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  • Sep 30, 2021, 04:08 AM
    The supply chain collapsing due to covid restrictions and generous gimmees for people to not work .

    Maybe government gimmees should end for able bodied Americans when jobs are available .

    Maybe instead of passing infrastructure legislation for roads that goods are not being transported on anyway we should plan to shorten the supply chain and bring the work to the US or at least to this hemisphere .

    Why do we favor empowering a strategic rival like China to get goods to the country by shipping them half way around the world when there are obvious advantages to making product here or in nations in the Western Hemisphere ? Relying on China is a self defeating proposition.
  • Sep 30, 2021, 08:49 AM
    Yesterday transport workers published this urgent letter to world leaders at the UN General Assembly .

    Joint open letter – Transport heads call on world leaders to secure global supply chains | International Chamber of Shipping (

    "All transport sectors are also seeing a shortage of workers, and expect more to leave as a result of the poor treatment millions have faced during the pandemic, putting the supply chain under greater threat,"

    Everyone will notice come Black Friday when there are no goods in Walmart to fight over .
  • Sep 30, 2021, 09:20 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Everyone will notice come Black Friday when there are no goods in Walmart to fight over .

    And stop with all the panicky news flashes and dire warnings about certain goods -- e.g., bottled water, meats, tp and paper towels, AND Thanksgiving turkeys!!! -- rapidly disappearing off store shelves.
  • Sep 30, 2021, 10:40 AM
    I'm less concerned about those items than building supplies ,semiconductor chips that forced Toyota to cut production by 40% ,steel etc .Around the country there is demand for products but factories cannot make them . I was experiencing the beginnings of this before I retired . Purchasers were tearing their hair out looking for alternate suppliers . In my development homes are in the process of being built . But they are at a snails pace compared to late last year . The home across the street was sold . But the owner had to wait weeks to move in because garage doors were not available . I waited almost 3 months to complete my fence . In that time the price of lumber more than doubled .

    In England there are long lines for petrol . The NHS announced that they has to delay some blood tests because of scarcity .

    Meanwhile hundreds of ships are parked off of LA waiting to dock . But there are not enough workers to do the job. China closed some export ports due to covid and has been slow to reopen them.

    Container shipping is the backbone of the supply chain and that is close to a broken system. In that scenario panic buying is almost logical .
    The price of moving goods to the United States from Asia is up as much as 10x since the beginning of the pandemic
    So I ask again where is the logic in continuing on this treadmill. ?
  • Sep 30, 2021, 11:27 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    So I ask again where is the logic in continuing on this treadmill. ?

    How do we get off? Get rid of Covid?
  • Sep 30, 2021, 12:49 PM
    No Covid is here to stay .

    I propose that the supply chain be shortened by moving the manufacture of goods we purchase to this side of the world . It was always a fools bet to rely too heavily on the Chi-coms . There are plenty of nations on this side of the Pacific that would more than welcome the business. Who knows ; maybe jobs in Mexico ,Central America, South America ,the Caribbean islands would result in people staying in their own nations.
  • Sep 30, 2021, 12:52 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I propose that the supply chain be shortened by moving the manufacture of goods we purchase to this side of the world . It was always a fools bet to rely too heavily on the Chi-coms . There are plenty of nations on this side of the Pacific that would more than welcome the business. Who knows ; maybe jobs in Mexico ,Central America, South America ,the Caribbean islands would result in people staying in their own nations.

    Excellent! How can we help make that happen?
  • Sep 30, 2021, 01:02 PM
    I think COVID will be around a while which means the business of paying people not to work needs to end yesterday. We just have to learn how to live with it.

    Not sure if there is a legal way to enforce the buying of products from countries nearer to us. There are many pitfalls associated with those efforts. I’m much more concerned about the current practice of fantasy budgeting where we pretend to have money we don’t have and lie about money magically appearing in the future.

    All of that will take real leadership which we have not had in quite some time.
  • Sep 30, 2021, 01:32 PM
    I was actually talking about this for a decade since I became involved in procurement . I was shocked at how many basic raw materials in the drug industry were sourced from China . As an example ;during the early stages of the pandemic ,China restricted the export of PPE . Critical drug raws are made in China .As an example they have cornered the antibiotic market . To me this was always a national security weakness .

    As to your question ;We can start by giving pink slips to the globalist free trader bureaucrats and leaders in this country (like the fools who championed China into the WTO)

    This is where the covid pandemic actually has people thinking about shortening the supply chain. Those ships lined up waiting to unload cargo is a big wake up call .
    There is also geopolitical pressures to rethink the logic of an extended supply line given China's belligerence . History tells us that is not a wise strategy .(see Napoleon's Russia invasions )

    I think the shift is already underway by the multinationals that are getting burned the most by this disruption. But Quid as the President can start the ball rolling . He wants hundreds of billions of dollars in investments for manufacturing, research, workforce training etc But these plans are not enough .They can only work if steps are taken to improve the competitiveness of U.S. manufacturing, and to create demand for products made in the Americas.

    Will Quid do it ? Or will he follow Hunter's plan for the big guy to get in bed with Xi ?
  • Sep 30, 2021, 01:45 PM

    Not sure if there is a legal way to enforce the buying of products from countries nearer to us. There are many pitfalls associated with those efforts.
    to force it no . But there were incentives that prompted the move to the Pacific nations . End those incentives as Trump attempted in what they called his trade war with China ,and instead transfer the incentives to this hemisphere . Trump's USMC trade agreement started the ball . Expand it across the hemisphere . Business will go where it is most welcome .
  • Sep 30, 2021, 01:47 PM

    To me this was always a national security weakness .
    That is really true and is a topic that virtually never is addressed. Relatively few computers are made in the U.S. I imagine that much of the hardware used for networking is imported. These are important issues that need to be addressed. The repubs have both an obligation and an opportunity here if they have enough sense to use it.
  • Sep 30, 2021, 01:53 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I think the shift is already underway by the multinationals that are getting burned the most by this disruption. But Quid as the President can start the ball rolling . He wants hundreds of billions of dollars in investments for manufacturing, research, workforce training etc But these plans are not enough .They can only work if steps are taken to improve the competitiveness of U.S. manufacturing, and to create demand for products made in the Americas.

    All the more reason to bring vocational guidance and training into middle schools and high schools!
  • Sep 30, 2021, 03:40 PM

    ’m much more concerned about the current practice of fantasy budgeting where we pretend to have money we don’t have and lie about money magically appearing in the future.
    Did you see the inane comment by Tres Sec Yellen ? She said she wants to "abolish " the "destructive " debt limit . Because it makes " no sense " to limit Treasury's ability to pay bills approved by Congress.

    'we don't need no stinkin limits '

    Wonder what she thinks about a balanced budget amendment so the government can operate like 50 states and most American households have to operate ?
  • Sep 30, 2021, 07:38 PM
    There is a day of reckoning coming for all of this. Foolishness always has its own reward.
  • Nov 5, 2021, 04:17 AM
    This genius has an answer to the supply chain issue . Don't spend .

    Here's the answer to your holiday supply-chain worries (opinion) - CNN

    But wait ,the container ships are coming in

    Babylon Bee did a parody of arranging container ships to read 'Let's go Brandon' . The compliant press "fact checkers " actually wasted their time fact checking it .
  • Nov 5, 2021, 05:15 AM
    Your two pics made me laugh out loud. Better laughing than crying, I suppose.
  • Nov 6, 2021, 06:32 AM
    1 Attachment(s)
    Attachment 49346
  • Nov 11, 2021, 04:27 AM
    Quid say Americans are too stupid to understand the supply chain. He tells Americans to suck it up, and blames Americans for the shortage.
    "If we were all going out and having lunch together and I said, 'Let’s ask whoever's in the next table, no matter what restaurant we’re in, have them explain the supply chain to us.' Do you think they’d understand what we’re talking about?"

    His stooges agree.

    What is hard to understand? Americans see empty shelves in the store. Shortages of the goods they want and need to buy. Cargo ships waiting to off load, and prices sky rocketing. It is all your fault for wanting to give gifts and buy things!!
    Yeah that is right, The Dems are taking the war on Christmas to the next level.

    Bagdad Bob Jen Psaki mocked consumers when asked about it.
    ‘The tragedy of the treadmill undelivered’ Psaki plays down supply chain chaos, claims it’s because people are buying more | The Independent

    Mayor Pete has no answers so he shrugs his shoulders and says this will continue into next year.
    Buttigieg warns some supply chain problems will persist into 2022 - POLITICO

    The compliant press has joined the chorus with many op-eds claiming the problem is Americans are too spoiled and materialistic. If only we would just down size our expectations. It echoes Jimmy Carter blaming America's problems he could not solve on the people's malaise.

    They say the supply chain is not working because Americans want too much.
    Worried About the Supply Chain? Stop Buying So Much Stuff - The Atlantic
    Don't Buy Anything New This Holiday Season (
    People buy things to compete and stand out, but a new handbag won’t make you happier, says professor (

    This is really just their excuse for not having a clue about the job the American people voted them in to do.
  • Nov 12, 2021, 04:34 PM
    The truth revealed. 'Baghdad Bob' Jen Psaki revealed that the Quids are happy gas prices are going up.

    "Our view is that the rise in gas prices over the long term makes an even stronger case for doubling down our investment and focus on clean energy options."
  • Nov 12, 2021, 04:51 PM

    doubling down our investment
    The modern term for spending money you don't have. I told my wife yesterday, "I want to invest in a fishing boat." Judging from her response, evidently the Biden philosophy has not yet taken hold in her mind.

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