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  • May 7, 2007, 11:44 PM
    Pain on shoulder and lower left ab during jog
    Every time I go jogging (basically every day), I get this sharp pain at the very tip of my shoulder and lower left abdomen. Is this normal? I have been jogging 6 miles every day for four weeks now.
  • May 8, 2007, 12:23 PM
    Tip of your right or left shoulder?

    This could be as simple as dehydration. You should stay very well hydrated while running.

    You say you are jogging 6 miles/day for 4 weeks, I am assuming you built up to this level of exercise? If not, you might want to back off and build up slowly.

    I have a friend who is a sliver medalist in junior olympics, she is a distance runner and only runs 3 miles per day and has been doing so for 3 years. It took her a year to build up for this endurance. Now, she runs, not jogs, so that is a bit of a difference.
  • May 8, 2007, 05:04 PM
    It's probably just dehydration. I actually just started running little by little and at first it would take me like one hour and twenty minutes, but I can now easily just jog it continuously without a problem.

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