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  • May 27, 2007, 12:38 AM
    Suicidal thoughts.
    Hello my name is Riley and I have just turned 13 years old.
    I have no friends, I get bullied at school, I fail miserably in everything that I try and there are allot of other things going on in my life that I could not even begin to describe.
    Anyway ill get straight to the point, with everything going on I can't help but feel depressed everyday, in fact, I haven't felt even slightly happy in about a month when it was my birthday. I have seen things on the news about teenagers k=killing themselves to escape from their problems, and lately I have been getting the same idea, as far as I can see there is no way to escape these problems, and there is nobody to talk to, my school phycologist is nice, but the first appointment I had with her she said this:
    "there is only one rule here, and that is that if you tell me that you are having thoughts of self mutilation in any form, i am obliged to inform your parents" (not her exact words) so I really have no where to run, I can't tell my mum because she will make a big deal out of it.
    I need some advise.
  • May 27, 2007, 12:56 AM
    You need to talk to your Mother, and you need to do that right now! Do NOT hurt yourself. Thing's will get better in your life if you talk to someone. Talk to your Mother, knowone love's you anymore than her. I will PRAY for you right now. But Please go talk to her... do it now!
  • May 27, 2007, 01:12 AM
    Hello, Riley!

    Life can be so hard when you are so young. I know exactly where you are coming from as far as dealing with people in school. Going to school can be a real challenge to anybody at any age. It is almost like another city or world in itself with no police to take charge!

    When I was your age, I had zits all over my face and people really made fun of me! It made me mad. I was called "pizza face" over and over by a girl that I kind of liked. She made me feel like I was really ugly. I got through it somehow. Many of us face the same problems.

    Nothing is worth killing yourself. Going through the tough times are the things that help to make you stronger as a person to prepare you for the adult world. It's something that everyone goes through. It is a part of life.

    You do have someone who you can talk to face to face. And, that would be your mum. I would suggest talking to her soon. And, what if she makes a big deal about it? So what? If she didn't make a big deal about it, then that would be like she didn't care. Do you know what I mean?

    Please talk to her.
  • May 27, 2007, 05:33 AM
    Talk to your parents, talk to your school counselor, talk to a teacher do something now.
  • May 27, 2007, 07:38 AM
    Cutting and other multilation or things like that are a big deal and needs to be looked at. That is why they let you know that if that is happening, they need your parents to be part of you getting professional help. And you know it is, that is why you are looking for help. It may make things fool your mind and appear better for a few minutes, but it is not, it merely causes more and more problems in the long run of things.

    So advice, sit down and talk to your mom or dad which ever you can talk to best. I will give you some numbers of people who you can talk to without giving your identiy also that can help you.



  • May 27, 2007, 07:44 AM
    Okay I think I need to make the situation a little more clear, I have been down a simerlar thought path before, when I was 10 I was having trouble with bullies and my teacher was being a complete and to top it off I was having trouble with my of a dad, and I told my mum. After I told her she spent A lot of money on counceling, that was okay then bacause then we weren't in a time of finansual crisis but this year we have some seriouse debt, and we really can't afford to pay three thousand dollars.
  • May 27, 2007, 08:26 AM
    And you don't have to, there are at least in the US, counseling avaiable based on income. Plus beleve me, a parent would be glad to spend the money on their child and not worry about paying other bills.

    And you are already making that first most importatant step, you know you have a problem, that is really and honestly about 1/2 the battle.
    And you can tell how much your mom loves and care, sounds like the type of mom that would want you to be able to talk to her about your problems
  • Apr 21, 2010, 09:14 PM
    Hey Riley man, you need to keep you're head up. I've suffered from depression from really young age. I remember getting bullied in school, it's terrible it actually turned me into 1 once I got bigger. My parent's split up a couple of time's and a few years ago done it for the good. My father is coward, if he had a bad day he would do nothing about it to the peole who were the problem though he would come home and take it out on my mum at 10 or 11 at night on a weekday that's him coming home from work but really is home is the pub (local bar, I am from Ireland). I have tried to commit suicide and depression as plagued me ever since I can remember, now when I was 15 I started taken hard drug's, xtc, coke, speed stuff like that and have smoked weed since 12. I would defintiley not advise the hard drug's and I think weed helps depression but only to people who have the right mentality, so if you don't do it now u're better off just not starting, very expensive habit. My advice would be to confront you'r problem's head on. Talk to your mum, I know if it wasn't for my mum I wouldn't be half the person I am today, she done everything for me and my brother's, she's amazing alway's took care of me and alway's defended me, she has nearly raised three men by herself, and when I woke up in the hospital after getting my stomach pumped for the litre of vodka and half the medicine cabinet I saw my mother crying at my bedside and that sent shiver's up my spine, that was when I realised that suicide is selfish. You have to think of the people you are leaving behind, you won't feel this way forever trust me, life goes on. You need to stand up for yourself to them bullies. You need to look them dead in the eye tell them you aren't scared then kick them square in the nuts! Bullies won't think it's fun when there getting hit back. That bully probably has it worse off than you. You will make friends you just need to be comfortable in your skin be yourself and show people what you have to offer. Please don't make the same mistake's I made dude I'm more worse off than I was when I tried suicide now and I don't think about it at all, and I used to think about it constantly, every minute of every day. Trust me it really is the coward's way out, I felt so ashamed off myself after, I had to ask for my mum's forgiveness.

    Talk to your mum Riley she will help you, when you say she'll just make a big deal out of it she should you are her son, her flesh and blood if you were to do that think of how she would feel, she would be in bits for the rest of her life. A parent who doesn't make a big deal out of it is a disgrace that would mean they don't care. Don't do drugs they really donbt help they just suppress the feeling until you're sober then it's worse.
  • May 27, 2010, 06:55 PM

    It is very true what McCarfy says, suicide is coward's way out and it is so selfish. I'm 17, last year my mother committed suicide. I can't really explain all the pain, shame, humiliation, suffering, and guilt that I felt when she killed herself. Maybe she thought her death wouldn't hurt anyone, but it made me so miserable for I loved her. It's been almost a year, and everyday I think about what she did, I feel nauseous, and I cry. Honestly Riley, if you love your parents, or if you love anyone, you won't kill yourself. It is not fair for anyone to carry with an unbearable suffering that your death will bring. Also, anything is worth your life, you just have to be strong. I know life seems pretty unfair because some people seem to have it all easy, and others like us, seem to have extra unhappiness and bitterness. But you can't quit, because I promise things will get better, no one can say when, but be sure that you will have the time of your life.
  • May 27, 2010, 09:31 PM

    Riley... I want you to listen to me. Bullying is against the law. What is the policy against bullying in your state? You are protected by the law. If someone is saying bad things about you on line or text messaging that is called cyber-bullying. There is no shame in telling someone. These bullies are small minded hoods who have to pick on someone else to make themselves feel better.

    As for your financial situation the above post have given you good advice. I am much older than you and believe me when I say taking your life is not the answer.

    I don't think you realize how precious you are to your parents and your family. How in the world would they feel if you did this?

    A parent would give their own life to protect or take care of their child. I have seen the horrifying unspeakable grief of parents whose children committed suicide.
    They blame themselves and for the rest of their lives they grieve.

    Nothing is worth taking your life. A month or two months or a year from now the bullies will probably be in juvenile or alternative school.

    God gave you your life and when it's time for you to leave this earth , he'll be the one who makes that call. God will hear your prayers sweetie, in fact I think a child's prayer is what touches his heart the most.

    You are not alone Riley... You're a brave young man for seeking help. Always remember this, where there is life there is hope.

    You call on that strength you have deep inside yourself and you will find there are more good things you have to offer to this world.

    Keep talking with us and remember, we all have situations we go through and sometimes they seem so hopeless we feel like we don't matter to anyone. But we do. God doesn't make any junk... Hugs to you sweetie... Kit

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