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  • Mar 17, 2022, 01:43 PM
    Ceazy Right-Wing Truck Convoy In DC
    Some incredible beliefs from the truckers in the DC convoy.

    A driver who said she is facing trail for participating in the Jan 6 insurrection has promoted the following piece of lunacy:

    That John F. Kennedy, Jr. will return to install Donald Trump as president of the US. (PS - JFK JR. is DEAD!)

    Other truckers maintain that Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin are using the invasion of Ukraine as a cover to stop Dr. Anthony Fauci from making bioweapons in secret Ukranian laboratories.

    These loonies are part of the Trump support.

    GOP Sens Ron Johnson and Ted Cruz met with the truckers.

    edit: in title, correct typo Ceazy to Crazy
  • Mar 17, 2022, 01:52 PM
    driver who said she is facing trail for participating in the Jan 6 insurrection .. Using the Clueless Joe form of communication I see .

    The stuff about the biolab is unfounded and Tucker Carlson does not help the cause .Of course the US is more than capable of such things . After all ;they funded gain of function research in China and have been covering up the origin of Lyme disease .
    However there is no evidence that the labs in Ukraine were any more than what we have been told by our government and unless someone comes up with evidence to the contrary ;I will not assist in the Russian and China disinformation about the labs .
  • Mar 17, 2022, 03:07 PM
    The truck protest came a little late . Governments have already concluded that the people will no longer put up with draconian restrictive mandates on their freedoms based on Herr Doctor Fauci's lies .
  • Mar 17, 2022, 03:24 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    The truck protest came a little late . Governments have already concluded that the people will no longer put up with draconian restrictive mandates on their freedoms based on Herr Doctor Fauci's lies .

    Those people didn't get sick or dead, did they? Yay, Dr. Fauci!!!
  • Mar 17, 2022, 03:51 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    driver who said she is facing trail for participating in the Jan 6 insurrection .. Using the Clueless Joe form of communication I see .

    No idea what this means.


    The stuff about the biolab is unfounded and Tucker Carlson does not help the cause
    Tucker Carlson, the new media leader of the right-wing, is a complete unmitigated moronic yo-yo who is supported by so many wackos, it is freaking scary.


    Of course the US is more than capable of such things
    Really, tomder, are you sure you're in the right country?


    unless someone comes up with evidence to the contrary ;I will not assist in the Russian and China disinformation about the labs .
    Nice to know you will not assist in the support of a declared enemy of the USA who is currently invading another country without cause and killing as many civilians and children as he possibly can.
  • Mar 17, 2022, 04:31 PM

    Of course the US is more than capable of such things

    Really, tomder, are you sure you're in the right country?
    absolutely when did you become an air headed believer in every thing the government tells you ?

    I bet you believe that the government experimented with disease on the Tuskegee Air men. I bet you believe that the US subjected their troops to nuclear fall out . I bet you believe the military experimented with LSD in the 60s

    1950 the navy spent days spraying microbes into the fog of San Francisco to do bio warfare experiments on the people of the city . This is an undeniable fact . Hospital staffers were shocked that patients infected with the rare bacteria for the area ; Serratia marcescens , suddenly showing up for treatment .(Operation Sea Spray ....look it up)
    While you are at it look up Project 112
    The government admitted that program in 2008 . Look up Devil Hole 1 and Devil Hole 2 . Look up Big Tom and Rapid Tan 1 ,2 and ,3 There are over 200 well known examples of the government testing on Americans .

    So yes it is possible that the labs in Ukraine were doing dual use research . But I have seen no evidence to suggest it .
  • Mar 17, 2022, 04:50 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    driver who said she is facing trail for participating in the Jan 6 insurrection .. Using the Clueless Joe form of communication I see .

    You are bolding an obvious typo but always happily (and incorrectly) double-space before any punctuation.
  • Mar 17, 2022, 07:42 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    absolutely when did you become an air headed believer in every thing the government tells you ?

    I examine what the government says from as many sources as I can when necessary. No examination is necessary when the source is QANON or some other fringe right-wing group. Then there's always the media. You know, what you and TFG call Fake News.


    yes it is possible that the labs in Ukraine were doing dual use research . But I have seen no evidence to suggest it .
    Let me get this straight - you have NO EVIDENCE, yet you say it is still possible? There's a word for that, tomder - unsubstantiated. Unsubstantiated has no purpose in any discussion. It's only use is to cast doubt on what cannot be proven so that the waters are muddied.

    This is the essential tactic of Gingrich, Hannity, Bannon, Stone, Ingraham, Flynn et al and so forth.
  • Mar 18, 2022, 03:25 AM

    Unsubstantiated has no purpose in any discussion.
    Most of the reporting of the compliant press is unsubstantiated . In this case it is speculation or deduction.
    In an information vacuum, we can only speculate why these biolabs exist. An obvious question would be ;why is this research being funded over seas if it could be properly and legally be done inside the US ?

    "Ukraine has biological research facilities, which, in fact, we are now quite concerned...Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of."
    (Victoria Nuland in testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee )

    Senator Rubio Questions Undersecretary Nuland Over Biolabs in Ukraine |

    The official position of the U.S. Government is that it does not engage in offensive bioweapons research. The U.S. has signed treaties barring such research. But in the wake of the anthrax attacks after 9-11; and especially once the FBI went all out in trying to prove that the anthrax was sent by a U.S. Army scientist from Fort Detrick, Dr Steven Hatfill , U.S. officials were forced to admit that they do engage in defensive bioweapons research.

    That is a distinction without a difference. For both defensive and offensive research, scientists must create, cultivate, manipulate (gain of function aka weaponize ) and store viruses or infectious bacteria in their labs to study them. Even Herr Doctor Fauci admits to that .
  • Mar 18, 2022, 05:49 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Most of the reporting of the compliant press is unsubstantiated

    That's a ridiculous statement and you know it.

    Come back when you decide to be serious and decide to post the truth based on facts.
  • Mar 18, 2022, 05:57 AM
    I come and go as I please . Deal with it .
  • Mar 18, 2022, 06:02 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I come and go as I please . Deal with it .

    I am dealing with it. By pointing out your misinformation, your misleading comments, and your support of wacky right-wing nonsense.
  • Mar 19, 2022, 04:57 AM
    The truth is that all reporting by the compliant press is filtered through biases that include spin, omission, opinion expressed as fact, slant, ad hominem attack, lacking needed content, unsubstantiated claims, and especially anonymous source attributing. Most are filtered through preconceived echo chambers and algorithms.
  • Mar 19, 2022, 10:01 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    The truth is that all reporting by the compliant press is filtered through biases that include spin, omission, opinion expressed as fact, slant, ad hominem attack, lacking needed content, unsubstantiated claims, and especially anonymous source attributing. Most are filtered through preconceived echo chambers and algorithms.

    You mean like Russia invading Ukraine? The 2020 presidential election rigged? The Jan6 insurrection "legitimate public discourse"? Many, many more - all fake news filtered through a "compliant press"?

    Wake up, tomder.
  • Mar 19, 2022, 10:08 AM

    You mean like Russia invading Ukraine? The 2020 presidential election rigged? The Jan6 insurrection "legitimate public discourse"?
    yes . Not one of those stories has had a complete telling by the compliant press .

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