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  • Sep 13, 2023, 09:41 AM
    The Impeachment of Quid Pro Joe Biden(10% for the big guy) begins ......
    ...with House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy approving a formal impeachment inquiry . Banks flag suspicious financial activity . It could run the gauntlet from laundering ;to terrorist funding ;to tax evasion ;to fraud .... and others . When they flag such transactions they file a report called Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) and banks are required to file with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).

    Take a good guess at how many times a SARs report has been filed for the Biden crime family ? I heard the number was above 170 . But I could be wrong .

    U.S. banks flagged over 150 transactions involving Biden's brother or son for further review - CBS News

    James Comer thinks there may be $20-30 million in corrupt payments made to the Biden Crime Family.

    He further noted that it is becoming clear that the Bidens potentially engaged in bribery, influence peddling, and money laundering.
    “This is going to be hard for Biden to explain, this is not going to go away, and I think eventually the mainstream media is going to start asking the real questions,” Comer added.
    “They know there’s something wrong here. They know all the allegations have merit, because of where Joe Biden was, because of what we’ve seen on tape before, where Joe Biden bragged about firing that prosecutor,” he added,
    “They know that this family created these shell companies. They know this family was money-laundering, they were profiting off Joe Biden’s influence,” Comer asserted, adding “The media knows that – they’re just not covering it.”
    “I can assure you: there is more money that we’re going to be able to identify, that was transferred between foreign nationals in other countries and the Biden family,” Comer further emphasized, adding, “I think, eventually, the mainstream media will turn on Joe Biden and start asking the real questions: ‘What did your family do to receive all this money?’”
    US: House Oversight Chairman Says There Is Evidence Of $20-$30 Million Of Illegal Payments To Bidens (
  • Sep 13, 2023, 04:39 PM

    You know
    In all reality corruption is the name of the game.
    Constitution, laws, names, and language are now being suit corruption.

    That being the case, the world and the Country we reside in...Who has the country's best interest at heart?
    It appears that Biden is more for himself than anything else. If corrupt politicians are good for the country, then who do you love?

    Just saying.
  • Sep 13, 2023, 05:12 PM
    What was Jared Trump doing with Saudi Arabia? Saudis made a $2B investment in Jared Kushner's firm, Affinity?
  • Sep 13, 2023, 06:59 PM
    Kusher was a successful investment business entrepreneur years before Trump considered running for President . He was not a crack head son of a US VP peddling influence. His work while Trump was in office ;specifically in the Abraham Accords was a diplomatic achievement worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize . The last time anyone got an Arab nation to make a peace deal with Israel Jimmy Carter sealed his reputation as a peacemaker . The fact that he is a devote Jew who successfully negotiated the deal makes the achievement even more remarkable.

    None of the money in his deal went to the big guy ;his family ;or up his nose.

    If you have any evidence of impropriety, I'll be happy to consider it . Why is it that a highly politicized Justice Dept that is hell bent in putting Trump away 100 different ways has never suggested that Kushner's business dealings in the Middle East is anything but legit ?

    Kushner's diplomacy helped create closer ties with the Saudi's that included the successful negotiation of a $350 billion arms sale to the Saudis . If the fact that he parlayed his time in the administration into a business opportunity after he left is a crime ,then we need to build many more jails .
  • Sep 13, 2023, 08:08 PM

    What was Jared Trump doing with Saudi Arabia?
    There is no way to compare Kushner with HB. Kushner has been legit in business transactions for many years. HB has been mired in addiction.
  • Sep 14, 2023, 05:10 AM
    FYI Affinity made a major investment last week in an Israeli auto leasing company that operates in Israel ,Romania ,and Germany with a fleet of 78,000 vehicles.

    Automotive (

    Jared Kushner’s Saudi-backed private equity fund clinches first investment in Israel | The Times of Israel

    Affinity is also in negotiations to purchase a share 25% share of Phoenix Agencies ; an insurance holding company valued at over one billion dollars.

    The Saudis invested in Affinity not as a payout to Trump but for legitimate reasons. Bottom line is that the Israeli market has huge growth potential as they expand into the greater Middle East thanks to the Abraham Accords ; and in markets in Africa ,India and other Asian nations .

    Kushner forged extensive ties throuhout the Middle East as he negotiated the Accords. Is he cashing in on those ties ? Sure he is as thousands of former government officials have done in the past .

    The difference is that he is parlaying his own expertise and ties . Hunter's sole claim to fortune was how he could be the middle man in a pay to play scheme for the VP of the United States .
  • Sep 14, 2023, 05:25 AM
    It's always disappointing to see liberals respond to the disturbing allegations against JB and HB by suggesting that someone else is guilty as well. Why not simply agree that the whole business actually does stink to the high heavens?
  • Sep 14, 2023, 06:42 AM
    They will once they get the memo from the deep state .And that won't happen until they find a suitable replacement that isn't named Harris .
  • Sep 14, 2023, 07:32 AM
    Impeachment is supposed to be a rare occurrence. Now it acts as a substitute for censure or a Parliamentary vote of no confidence by the House of Reps. Congress is 0-4 in convictions in the Senate and 3 of 4 impeachments have happened in less than 25 years (Bubba's 1999) . 2 against Trump ;1 absurdly after he already left office.
    There were no grounds to impeach Trump and now they are shocked shocked that Quid may get similar treatment .

    The irony is particularly rich in that the 1st Trump impeachment was for temporarily delaying aid to Ukraine at the same time that he was approving the release of offensive weapons for the country. His only hesitation was that the Biden Crime Family was corruptly influencing Ukraine politics.

    His concerns have been borne out . Trump was impeached for something he didn't do .The same charges leveled against Quid appear to be true.

    Despite the Dem's narratives ;the Europeans did NOT want Viktor Shokin removed . In fact he was a darling of the emperor's State Dept . It was Quid who wanted him removed under orders from Burisma .That was the deal . It was Quid who undermined US policy for his own personal benefit .

    Despite Biden's claim, Europeans WEREN'T trying to oust Ukraine prosecutor targeting Hunter's firm (

    Team Obama loved Victor Shokin. Why did Biden get him fired? (


    Burisma’s founder and CEO is Mykola Zlochevsky. The CHS, a businessman, first dealt with him indirectly in the 2015-16 time frame. The CHS was introduced to Burisma executives by an associate, identified as Oleksandr Ostapenko, who accompanied the CHS to a meeting at Burisma headquarters to discuss the company’s acquisition of an American energy firm that would allow them to IPO in the U.S.
    During the meeting, Burisma CFO Vadim Pojarskii listed the company’s board of directors, which included the former president and prime minister of Poland as well as Hunter Biden who, he said, was brought on “to protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems.”
    The CHS then asked why Burisma needed his assistance with the acquisition of a U.S. energy company given Hunter Biden’s involvement, prompting Pojarskii to concede that the younger Biden’s limited intelligence meant he was of little value outside of the influence he could exercise over his father.

    It has previously been reported that Hunter Biden’s laptop stored emails from Pojarskii (sometimes spelled Pozharskyi) explicitly discussing the understanding that Hunter would “use your influence” to assist Burisma, including in arranging for U.S. government officials to help Zlochevsky’s company fend off Ukrainian government pressure.
    At a subsequent meeting two months later, the CHS expressed concern that Shokin’s investigation of Burisma would damage the company’s prospective IPO in the U.S. Zlochevsky, the Burisma CEO, replied something to the effect of, “don’t worry Hunter will take care of all of those Issues through his dad.” He allegedly went on to say that he had paid $5 million each to Hunter and Joe Biden, an admission the CHS said was not at all unusual in Eastern European circles, where businessman enjoy bragging about their influence.
    “Zlochevsky made some comment that although Hunter Biden ‘was stupid, and his (Zlochevsky’s) dog was smarter,’ Zlochevsky needed to keep Hunter Biden (on Burisma’s board) ‘so everything will be okay,’” the document reads.

    The CHS also recalled a 2019 phone call in which he mentioned that Zlochevsky might have difficulty explaining suspicious wire transfers that could prove illicit payments to the Bidens. Zlochevsky, he said, responded that he did not send funds directly to “the big guy” (a reference to Joe Biden), and that the payments to the Bidens had been routed through so many companies and bank accounts that it would take investigators ten years to trace the payments to Joe Biden.
    Bidens Pressured Burisma Founder into Paying $10 Million Bribe to Get Prosecutor Fired, FBI Source Claims | National Review
  • Sep 14, 2023, 12:08 PM
    I didn't expect to see this. HB has been charged with a variety of fed crimes.
  • Sep 14, 2023, 12:43 PM
    oh yeah I saw on CNN the ATF barge into his home with rifles pointed in his direction before they clamped leg irons on him to frog march him to the awaiting patrol car.

    I suspect this is designed to give the "special council " Weiss some veneer of legitimacy.
  • Sep 15, 2023, 04:56 AM
    I'm wondering if this is legit, or if it's some sort of diversion by the Biden admin to say, "Ya see! We really do have a high regard for justice," knowing full well that the charges will eventually be dropped.
  • Sep 15, 2023, 06:22 PM
    This is the million dollar question.


    "Will the president pardon or commute his son if he is convicted?" one reporter asked Jean-Pierre during Friday's daily White House press briefing.
    "So I've answered this question before. It was asked of me not too long ago — a couple of weeks ago — and I was very clear, and I said no," Jean-Pierre responded.
  • Sep 16, 2023, 04:48 AM

    I'm wondering if this is legit, or if it's some sort of diversion by the Biden admin to say, "Ya see! We really do have a high regard for justice," knowing full well that the charges will eventually be dropped.
    I don't think so. i think the deep state is shaping the battlefield for the eventual ouster of Quid. It has now been revealed that 2 district DAs ;both Dem hacks ;one appointed by Quid .refused to cooperate with Weiss during the initial investigations of Hunter.
    This came from IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s testimony that was corroborated by the FBI. Matthew Graves, U.S. Attorney for D.C., and E. Martin Estrada, U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California, “refused to work” with Weiss on charges against Hunter Biden in their jurisdictions.

    Graves was appointed by Quid and previously worked in Quid's campaign. Estrada was appointed September 2022. Previously he had made donations to Kam the Sham's Senate campaign.

    Weiss lied about this to Congress . He specifically replied that he was never "denied authority to bring charges in and jurisdiction" . Now we know that is not true .
    Hunter Biden prosecutor insists he was never denied charging authority | Daily Mail Online

    There can no longer be any doubt that Weiss ;the two prosecutors and AG Garland were colluding ;probably with Quid to get the least possible penalties to Hunter.

    That arrangement was exposed and is now part of the impeachment inquiry .

    Summer is over and they can read the writing on the wall. His polls numbers have stunk forever. His policies are vastly unpopular .The UAW is throwing him under the bus as he loses private union support. We are not seeing what we saw with the emperor where the coal miners union supported him even as he told them he wanted to kill their jobs. For some strange reason auto workers in Detroit want to keep their jobs . And yet libtard union heads continue to support Dems who made it clear that they will kill the US auto market for the Green new steal.

    Why Dems continue to support policies that are harmful to them is a topic worthy of it's own discussion.Suffice it to say even unions are catching on

    Union Voters Could Be Decisive in 2024 (

    The compliant press is getting it's marching orders

    David Ignatius in the Compost wrote this week that Quid should drop out

    Opinion | President Biden should not run for reelection in 2024 - The Washington Post

    Morning Joe is saying Quid is too old.

    Scarborough says every Democrat he talks to privately says Biden is too old to run | The Hill

    CNN jumped on the ditch Quid train
    Biden's weaknesses: Hunter's past and the president's age | CNN Politics

    I think the only thing keeping him in the race is the fear that the baton will be passed to Kam the Sham.
  • Sep 18, 2023, 04:40 AM
    Molly Hemingway commented on the Ignatius column to Bret Baier Friday


    "Age is just one of his problems that he is facing right now," Hemingway said of Biden. "I think what was interesting, not just this follow-up Washington Post piece saying the Democrats should have a more active primary than the one they're currently having. But that David Ignatius column, I think that is a name that probably doesn't mean that much to people throughout the country. But in Washington D.C. that is a reliable spokesperson for essentially the people who run this town."

    "When he was saying it's time for Biden to get out that something a lot of people are talking about. And I think a lot of the people who would like Democrats to win are worried not just about his age but about his record and his scandals. These were all things they were able to keep under wraps the 2020 election and they are signaling they don't think they will be able to do this time."
    Mollie Hemingway: Ignatius Column A Message From The People Who Run Washington For Biden To Drop Out | Video | RealClearPolitics
  • Sep 18, 2023, 04:53 AM

    These were all things they were able to keep under wraps the 2020 election
    Also known as election interference with the active participation of the news media.
  • Sep 24, 2023, 03:40 AM
    It occurred to me that of course if they were going to charge Hunter with anything ,it would be gun charges given the stand that 2nd amendment hardliners have about many of the gun restrictions in the country; and the Dems wanting to abolish the 2nd amendment.

    The real reason for AG Garland appointing Weiss as special counsel was revealed in Garland's testimony to Congress this week. He evaded almost every question by basically saying he could not comment on the ongoing investigation ;that it was in the hands of the special counsel ;and that he would not interfere .

    He also lied again saying that Weiss had complete authority to run an independent investigation as the original district prosecutor ;that Weiss “had the authority because I promised he would have the authority.”

    Whistleblowers disputed that before Weiss was appointed special council and more have come forward since.

    Garland claimed Weiss had complete independence and the power to bring charges in any jurisdiction . Then he said that other prosecutors in other jurisdictions were not compelled to partner with Weiss . Charges from Hunter's activities in California and DC were allowed to go beyond the statute of limitations .
  • Sep 24, 2023, 04:23 AM
    Meanwhile a star is born in Rep Victoria Spatz from Indiana, who was born in Ukraine Soviet Union . Here Q&A of Garland is for the ages.

    'It's Like KGB!': Victoria Spartz Explodes At AG Merrick Garland Over His Handling Of Justice Dept - YouTube

    “all your agents need to be tested for amnesia,”
  • Sep 26, 2023, 03:45 AM
    The tentacles of the Biden crime family reached into Mexico. Among Hunter's business interests in Mexico was Carlos Slim; once the richest man in the world. Two of Hunter's business associates in Mexico,Miguel Aleman Velasco and Miguel Aleman Magnani got a personal tour of the White House by Quid in 2014 . Hunter also flew with Quid on Air Force 2 to help close a "flippin gigantic deal "
    'Flippin' gigantic' deal! Hunter's laptop reveals how Joe Biden met with son's business partners (
  • Sep 27, 2023, 04:27 AM
    Why are the Dems and the compliant press jumping on the dump Menendez bandwagon for doing the same thing on a much smaller scale to what the Biden crime family did ?


    Much of the largesse the New Jersey businesspeople allegedly showed to Menendez flowed through the woman the senator married in 2020, Nadine Menendez (nee Arslanian).
    In late 2018, an accident left Nadine Menendez without a car, the indictment says. One of the businesspeople allegedly stepped in in April 2019 to help her buy a Mercedes-Benz C-300 convertible, at one point texting an associate to request $15,000 in cash. The following day, the businessperson met Arslanian in a restaurant parking lot and handed her “approximately $15,000 in cash,” the indictment alleges, without explaining how prosecutors know about the hand-off.
    Arslanian bought the car for about $60,000 the next day and Uribe made at least six monthly payments on the loan, prosecutors contend.
    The money for the car came as one of the businesspeople was trying to convince New Jersey prosecutors to go easy on an unnamed associate facing a criminal case, according to the indictment. Prosecutors contend that the senator, who was kept informed about the dealings related to the case, cut a deal to attempt to get the case and investigation dropped.
    Cash, gold and a luxury car: The eye-popping allegations against Bob Menendez - POLITICO


    Prosecutors have also asked about paperwork the younger Mr. Biden used to purchase a car through funds from Rosemont Seneca, according to people familiar with the matter. In April 2014, a business associate of Mr. Biden from Kazakhstan wired $142,300 to Rosemont Seneca, according to bank statements reviewed by The Wall Street Journal and highlighted in a September 2020 report from Senate Republicans.
    The money came from a Singapore company controlled by Kazakhstan banker Kenges Rakishev, the documents show, and the Senate Republican report said they were earmarked in a bank record as “For a Car.” Mr. Rakishev, who was close to Kazakhstan’s leadership, had sought business opportunities with Hunter Biden in the U.S. and elsewhere, said a former associate of Hunter Biden who has been questioned by prosecutors. Mr. Rakishev didn’t respond to requests for comment.
    Prosecutors Advance Tax Probe of Hunter Biden - WSJ

    Menendez was indicted for this . Neither Hunter or Quid were for very similar influence peddling .

    CNN confirmed many of the details of the Biden crime family while insisting it has nothing to do with Quid.


    Regarding the dinners, Archer said there was a 2014 and 2015 dinner that Joe Biden attended with Hunter Biden and some of his foreign business associates at Cafe Milano in Washington, DC. While Hunter Biden’s business associates including Archer, and foreign business figures such as Russian billionaire Yelena Baturina and Kazakhstani oligarch Kenes Rakishev were in the room, business wasn’t discussed, Archer testified, telling lawmakers, “We ate, and kind of talked about the world, I guess, and the weather, and then everybody left.”
    On the allegation that these dinners with Joe Biden “resulted in cars,” Archer said the businessman Rakishev wired Hunter Biden the exact amount of money that Hunter used to buy a Porsche. This car has nothing to do with Joe Biden.
    Fact-checking McCarthy's claims while launching Biden impeachment inquiry | CNN Politics

    The only thing inaccurate in the accusation is the make of the car. Hunter initially purchased a tax payer subsidized EV sports car; a Fisker Karma. Fisker got subsidies from the DOE to take over a GM plant. Where ? The plant is in Wilmington Delaware . Fisker later defaulted costing the US taxpayers $132 million. THEN Hunter traded the Fisker for a Porche.

    Fisker finalizes purchase of Delaware GM plant - Maryland Daily Record (

    Energy Department 'bet' on Fisker Automotive ends in bankruptcy – Center for Public Integrity

    Hunter Biden’s Foreign Benefactors Lavished Him With Ultra-Luxury Watch for His Birthday, $140,000 Sports Car, and Three-Carat Diamond in Addition to Millions of Dollars | The New York Sun (

    Hunter got a sports car and a 3 carat diamond along with cash ........yawn

    Menendez got a car and gold bars .......... OMG the outrage !!!!!

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