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  • Oct 29, 2022, 05:16 AM
    JFKerry is going to resign as 'Climate Czar'
    Does that mean he is throwing his hat in the ring in 2024 ?

    John Kerry preparing to leave Biden administration after COP27 (

    Why it matters: President Biden has relied on Kerry, a former secretary of state, long-time senator and the Democratic presidential nominee in 2004, to corral more multilateral buy-in for emissions cuts and keep climate on the radar despite economic headwinds and the Russia crisis.

    He should milk it . He has the perfect no-show ;non-accountable job. He flies around the world in a private jet emitting a large carbon tail ;when he is not on his yacht , schmoozing with the rich and famous of the Davos crowd . It's the perfect perks no work job dining on lobster ;chateaubriand, and foie gras, sucking down champagne and Chivas Regal.

    But things have changed . Europe will freeze this winter and there is talk of Brits who will die from the cold. The world is souring on the utopian message of a green future.

    Most important . The Dems are going to get a shellacking this election ;and will be looking for a change in their own leadership.

    He has the money .He has the resume. He sees an opportunity . Why not join the freak show in the Dem clown car ?
  • Oct 31, 2022, 05:22 AM
    Another sign of the times . German energy company Garzweiler is dismantling a wind farm to make room for a coal mine . They are going to fire up coal plants so Germans don't freeze to death this winter .

    "We realize this comes across as paradoxical," RWE spokesperson Guido Steffen said in a statement. "But that is as matters stand."
    Coal mine demolishes neighboring wind farm to boost country's energy supply, drawing ire of climate activists ( paradoxical ? The word I would use is practical.
    It's the difference between utopian fantasy and reality .

    Enviro-wackos should take comfort in how many bird lives will be saved from those giant guillotines .
  • Oct 31, 2022, 05:30 AM

    But things have changed . Europe will freeze this winter and there is talk of Brits who will die from the cold. The world is souring on the utopian message of a green future.

    "We realize this comes across as paradoxical," RWE spokesperson Guido Steffen said in a statement. "But that is as matters stand."
    Coal mine demolishes neighboring wind farm to boost country's energy supply, drawing ire of climate activists ( paradoxical ? The word I would use is practical.
    It's the difference between utopian fantasy and reality .

    Reality always comes marching into town at some point and is a shock to those dependent on fairy tales. We're going to have the same experience someday when we find out that the endless printing and borrowing of money is not, as it turns out, a solid plan for federal budgeting.
  • Oct 31, 2022, 07:31 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Another sign of the times . German energy company Garzweiler is dismantling a wind farm to make room for a coal mine . They are going to fire up coal plants so Germans don't freeze to death this winter .

    You would prefer they freeze to death?

    The "sign of the times", as you put it, is the Hitlerian invasion of Ukraine by the evil empire of Vladimir Putin. How could you have possibly missed that?
  • Oct 31, 2022, 08:02 AM
    The sign of the times is that the Germans left themselves vulnerable and dependent on Russia by stopping their nuclear energy and their fossil fuel energy in persuit of the utopian dream of a 21st century economy being fueled by solar panels and windmills . Talk about Quixotic !!!
  • Oct 31, 2022, 08:08 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    The sign of the times is that the Germans left themselves vulnerable and dependent on Russia by stopping their nuclear energy and their fossil fuel energy in persuit of the utopian dream of a 21st century economy being fueled by solar panels and windmills . Talk about Quixotic !!!

    There was nothing Quixotic about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It was pure evil, and unexpected in this day and age, leading to the massive energy problem in Germany.

    The dream of clean energy is not a utopian dream. It is nothing less than an attempt to save the planet from dirty energy. I know you don't believe that, but I encourage you to educate yourself on the matter, and not just from anti climate change sources.
  • Oct 31, 2022, 08:14 AM

    unexpected in this day and age
    Unexpected that Putin would invade a neighbor? Actually, I don't think it surprised very many people other than the kool-aid drinkers.
  • Oct 31, 2022, 08:22 AM
    all the more reason for Germany to have not cut off their own RELIABLE energy supplies .

    btw Clueless Joe is making the same mistake in the US .

    The move towards a clean RELIABLE carbon free energy is a worthy pursuit for a 21st centrury economy .But typical of command and control lefties ;they think mandating it will make it happen.
  • Oct 31, 2022, 08:34 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    The move towards a clean RELIABLE carbon free energy is a worthy pursuit for a 21st centrury economy .But typical of command and control lefties ;they think mandating it will make it happen.

    There is no other way to make it happen than by mandates. Otherwise, the money forces would totally prevent it. I think the righty Repubs would act the same way if they were the promoters. It's the nature of government. The people elect other people to pass laws. Laws are mandates.

    I am, however, heartened by your "worthy pursuit" comment.
  • Oct 31, 2022, 09:02 AM

    There is no other way to make it happen than by mandates.
    That's true only if green energy sources are hopelessly overpriced and unreliable which, of course, they are. And as usually happens with mandates, the poor will suffer the most.
  • Oct 31, 2022, 11:27 AM
    The reality is that once electric transmission was proven to be superior and reliable it rapidly replaced oil lanterns
    That is how capitalism works .

    The Edison bulb was invented in 1879 . The Pearl Street station began operation in 1882. Turbogenerator began in 1890 . By 1884 the first long distance AC line was on display at the World's Fair in Turin Italy By 1893 work began on building generators at Niagara Falls and Buffalo was being lit and had electric trollies by 1896

    Autos . The first American auto was invented in 1893 by J. Frank and Charles Duryea. !908 Ford introduced the Model T By 1913 , the United States produced some 485,000 of the worlds 606,124 motor vehicles.

    When technology works it does not take government intervention
  • Oct 31, 2022, 11:40 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    The reality is that once electric transmission was proven to be superior and reliable it rapidly replaced oil lanterns
    That is how capitalism works .

    The Edison bulb was invented in 1879 . The Pearl Street station began operation in 1882. Turbogenerator began in 1890 . By 1884 the first long distance AC line was on display at the World's Fair in Turin Italy By 1893 work began on building generators at Niagara Falls and Buffalo was being lit and had electric trollies by 1896

    Autos . The first American auto was invented in 1893 by J. Frank and Charles Duryea. !908 Ford introduced the Model T By 1913 , the United States produced some 485,000 of the worlds 606,124 motor vehicles.

    When technology works it does not take government intervention

    You are totally missing the gorilla in the room. When those things happened, there was no looming global catastrophe. There was time for market forces to work.

    You may not believe it, but nevertheless, that is the reason behind mandates to convert to clean energy. Market forces grind exceedingly slow when profits are to be made. The conversion can't wait until the next century. The time is NOW.
  • Oct 31, 2022, 12:26 PM
    The examples I cite were in a couple of decades . We have had commercial wind and solar farms in this country for 3 decades ( wind Crotched Mountain in Carrizo Plain in San Luis Obispo County, CA) and they have yet to prove themselves to be close to efficient suppliers of energy . At best after 30 + years they are supplemental .

    Trust me big oil is heavily invested in renewable research . When the time is right ,they will be the 1st to lead the conversion.

    How the 6 major oil companies have invested in renewable energy projects (
  • Oct 31, 2022, 12:36 PM

    looming global catastrophe
    If you want to see a global catastrophe, then try replacing carbon based energy with the fairy tale of green energy, and banning the use of commercial fertilizers. When millions and millions are dying of starvation or exposure to cold, then we will have, not the hysterical prediction of a crisis, but a present-time real one.

    Hoping something will work is not the same as demonstrating it will. Wind has some promise as the wind, in many areas, blows pretty steadily. Solar, however, is so unreliable that it must be backed up by carbon plants. It is fantastically expensive for that reason and, as is oftentimes the case, the poor will suffer the most.
  • Oct 31, 2022, 01:50 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Trust me big oil is heavily invested in renewable research . When the time is right ,they will be the 1st to lead the conversion.

    Tomder, trusting you is asking a lot, but I'm trying. Trusting big oil is an oxymoron. "When the time is right"...huh? Big oil decides when the time is right? Tomder, I may disagree with you on issues, but I never took you to fall for such nonsense. Big oil, big tobacco, big pharma, etc..... when will you ever learn?

    You still don't understand what money does to the human soul or, as the sainted Paul put it, the love of money. It's the same with big corporations, only a thousand times worse because they have so much influence on society. By the time big corporations realize that, and that they are shooting themselves in the foot by opposing global warming, it will be too late.

    Have you seen the profits big oil is making while the nation suffers through inflation? Biden asks them to take a little less to help out the prices at the pump (not mandates, asks). Do they? Not yet. Yet you place your hope in these behemoths.

    They'll be the last to go as the water rises above their heads, long after the rest of us have sunk beneath the waves, and there won't be any Noah to save you and me.
  • Oct 31, 2022, 02:01 PM

    Tomder, trusting you is asking a lot
    Pot calls kettle black.


    They'll be the last to go as the water rises above their heads, long after the rest of us have sunk beneath the waves, and there won't be any Noah to save you and me.
    Present worst-case scenario for rising ocean levels is...a few inches. "THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING!"
  • Oct 31, 2022, 02:01 PM
    you really need to learn more about the greedy capitalists . Of course they lead in developing new markets because it is in their best interests to do so.
  • Oct 31, 2022, 04:34 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    you really need to learn more about the greedy capitalists . Of course they lead in developing new markets because it is in their best interests to do so.

    Tomder, read my lips. Corporations do not do research into marketing products that will undermine their current products. They already have a profitable captive market. Why in the world would they want to change that? Capitalism 101.

    Corporations are not "greedy capitalists". They are chartered to make profits. It's the law. But they will go to the very edge of legality and morality in the pursuit of profits. The "greedy" is from ordinary people who have a choice to not be greedy, but decide otherwise. Corporations do not have that choice.

    You're very naive about capitalism, tomder. However, I'll be glad to discuss it with you and maybe learn something. Just like our discussion on socialism, from which you bailed.
  • Oct 31, 2022, 04:49 PM

    You're very naive about capitalism, tomder.

    from which you bailed.
    Pot continues to call Kettle black.
  • Oct 31, 2022, 05:41 PM
    These 2 Oil Companies Are Investing Heavily in Renewable Energy | The Motley Fool

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