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  • Sep 13, 2019, 07:35 AM
    Grateful to Be Here
    This isn't a question, just a statement/update for those who care. Last Saturday night, I had a heart attack. I'm here because of, in addition to God's grace:

    A nurse wife who recognized it quickly and called 911 immediately;
    A fire/paramedic station less than 3 miles from us that got here in under 10 minutes;
    The wonder of modern technology.

    They got me in the ambulance and to the hospital, where they took me straight into the cardiac cath lab. There, a surgeon was able to insert the heart catheter, going through my wrist rather than that other more sensitive place, and about half an hour later I had two brand new stents in a couple of my coronary arteries. They had been 90% blocked.
    I probably could have gone home the next morning, because by the time the anesthesia wore off I felt like I could take on the world. That hasn't changed, I still feel terrific, possibly even better than before. I had been getting lax in my diet and things, so I'm calling this a warning.

    Lord? I'm listening. I don't need another warning, if it's all the same to you!
  • Sep 13, 2019, 08:34 AM
    Have been watching you on Facebook. Glad you're still with us! (Aren't those tiny stents cool? My husband has five now.)
  • Sep 13, 2019, 11:15 AM
    Congratulations on surviving your first and hopefully last heart attack. I died twice* a couple of years ago, once in the ambulance and once in the emergency room, and I am glad to be anywhere.

    *Flat lined and revived. That jolt from the paddles hurts like a sunofabeach.
  • Sep 15, 2019, 02:04 PM
    Hey, dwashbur - so glad to hear you're still alive and kicking. I had mine a few years ago, and wasn't even aware of it until it showed up on a blood test. Still not sure how that works.

    Anyway, be faithful to your med regimen. I've been taking them ever since and feel just fine. Modern medicine!

    Glad to see you back.
  • Nov 4, 2019, 06:07 AM
    Just saw this. Glad you are doing well. Life is a blessing to be treasured.
  • Nov 4, 2019, 12:47 PM
    Very glad to see you are here with us. Have you changed any of your habits now? Eating better and exercising?
  • Nov 5, 2019, 08:31 AM
    Very much so. Walking every day and eating much better, especially where sodium is concerned. I'm also taking my medications religiously (appropriate for here, eh? ha ha) And I'm feeling better than ever. Thanks!
  • Nov 5, 2019, 08:13 PM
    You probably know this already but check with your doctor re a salt substitute - potassium chloride marketed as Nu-Salt or No Salt found in any supermarket. It replaces table salt.

    Now that I've been looking, I'm amazed at how much sodium is found in foods, especially processed foods.

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