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  • Apr 25, 2007, 11:59 AM
    Fake id
    Ok so I was wondering what happens if you get caught with a Fake ID in Vegas. I was wondering that when I went this weekend. A lot of people looked so young. :cool:

    I'm 19 and I was wondering. I'm not planning on getting one but am very curious of the penalties. :rolleyes:

    I know I know I spelled Fake wrong up at the top, I tried to change it once I caught it but couldn't! LOL
  • Apr 25, 2007, 02:00 PM
    Usually there is a fine, community service, loss of your drivers permit, possible jail time... depends on what you are using the id for and what state.
  • Apr 25, 2007, 02:33 PM
    When I was in Vegas and underage awhile back, one of my friends, (also underage,) had a fake and tried to get in one of the clubs and they just kept the id and wouldn't let him in. So I guess it just depends on what you're trying to use it for. I probably wouldn't try to gamble with a fake though.
  • Apr 25, 2007, 04:15 PM
    Yes, I can't speak for Vegas but in GA we used to work a lot of bars and clubs when we were off duty police officers.

    We used to just harrass the person some, take their fake ID, and also we took their real ID assuming they had it on them, and then told them we were turning this over to the ATF people and they would get in contact with them latter. ** we never did but had fun scaring them.

    We actually traded the fake id's between us, trying to get certain names, or ones that look like from other states and so on.

    They can of course hold you for a on duty officer and have you charged with a fake ID,

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