situation nad yes they do work if you would like some insight in this subject please contact me PHONE NUMBER REMOVED ty love debbie I live in California by the way my time zone is pacific
  • May 6, 2007, 11:35 PM
    Hi debbie to you charge for casting spells and if how much
  • May 7, 2007, 10:47 AM
    Does anyone know what it means when someone uses the term "binding love to you"
  • May 7, 2007, 10:57 AM
    Hi NJ the trm binding means that the person you want will be attached to you in such a way they they will behave the way you want them to they will only be attched to you n will not think of any one else
  • May 7, 2007, 11:15 AM
    So that's what it means when someone says, "they completed the process of binding love to you" means?? I thought to bind someone meant to prevent them from doing harm or something like that? Does this kind of binding (Love to u) really work? Lol
  • May 7, 2007, 11:31 AM
    Do you use Yahoo or msn if yes give me your id will xplain you further
  • May 7, 2007, 11:33 AM
    I use AIM: Sogno732.. but I'll sign on to Yahoo now... my Yahoo is: Loves41298
  • May 9, 2007, 10:54 AM
    Well I have a question. This is directed at Kriscool and anyone else who thinks love spells are so wrong. What if you fall really hard for someone and pray for them to love you for years; you try to be a good friend, and even do things to try to help them. After praying everyday and asking for God's allwance for him to love you because you feel so complete with him and can't get him out of your head. No matter how many times you try to move on; one day tells you that someone else's feelings mean so much to him, what do you do? On top of that stuff has happened in the past that were not in your control ( that started with only intentions of helping him), and puts you in a negative light so he blames you first for incidences that you know you never would do, and treats you mean no matter how much you say you love him and would never do anything to hurt him ( and are sincere about this) The more I prayed for him, the more things have gone wrong.
    I have wanted to cast a love spell on him for a long time, but never did that because I'm Christian, and had faith that God would answer my prayers about him.
    Now I don't know what to think... would a love spell be so wrong?
  • May 9, 2007, 10:56 AM

    Originally Posted by psychic debbie
    hello my name is debbie and i am a psychic expert and i do love spell 8 out of 10 spells work the reason why the other 2 had no affect becuase the client had no faith in the situation nad yes they do work if you would like some insight in this subject please contact me 805-583-2803 ty love debbie i live in california by the way my time zone is pacific

    Hi Debby :o I was just wondering how much you charge?

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