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  • Apr 29, 2007, 05:27 PM
    My two year old is biting!
    My two year old has never really been a bitter. Now he is biting all the time. When he gets frustrated... How do I get him to stop biting. Like today I put him in timeout, and on the way he bit me so hard he made me bleed. I don't want to put down his self esteem... but nothing I am doing is working... HELP!:mad:
  • Apr 29, 2007, 06:20 PM
    Put hand to rear firmly and say NO, works very well.
  • Apr 29, 2007, 07:31 PM
    If there is one place that he usually bites you each time you can rub a very small amount of cinnamon on that spot, when he feels it on his tongue he will not like it and possibly stop bitting you.
  • Apr 29, 2007, 08:02 PM
    He is biting everywhere, and it is only when he is upset.
  • Apr 29, 2007, 08:38 PM
    Young children often bite when they are upset. This is not unusual behavior especially for 2 year olds. For many of these children, biting is only a temporary problem. They may bite because they cannot express themselves using words. For them, biting is a form of body language. You need to recognize your child's behavior before the biting usually occurs, and then prevent the biting by redirecting. When he begins to become upset, try to take him out of the situation and hug him, read to him, or any thing that will help calm him. Try to avoid his contact with other children as much as possible until he gets through this stage so other children do not get bitten. Most importantly, talk to him about his anger and that biting someone is unacceptable and hurts them.
  • Apr 29, 2007, 08:57 PM
    You can't talk to a 2 year old about biting :) They just don't get it yet! Some doctors will tell you to bite them back... but I feel this makes it worse because then they scream! How can you tell them no and then do it too... If he bites you when he is made simply say " I don't like it when you bite me, it hurts me and makes me sad" and then proceed to take him to time out. We did this with my sister and she started feeling bad about it. Something to that effect, just keep the words simple. Whatever he does just leave him in timeout, don't baby him :) (I am not saying you do by the way) Remember for timeout it is 1 minute for every year old... 2 minutes to a 2 year old is a LONG time! Trying to redirect is good to, but if he is biting you when you are on the way to timeout then I say start telling him it hurts you and makes you sad and that you would like him to not bite anymore!

    Of course avoiding the situation is good too. If you know he has to put his toys up in a few minutes, instead of waiting and saying "clean up" tell him " In a few minutes we have to clean our toys up because it is time to _____" That way he is expecting it and it does not take him by surprise. Also reward him if he gets upset and doesn't bite... just ideas :)

    I have worked at many daycares and raised a couple children that weren't mine but still little ones :) (my God Son and my little sister that we got custody of!)
  • Apr 29, 2007, 09:48 PM
    When my nephew was biting we used a "sticker chart" basically we got a little chart that came with stickers and each day he didn't bite he got a sticker. When he went say a week without biting he got to go out and have an ice cream cone or got to pick out a new toy. He's now 4 and he never bites
  • Apr 30, 2007, 10:16 AM
    That is acutally a really good idea. Do you think a two year old will grasp that concept of the sticker chart?
  • Apr 30, 2007, 10:29 AM

    Originally Posted by robertsqueen
    My two year old has never really been a bitter. Now he is biting all the time. When he gets frustrated....How do I get him to stop biting. Like today I put him in timeout, and on the way he bit me so hard he made me bleed. I don't want to put down his self esteem...but nothing I am doing is working.....HELP!:mad:

    My daughter bit when she was turning 2 as well. It's a stage, and usually in a few months they grow out of it. We got a book called Teeth are not for biting by Elizabeth
    Verd ick. It's a kids book that we read to her every day, and when she did bite, we used the same vocabulary from the book so she could relate it to the sad people in the story. Pretty soon she was saying it too, and the biting stopped! She's almost three now, and although she still does bite her sister on occasion, it's not nearly as bad as before. Good luck!
  • Apr 30, 2007, 10:35 AM
    Ah the good ole days of biting! I remember them all to well. My son was biting everyone and everything. The day care was getting fed up as well as the parents of the poor kids he was biting. I bought my son one of those teething toys. It vibrates when they bite down on it. Got it at walmart by the way. I gave him this and told him when he felt like biting to bite on that. The pediatrician said that around the age of 2 is when teeth start moving and positioning and this causes some of the urge to bite. Don't worry he will grow out of it. Here is a link for a new one they came out with. Baby Vibe introduces a new FDA cleared therapeutical baby teething ring to consumers called, the Je Je therapeutical teether.
  • Apr 30, 2007, 01:26 PM
    Not only is he biting but he is talking back... when I tell him not to do something then he kind of bables back to me in a smart alec tone. Or tells me don't. How can I get him to respect me?
  • Apr 30, 2007, 02:12 PM

    Originally Posted by robertsqueen
    That is acutally a really good idea. Do you think a two year old will grasp that concept of the sticker chart?

    My nephew did, that's what age he was at when we started it. After he earns enough stickers to get the first reinforcement he'll start to get the idea, and actually this can work with talking back too
  • Apr 30, 2007, 09:07 PM
    Be VERY consistent with him. If you tell him something ALWAYS follow through. Next keep saying "If you do that again then..." Because he will think you won't do it every. Show him you mean what you say. Is he on a schedule? Are you a stay at home mom? If so and he isn't on a real "schedule" then maybe that would cause less outbreaks because he knows what to respect. Young children like to know what to expect. Like if it is time to stop playing ring a bell or sing a clean up song! Also tell him "In a few minutes we need to clean up and _____, I will help you" Then a few minutes lake begin to sing the clean up song. This worked well with my God Son. He will be 3 in July! :)
  • Apr 30, 2007, 09:12 PM
    No, I am not a stay at home mother, I go to school full time and work part-time, but he is on a schedule. I will try to divert his attention... I already warn him that a change is coming up.
  • Apr 30, 2007, 09:21 PM
    Well I think he might just be at that age of terror! :) All little boys (and girls) love to explore at this age and are so curious! He is probably trying to test your limits :) I bet he is adorable! I would say just give him time and express how it hurts when he bites.

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