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  • Jan 5, 2019, 03:13 AM
    Cell reproduction
    There are two types of reproduction. One of them is sexual reproduction which is observed in ……. The other type of reproduction is …….. reproduction which can be seen in ……….. and ……... For example, although …….. is a eukaryote, it reproduces with asexual reproduction. ……….. reproduction gives rise to offspring that are genetically identical to the parent organism whereas ……….. reproduction provides increasing in genetic variability and eliminating the harmful mutation. If mutation affects ……….. cells it will not be inherited, if mutation affects ……….. cells it may be inherited. In ……… division, ……….. and ……….. provide the genetic variability. An individual’s ……….. is the genetic code they carry in their cells that provides information for a particular trait. Their ……….. is the visible, expressed trait such as hair color.

    Somatic , crossing-over , phenotype , mitosis , prokaryotes , sexual , plants , asexual , Germ-line , meiosis , eukaryotes , animals , genotype , yeast , E.coli , fertilization , Random chromosome segragation
  • Jan 5, 2019, 04:30 AM
    Outstanding work on copy&paste your homework.
    now what do YOU think ?

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