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  • Apr 2, 2005, 06:40 AM
    Eye bags
    Hey can someone tell me how to get rid of these bags.
    They are like dens bags the guy on eastenders they are light bags and I don't know how to get rid of them please help. I got these bags because I started to stay up late at night for months and now even when I go to sleep early nothing happens. I am 18 if that helps.

    By the way what is the difference between bags and dark circles?
  • Apr 3, 2005, 02:44 PM
    This is going to sound crazy but I've heard that hemmroid cream helps,also it is my understanding that bags are the later stages of dark circles.Hope this helps.
  • Apr 18, 2005, 08:17 PM
    Hemmroid cream does work to take down the puffiness in eye bags and it takes away wrinkles as well. Another thing you could try is letting herbal tea bags or green tea bags soak in warm water fro awhile and then let them sit on your eyes for 10-15 minutes a few times a week. If they're really puffy in the morning and you want to take down some of the swelling, leave table spoons in the freezer over night and in the morning when you wake up put the backs of the spoons onto your eyes and under neath them and it'll help wake them up and look brighter. Sliced potatoes help for the swelling a bit too I think, I do forsure that it take the darkness out of them, so if they start getting dark at least you can do that ;) I think there are also eye creams that make a big difference, you should talk to one of the store people at a Clinque counter or a Lacome counter or any other one, they're usually fairly helpful and give good advice. I hope that mine helped in some way :)
  • Apr 20, 2005, 06:50 AM
    I'm sorry but I will not recommend any cosmetic product...

    Try putting cold/chilled spoons on both eyes (errr... with eyes close) till puffiness subsides...

    There's also gel bags for eyes if you don't want to use those table spoons...

    Yes, I heard potatoes helps

    One thing... I heard you'll get best results with cucumber. Slice it thinly then put on each eye be it overnight or in the morning!

    I hope this'll help :)
  • Apr 22, 2005, 07:15 AM

    Originally Posted by pretty_in_pink
    im sorry but i will not recommend any cosmetic product...

    Try putting cold/chilled spoons on both eyes (errr...with eyes close) till puffiness subsides...

    There's also gel bags for eyes if u don't want to use those table spoons...

    Yes, i heard potatoes helps

    One thing... i heard you'll get best results with cucumber. slice it thinly then put on each eye be it overnight or in the morning!

    I hope this'll help :)

    Have to say this is what I'd recommend too. Especially the cucumber, if it's chilled it will help even more.
  • Apr 23, 2005, 01:48 PM
    Bags under eyes
    My grandma showed me this, and we all know they're right!

    Get some raw cabbage leaves and pinch them a bit until the juice comes out, then put them on the bags -and magic, a few minutes later, maybe 15, bags are definitely less. Worked for me!
  • Sep 7, 2005, 05:02 PM
    The best I've used...
    I have tried cucumbers and such on my eyes, but nothing really did the trick. Eventually I gave up. Then, my sister-in-law started selling Arbonne products. They sell a firming lift and an eye cream in their anti-aging line. At first I thought the products were too expensive for me, but then I found out that the anti-aging line can last anywhere from 6-9 months. The products are so concentrated that a little amount goes a long way - you definitely get your money's worth.

    I have been using the whole line - wash, lift, eye cream, and lotion for a little over a month. I took a picture before I started using it and then one about a week ago. I was shocked to see how much the puffiness under my eyes had subsided (not to mention my laugh lines). (I have a picture of my before and after if you're interested in seeing it.)

    I've also seen some women who have had immediate results with just one application of the lift and the eye cream. My husband's aunt was one of them. After seeing the difference, she immediately wanted to purchase them both. She's been using them about two weeks now, and she informed me that she's loving them! After seeing how well these products work, I've started selling them myself, which I never thought I would do.

    If you want to give them a try or just find out more about them, visit my website

    Sorry for such a long post...I struggle with keeping things short, sweet, and to the point. : )
  • Sep 20, 2005, 04:32 PM
    My mom swears by this stuff
    My mom had pretty puffy circles under her eyes until about 2 months ago. She came to a dinner party and she looked fantastic and she started to gab about this new special eye cream. The next time I went to my parents' house she brought out this ad from a magazine where she read about the stuff and she looks good, really made a difference for her. It's called Hylexin eye cream. If nothing else is working maybe this is worth checking out?
  • Apr 1, 2011, 12:19 AM
    The cucumber remedy works pretty well too.
    You can take a look at this site:
    It tells you about all sorts of techniques you can use to get rid of eye bags.

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