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  • Nov 12, 2012, 10:17 AM
    I had the chase dream last night to. First I was collaborating some things w/ friends and then some enemy tried to wrong a friend of mine, so my friend beat him (we are not that way and I don't think that way). Then later, the enemy and his crew saw us and started chasing us. Before long, it was just me running from the crew of bad guys. Surprisingly, I escaped and felt good about that. Then a bit later, I was with a bunch of women and children (sort of like a Sons of Anarchy situation, since I'm a fan of the show) and trying to hide the women and children from a pending conflict w/ some major rival crew. I didn't succeed at getting them out of there before the crew showed up and although they greeted me pleasantly, they hinted at our pending death. At one point, I thought about how to get myself safe, to go get help, but I quickly decided that I couldn't leave the women and children. I actually felt prepared for anything, knowing that I was doing the right thing in trying to protect them. Then I woke up. (We were probably all killed, unless by some miracle, someone came in and saved the day... actually, there was a small hope... one guy on our side w/ a machine gun was able to hide himself... I kept hoping he would come through and take out the immediate threat... he may have). Other than that, I slept like a baby last night.

    Oh, and the night before, my younger brother was overdosed on some kind of drugs and I could tell he was losing it... but no one in my family wanted to assist with getting an ambulance for him or taking him to the hospital. I tried 9-1-1, but no one answered there either. I just kept yelling at my family, "WE NEED TO HELP HIM!!". That was a little more scary than me being chased.

    PS: I stopped smoking weed like 3 weeks ago and have undergone some major beneficial changes in my life (pretty drastic changes). Hopefully this is all just me settling into my new, healthier lifestyle (and not a fear of losing my job, which is really the main thing that has been causing me anxiety... but I've been fearing losing my job for 9 years).
  • Nov 12, 2012, 10:24 AM
    Oh, I just remembered something I forgot to add. At one point I was in a house with a lion and just barely escaped w/ my life. Damn lions! They don't make good house pets.
  • Jan 24, 2013, 08:08 PM
    I always have dreams of someone in a costume from a scary movie. But its always in a different place. And my closest family usually ends up in my dream. But I've been split away from them for a while so maybe that's why. But it really CREEPS ME OUT cause I never die!!
  • Jan 26, 2013, 09:45 AM
    I had this dream of being strangled by someone, constantly for years. Recently I was diagnosed with 'Sleep Apnea' which is where the throat goes limp during deep sleep and closes up my windpipe.

    Sleep Apnea can be dangerous over a lifetime and lead to stokes, heart attacks and other problems, like high blood pressure.

    It has come to the point where I can't/don't want to sleep so I use lots of caffeine.

    If you're dreaming constantly about being chased, strangled, or waking up suddenly in the middle of the night, can't move, can't scream etc. then you might be suffering from sleep apnea. It's pretty much impossible to detect yourself if you have it though.

    A girlfriend who can tell you if you stop breathing in the middle of the night is the best person to help you.
  • Jun 29, 2013, 06:24 PM
    It can mean what Boserer said or it may mean you need to make amends and resolve something in your life.
  • Jul 3, 2013, 03:34 PM
    I have a dream that the girl from the film ' The Ring' is strangling me.

    Recently my BF ended it with me as he felt as though we were drifting apart in his mind. YET I was and am ( 5 days on) still pretty much in love with him and I have tried to forget the feelings I have for him and yet I cant. Its been since the split that I have had this dreams sometimes in my dream I am getting strangled and then my mum there shaking me trying to wake me up and then I wake up in the dream and am shaking and its really odd. Some-times I don't get to that point sometimes I see her hands and jump in my sleep and so I wake up...

    I don't know why I have this dream its just odd how most above comments are about splitting up and all have odd dreams. Is it our mind trying to tell us to move on or what I guess no one will ever know.
  • Jul 3, 2013, 03:39 PM

    Originally Posted by boserer View Post
    I had this dream of being strangled by someone, constantly for years. Recently I was diagnosed with 'Sleep Apnea' which is where the throat goes limp during deep sleep and closes up my windpipe.

    Sleep Apnea can be dangerous over a lifetime and lead to stokes, heart attacks and other problems, like high blood pressure.

    It has come to the point where I can't/don't want to sleep so I use lots of caffeine.

    If you're dreaming constantly about being chased, strangled, or waking up suddenly in the middle of the night, can't move, can't scream etc. then you might be suffering from sleep apnea. It's pretty much impossible to detect yourself if you have it though.

    A girlfriend who can tell you if you stop breathing in the middle of the night is the best person to help you.

    ERM I dreamt about strangling twice in my life and that was recently since I been about 5/6yrs old I dream that I can't scream for help or talk etc... Do you go to your doctor about this??

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