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  • May 6, 2007, 08:29 AM
    Signs that my cat is in labor!
    I have a cat she is a little over a yr old, she is a house cat. She is pregnant but I don't know when this happened but she is definitely pregnant she is getting big her nipples are pretty big you can feel the kittens moving inside of her. I have a basket set up for her with blankets in it she goes in it every so often but I don't know when she is due. How do I know when she is going to be having the kittens? I know a lot of people say she will pant more and she will stop eating and drinking and become restless are there any other signs because she should be due soon and she isn't showing any of these signs.:)
  • Feb 21, 2012, 05:01 PM
    Some of the changes which occur right before labor include the need to start nesting; two days before giving birth, she starts producing milk; leading up to labor, you may see less of her as she seeks out the protection of her private place; she could also go the opposite way and become more affectionate toward those she is closest to; you may see her pace back and forth, get restless, she may lick at her genitalia frequently.

    Don't worry so much. For the most part, cats can take care of this themselves. Your job is to ensure she has a quiet, stress free environment. Most people suggest using a box for the delivery and care of the kittens. It should have sides high enough to prevent the kittens from getting out, but allow mother to go in.

    I would suggest towels and newspaper lining the bottom. Most cats feel comfortable in dark places, in corners, closets, under beds, etc. It is good that you are getting her used to a comfortable place. The one thing we don't want happening is to get her stressed enough to stall labor. This can be a problem.

    You may also want to include some surgical gloves, an eyedropper in case you have to help mom remove mouth and nose secretions; antiseptic to apply to the umbilical cord scab; scissors in case you need to help mom with cutting the cord; Vet's phone number; Emergency Vet Hospital #; clean towels and, just in case Mom needs help with feeding -- get some kitten milk formula.
  • May 12, 2012, 10:55 AM
    cupcake obsesso
    Sometimes the cat will pant before labor but also she will start to meow in pain. At least that's what happened to my cat. Then she went under a couch and give labor. Most of the time my cat would not eat or drink about 2 days before labor.
    Sorry if this wasn't helpful.
    If you have any other questions let me know. =]
  • Jul 8, 2012, 05:34 PM
    PLEASE HELP!. I have had my cat "lolly" for just over a year she has gotten bigger in the belly and I think she may be in labour, she is panting and also scratching at corners and the inside of our bath, I have lightly felt her belly its defiantly big and swollen but I don't feel kittens moving I have made her a bed in a draw with towels and put her in a dark small room but have not seen any milk coming from her tits can some one help is she in labour?? REPLY ASAP PLEASE I'm very worried??

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