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  • May 1, 2007, 02:16 AM
    Do I Drink Too Much?
    Ok so I really like drinking, if it were up to me I would drink 24/7. I usually drink on weekends and if so, I drink a lot. Like I'll have up to 6 or 7 drinks of my own. If I happen to have the money to buy booze on a weekday I will but I drink less then (like 3 or 4 drinks) but only because of the money/work issue. Do I have a problem?
  • May 1, 2007, 04:26 AM
    You have a problem if it affects your life. Do people say they don't like you when you are drunk? Do preform worse at work/uni after a night out? Do you drink instead of eat? Do you drink first thing in the morning?

    If you think it's a problem better nip it in the bud, cutting down won't kill you.

    I've seen how bad alcholism is and you really don't want to go there.

    Why do you drink that is another question. My Dad said it's not how much you drink, when you drink but why you drink. Work out why you drink and then you'll probably have to deal with this first.
  • May 2, 2007, 06:37 AM
    Some will say its not the amount you drink but the effects it has on you. If you start measuring time before you drink or days you will drink then you are obviously thinking far too much about it then I believe you have the problem. Normal folk don't question the volume of drink they have - If you think you have a problem then go to AA and listen and talk to other members. If drink is destroying you then seek help but don't think it determined by quantity. Hope this helps - Maria
  • May 3, 2007, 11:29 PM
    The fact that you are asking this question should give you your answer. And I agree, if it is effecting your life in any way, then it is a problem. And on a scale of 1-10, you don't have to be at a 10 to have a problem, a 2 is a problem, enough to make changes, you don't want to work your way up to a 10!
    And I would guess that if you are drinking that much, you may not be making good choices... I mean, do you stay home the whole time? Cause if you drive at all, that is a huge problem. And at 7 drinks, you will either be effected the next day or you have gained such a tolerance that it is nothing... and either one is major problem... even possible dependent on the alcohol in some way.
    And I agree, that thinking of WHY you drink is a good idea, but you might need to stop drinking or cut down in order to get your answer...
  • May 3, 2007, 11:42 PM
    My question that I would want you to ask yourself is, "Am I in control of my drinking? Or, is it in control of me?" If it is in control of you, then you definitely have a problem.

    I would like to present a challenge to you. Try not drinking for a month and see if you can do it. I would like to see you do that. Can you do that?

    Just wanting to drink 24/7 if it were up to you, means that you have a problem. If you do have a problem, admitting it is the first step.

    Just by posting your question here, I believe that you are wrestling with admitting it.
  • May 4, 2007, 12:28 AM
    Is your drinking affecting your day to day life?

    Are you drinking because you like it? Or
    Because you just want to get drunk?

    Are you in control when you drink?

    Do you make a fool of yourself?

    YOu need to ask all sorts of questions. I like to drink on wkends especially if I'm out and about with my mates. However its always good to find a happy medium :)

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