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  • Apr 23, 2007, 04:58 PM
    Keeping sister safe from inheritance
    My siblings and I own property as a result of our fathers death. We would like to sell it, and split the proceeds. However, one sibling is a severe drug addict, has been incarcerated several times over the years, and can't take care of herself in general. Is there anything we can do to make sure that she doesn't harm herself with the proceeds of this sale? It's not that we don't want her to have it - we're just afraid that she'll harm herself or others with it. If would be ideal if we could give it to her in monthly installments. She's in her 40's.
  • Apr 23, 2007, 05:03 PM
    Unless you can prove she is incompetent, in a court of law, the money is hers. You and your other family members could seek a limited guardianship over your sister for the financial management. Using the history of drug abuse and incarcerations, saying that she is not able to manage money and the fears of her literally blowing the funds in a very short period, or being swindled out of her inheritance by any drug cohorts.

    So you need to seek some legal counsel. Or get her to agree to a conservatorship with one (or two) family member(s) overseeing and writing the checks. If she agrees, do it legal. Spend the money now and avoid legal hassles later. Good luck!

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