Wiring a 2nd phone line into a regular phone line?
Hi. A long time ago, I had a phone jack installed in my room to be used for a 2nd phone line. Well, we shut off the 2nd phone line, so now I have a phone jack in my room that is basically out of order. I'm trying to turn it into a regular phone jack. This jack has never been a regular wired phone jack though, the phone guys came out and put this in and had it fixed up as the 2nd phone line, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
In a nut shell, I'm getting DSL soon, and I need a phone jack in my room for it.. and this is the only phone jack in the room unfortunately. I checked around online, and I kind of read about red and green wires being the line 1 wires, and the black and yellow being the supposed 2nd line wires, but it appears that this thing is wired in with green/red.. but still doesn't work. The actual modual thing is also much different than I saw in the screenshots from other sites too. I took a few pictures here:
And I guess it had a backing on it, so I took that off, and here's what I've got
It's weird too, there's like a sticky geletin substance or rubber in there that sticks out (you can see how it's blurry in the mid from it).. anyone know what that is about?