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  • Oct 10, 2019, 07:24 AM
    Trump Comments on America's Kurdish Allies
    The Kurds fought side by side with America against ISIS and Assad and lost 10-11,000 fighters killed.

    Trump abandoned them, and this is what he said.

    "The Kurds weren't there when we invaded Normandy." (1944 - 75 years ago)
    "They weren't there at Omaha Beach". (1944 - 75 years ago).
    "The Kurds didn't help us in WW2".

    This brain-dead moron actually said these things. I'm sure it's on YouTube.

    Note : When Trump's turn came to fight for his country, he paid a doctor to lie that he had bone spurs. His only battle, he later said, was with VD.
  • Oct 10, 2019, 08:54 AM
    What lousy excuses to throw TRUSTED and RELIABLE allies against ISIS under the bus! Do we recall that our NATO partners the Turks were slow to help our Air Force and troops in that same fight as the Kurds were making the ultimate sacrifices? I guess those Turkey properties and the wishes of Vlad are more important than doing whats right.

    Looks like though his repub sycophants aren't on board with this move. About damned time, unless this is just lip service. We'll see won't we. Do I have to point out the dufus lies surrounding this issue? Even the nose holders can see that you would think.
  • Oct 10, 2019, 11:29 AM
    The Turks are true slime: They have harbored terrorists, offered free passage for terrorists through Turkey into Syria to attack Syrian Arab Army forces, been against Russia one week and siding with them the other week, effectively stole Cyprus from the Greeks, held Europe hostage through coercion of threating to permit "more" refugees through into Europe unless Europe buckled to their demands (they want into the E.U.), committed genocide against Kurds and Armenians AND NEVER BEEN HELD ACCOUNTABLE! (DAMN OUTRAGE!!!), been allied with the Germans in WWI and almost in WWII,......I mean, there is probably more but those are the ones that come to mind, right now.....Why in the heck are we still licking their backsides?

    I know you guys on here despise Russia but Russia has been right about Turkey....and Russia was on the right side of history in Syria and with the farce called "The Arab Spring" (a total abortion that is responsible for hundreds and hundreds of thousands of innocent lives lost)…...We are worried about Iran and Syria and Russia but Turkey is right there with them: THEY SUCK!

    All this puts me in a weird place: backing a Marxist group in the PPK against the Turks....never thought that would happen!
  • Oct 10, 2019, 01:06 PM
    Dumbest foreign policy call I've seen in years .
    I am reminded of the times after the Gulf War .We recognized the Kurds as our indispensable ally during the Gulf War . After the war GHW Bush said it would be a neat idea if the people of Iraq rose up against Saddam and removed him . Well the Kurds in the north and the Shia in the south took him seriously and rose up against Saddam. But the cease fire agreement we had with Saddam allowed the Iraqis to use helicopters ;which they did with devastating effect as gunships against the Shia and Kurds while the American Army was on the ground watching . We eventually set up no fly zones after the damage had already been done. We betrayed them then ,and we are betraying them today .

    His comments are ignorant and just plain stupid . Forget what they did in 1944 . What did they do during the last 2 decades ?
    The Kurds assisted in the fight against Saddam ;against the baath insurgency ,against AQ in Iraq ,against ISS both in Iraq and Syria . Not only assisted ….they were the point of the spear ;the boots on the ground against ISIS . There is absolutely no strategic advantage for the President to sacrifice Syrian Kurds to the Islamic dictator of Turkey . I opposed him for his isolationist positions during the campaign and have opposed his impulsive tendencies in foreign policy in general since .
    On the one hand we have Turkey ,a purported ally who denied American troops access to Iraq's northern border during Operation Desert Storm .That denial prevented the US from opening a 2nd front and I believe had an impact on the eventual
    insurgency in Iraq . Fast forward to the emperor's plan funneling jihadists and weapons into Syria through Turkey to assist the insurgency against Assad ( how many ISIS recruits passed through Turkey is unknown. ) Then Turkey shot down a Russian MiG and the emperor had a typical
    spineless response to go along with his faux red lines . Turkey used that as a justification to break with the US and cozy up to Moscow .Putin then sold Turkey S-400s and I guarantee they are not aimed at Russian planes.
    Meanwhile Turkey's dictator Erdogan has become more militant Islamist He orchestrated a faux coup against himself to consolidate his power and further eroded democracy in the country . Turkey also has a long history of repression of the Kurds.
    The emperor's and Trump's bad decisions should bear no weight on the Kurds' legitimate fight for statehood. Imagine this: a large Middle Eastern nation, rich in resources, protective of human rights, and friendly to America.
    Surely this would be better than entrusting regional security to nations that already don't like us.
  • Oct 10, 2019, 02:45 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Fast forward to the emperor's plan funneling jihadists and weapons into Syria through Turkey to assist the insurgency against Assad ( how many ISIS recruits passed through Turkey is unknown. ) Then Turkey shot down a Russian MiG and the emperor had a typical spineless response to go along with his faux red lines.

    You just couldn't leave Obama out of this, could you? And you were doing so well.

    There is a rumor that Erdogan somehow threatened Trump Tower in Istanbul. That would explain Trump putting his personal interest ahead of the national interest. But it's still only a rumor.

    Associates of Giuliani who have been photographed with Trump have been arrested at Dulles Airport with a one-way ticket out of the country. Trump says he doesn't know them, but there's that incriminating photograph. They're connected to Ukraine and Russia and an American Congressman channeling money to and from the players. Of course, Trump denies knowing them. Damn photograph! Giuliani had lunch with them an hour before they were arrested. They're each being held on one million dollar bail. This is NOT a rumor!

    The noose tightens.
  • Oct 10, 2019, 03:41 PM
    Trump's comments are ludicrous, by his definition any nation that wasn't present on the beaches of Normandy doesn't qualify for assistance, by his definition any person not present doesn't count, this includes him. Where was he when Turkey was carrying out it's pogroms in Armenia? in Anatolia? He is a despicable person and as far as his america first idea is concerned, I think he should be first in line to be sodomised by a turkish bayonet
  • Oct 10, 2019, 03:41 PM
    What does that have to do with his decision in Syria ? I don't know enough about the arrest of
    Giuliani's associates to comment at this time .When there are more facts I'll have something to say . All I can say right now is that the swamp is deep and wide and bipartisan .

    As for the emperor ;his decision to funnel arms to the so called the "Free Syrian Army" (jihadists all) led to the Benghazi disaster . Trump's decision ranks right up there in bone headed policy.

    I will add that the rumor I heard was that the US forces there ,in an effort to easy tensions ,convinced the Kurds to dismantle defenses right before Trump stabbed the Kurds in the back.
  • Oct 10, 2019, 05:31 PM
    One thing terrorist can get are tools to terrorize, all they need is an opportunity and a small consulate is a tempting target. I doubt the special forces in Syria saw the dufus betrayal coming. I think the Kurds will seek their protection while this mess the dufus made gets resolved, but much blood will flow in the meantime, and this is but the beginning.
  • Oct 10, 2019, 06:28 PM

    I doubt the special forces in Syria saw the dufus betrayal coming.

    they didn't
  • Oct 10, 2019, 06:43 PM
    Athos: My opinion only, but really not impressed with the grabbing of two gentlemen who know Giuliani.....Same tactics Mueller tried by "going after" those around Trump and trying to coerce them to turn on Trump: only the little turd scumbag Cohen did so and he was totally useless...guy was/is a rat.....same for these two: don't hang you hopes on these peons. If Giuliani had anything to hide, he wouldn't be roving around in public with them, would he? Giuliani, as you recall, is no dummy: He had a heck of a record as a prosecutor, bring down a ton of organized crime to give him some credit.

    I agree that there is a noose is tightening but its another noose I reference...its going to make you hate Trump even more!: Have you heard about Barr interviewing people all over the globe on various subjects pertaining to Democrats? Expectations are that a fuselage of subpoenas are heading out in 10 days or so. Looks like Trump has decided to match the Democrats subpoena for subpoena.
  • Oct 10, 2019, 07:03 PM
    How is it that Assad is the bad guy STILL when his Syrian Arab Army did more than anyone to destroy ISIS? Don't even try to say it was a "Civil War" because it was Syrians fighting outsiders, for the most part.

    The Kurds and Assad have had a pretty good relationship through all of this, with the common bond being the extermination of terrorists.
  • Oct 11, 2019, 12:05 AM
    Hey Vac come out of the vacuum for a moment. Assad was fighting his arab rebels, AKA american armed terrorists, it was the Kurds who did the heavy lifting against ISIS in Syria, this is why they now have terrority to defend, let's see if Assad will step up and defend Syrian territory
  • Oct 11, 2019, 02:52 AM
    Paraclete: Assad is a Western educated doctor.....he is not some wild eyed crazy like the ones the U.S. supported or the one McCain called "The Moderate Rebels" who de'stroyed churches and cut 8 year old kids heads off. Assad's Baathist government is secular and it has no problems with Christians or any other religion....some of the oldest operating churches in world exist in Syria. I think Assad has a good record fighting and killing terrorists.....and the Syrian Arab Army fought ISIS everywhere: How do you think they retained territory and kept the regions around Damascus from being overrun?
  • Oct 11, 2019, 03:24 AM
    Assad allowed AQ jihadsts fighters to enter the Iraq rat line through Syria to fight against Americans . It is pure schadenfreude that those fighters turned on Assad . I know certain Dems think Assad is not an enemy of the US . But they are wrong. He has American blood on his hands .
  • Oct 11, 2019, 03:31 AM

    Associates of Giuliani who have been photographed with Trump have been arrested at Dulles Airport with a one-way ticket out of the country. Trump says he doesn't know them, but there's that incriminating photograph. They're connected to Ukraine and Russia and an American Congressman channeling money to and from the players. Of course, Trump denies knowing them. Damn photograph! Giuliani had lunch with them an hour before they were arrested. They're each being held on one million dollar bail. This is NOT a rumor!

    The noose tightens.
    campaign finance violations . hmmmm does the name John Huang ring a bell ?
  • Oct 11, 2019, 08:38 AM
    Haung got slapped on the wrist and the money got returned. The difference here with these two grifters is they aren't even legit businessmen that conned Rudy the old NUT job whose client is a lying cheating dufus trying to get re elected and stay out of jail. So much for vetting those you deal with worse, ignoring your advisors and generals and following your big fat greasy gut.

    The death toll in Syria just started at the hands of the Turks. Nobody but the Turks seem happy about yet another bonehead dufus decision which has to involve personal enrichment given all his decisions have involved personal enrichment.
  • Oct 11, 2019, 12:17 PM
    The genesis of all this is The Arab Spring! Obama, whether by design through an adventurism CIA planor because he was just naive, got the U.S. embroiled in the Arab Spring: Its been nothing but an abortion since the very beginning.....We overthrew Gaddafi, who was actually working with the U.S. to knock off terrorist cells...then overthrew Mubarak, who was a 30 year U.S. ally in Egypt....then the plan was to take our Assad: Assad is charismatic leader...and the Syrian people rallied around him to stave off the crazy, Saudi and Turk backed Jihadist.....who were also backed by the likes of John McCain and Linsey Graham and others in the Senate and Congress.

    We need a different course of action with regards to Syria: They may be THE ONLY SANE NATION in the M.E. and they have a track record of killing terrorists!
  • Oct 11, 2019, 12:48 PM
    The minority Alawite reign has been one of repression since his old man Hafez seized power in 1970 . The ruse Bashar pulled on many in the West was that he was some kind of western educated reformist ruler . That was not the case . He has been as brutal to the people as his old man was . I remind you of the 1982 Hama massacre where 40,000 people were slaughtered by the Assad family. I remind you of the chemical bombings in Douma in the recent civil war .
  • Oct 11, 2019, 01:20 PM
    tomder55: With respect, I remind you that Hama was a restive, jihadist hotbed that the old man Assad put to bed for about 40 years once he showed them how the cow ate the cabbage: They tried to kill him and he returned the favor in spades! Do you think that is wrong? If we had done the same things throughout history, we would have had a lot less troubles now. You can't view that area of the world through the prism of how we in the U.S. operate: They are still feral by our standards but, perhaps, more pure in the sense that if you hit them, they are going to hit you back harder...Assad knew that they couldn't be rehabilitated without a realization that they would be crushed.....just like in NATURE: Always follow NATURAL LAW and THE LAWS OF NATURE! Its good advice.

    Assad had to take an "Executive Decision: Douma was hiding a load of terrorists, hiding amongst civilians......cancer cells hiding amongst good cells.

    What I said here is RAW TRUTH....not condoning or condemning Assad....but bear in mind: Assad kills Jihadist in bunches!
  • Oct 11, 2019, 03:02 PM
    You have just condoned the actions of the Assads

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