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  • Jan 28, 2018, 10:24 PM
    Burn it to the ground!
    Some may wonder why indigenous people get a bad wrap, but it is their attitude

    Tarneen Onus-Williams: Aboriginal activist called a ‘hypocritical hater’

    Of course these are probably not real indigenous people but that b@stardised race that exists in between aboriginals of full blood descent, and the rest of us who identify as Australian, not aboriginal. These people do not want us to celebrate a national day and it doesn't matter whether it is the anniversary of the day the First Fleet anchored in Port Jackson, or, the date of the foundation of the nation. They want this place to go back to Barbquearea so they can chase kangaroos and goanna and dole at their leisure, not recognising that there are more available now because of our ways, than there ever were under their so called management of the country, burning everything to ashes. Well I'm not going to worship the rainbow serpent or any other serpent, or accept a culture that relies on stone axes and sheets of bark for shelter, nor am I going to be smoked to pay homage to their "ancient" culture. The other day they had the hide to suggest they invented hockey, next they will take credit for cricket, which is also played with a "stick" and a ball, or was that golf.

    What I say to them is what I would say to an immigrant from any place, if you don't like it here, there are other places you can live, get out of the city and get a life!
  • Jan 29, 2018, 09:33 AM
    Hello paraclete,

    Firstly I must comment on the fact that you do not appear to have asked a question but simply gone on a 'rant'.

    Secondly, to attempt to answer your statement.

    I assume you are from Oz and if so you must know that the Aboriginal race are native to and were in Australia 100s of years before it was overtaken by immigration.

    Although I agree that the Aboriginal people should start to embrace the benefits immigration has brought them we must also accept that Australia is their home and country and they have as much right to be there, or even more right.

    From the research I have done on the subject of integration of the Aborigine race into Australia's new culture it appears to me that even though they have every right to live in Australia because they ARE the indigenous species they are treated as second class people and many of those who immigrated to the country are being racist toward them.

    I believe that the Aborigine's have the right to follow their own culture provided it does not impede on those who have immigrated.

    Equally I believe those who moved to Australia should have the right to follow their cultures without being impeded.

    I don't believe that the Aborigine race should try to insist that the National Days set up by the 'New' Australians should be interfered with provided those celebrations do not encroach on the indigenous inhabitants and neither do I believe that the those Australian's who migrated to the country should attempt to interfere with any celebrations of their history the Aborigines celebrate.

    The same appears to have happened all over the world, when others immigrate to another country they take over that country and treat the indigenous population very badly.

    The USA is a prime example of this.
  • Jan 29, 2018, 09:53 AM
    Save me the trouble of Googling Clete, but does the government not have national holidays for aborigines' or not?
  • Jan 29, 2018, 02:34 PM

    Originally Posted by poseidon View Post
    Hello paraclete,Firstly I must comment on the fact that you do not appear to have asked a question but simply gone on a 'rant'

    .Hello posiedon, welcome to our discussion. You may well think this is a rant, but the article itself, if you took the time to read it poses its own question. Why should this little ingrate who is obviously only a distant relative of the aboriginal race be allowed a forum. The last person who used a national day for a podium of hate now resides in the UK.

    Secondly, to attempt to answer your statement.I assume you are from Oz and if so you must know that the Aboriginal race are native to and were in Australia 100s of years before it was overtaken by immigration.
    unlike the north americans, the indigenous of Australia are recent arrivals, 40000 to 60000 years ago and have a lot in common with the people of the subcontinent, they too are immigrants who subdued the continent, in fact, there may have been waves if migration each wiping out the earlier arrivals


    Although I agree that the Aboriginal people should start to embrace the benefits immigration has brought them we must also accept that Australia is their home and country and they have as much right to be there, or even more right.From the research I have done on the subject of integration of the Aborigine race into Australia's new culture it appears to me that even though they have every right to live in Australia because they ARE the indigenous species they are treated as second class people and many of those who immigrated to the country are being racist toward them.I believe that the Aborigine's have the right to follow their own culture provided it does not impede on those who have immigrated.Equally I believe those who moved to Australia should have the right to follow their cultures without being impeded.
    We tried that the first 100 years of european settlement we treated them as fauna and allowed them to live in their traditional ways, obviously it didn't work because their culture had an entirely different ethos. Not all of the settlers were harsh towards them, however they had no concept of property and possessions and so came into conflict


    I don't believe that the Aborigine race should try to insist that the National Days set up by the 'New' Australians should be interfered with provided those celebrations do not encroach on the indigenous inhabitants and neither do I believe that the those Australian's who migrated to the country should attempt to interfere with any celebrations of their history the Aborigines celebrate.
    But these mixed race people stir up trouble, you see the real indigenous have a sense of country, of their place in the world, but these people have a sense of entitlement, they think we owe them something


    The same appears to have happened all over the world, when others immigrate to another country they take over that country and treat the indigenous population very badly. The USA is a prime example of this.
    Yes the USA is an example of exploitation not only of the indigenous race, but what happen there has been projected into the minds of these here. We are not talking about well ordered societies or peoples who could interact through language but what are basically family groups who were displaced
  • Jan 29, 2018, 02:49 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Save me the trouble of Googling Clete, but does the government not have national holidays for aborigines' or not?

    Hi Tal no the aborgine do not celebrate national holidays as such they participate in those that exist
  • Jan 29, 2018, 04:51 PM
    Let me try that again, does the Australian government recognize any aborigine holidays as national holidays? In the US we have none for our native Americans nationally and only one state Maryland observes it on the state level. Not unusual that my country was built on racism, slavery, suppression and oppression of its natives and minorities that exist to this day.

    Obviously such attitudes exit in your land as well and as blatantly.
  • Jan 29, 2018, 06:08 PM
    I'll try again too Tal.. No, the aborigine don't even observe local special days, and so have not asked for government support to hold any form of celebration. I expect they have nothing to celebrate and so concentrate on being spoilers of the celebrations of others. As always it is a select few who do these things but they got a lot of support in Melbourne the other day. Victoria is the only place where it could be said any form of agreement actually existed between settlers and indigenous.

    There has been a rise in indigenous nationalism in recent years, like all minorities, when they reach critical mass they begin to assert themselves and their views. Basically they expect us to solve their problems of disease from alcohol and substance abuse, of poor housing, a race who didn't have the concept of four walls and roof before we came along. They say we dispossessed them from their land, but there were no markers, no villages and towns, just groups wandering from one food source to another and at much in enmity with others as with us. There are places where communities have stayed in their country and these are undisturbed

    They have religion founded in myth about a rainbow serpent who created the place. Their lore helps them find food in season and so on, and preserves food groups so they are not depleted, and prevents intermarriage of related persons but this is for the tribal people, not the mixed race who are second class citizens in aboriginal society. However this lore is much more severe on transgressors than any of our law
  • Jan 29, 2018, 07:02 PM
    Thanks for clarifying for me Clete, and nice rant.
  • Jan 29, 2018, 11:08 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Thanks for clarifying for me Clete, and nice rant.

    Yes, Tal, I try, this is one of our pet rants here, like get outa my face, man! I didn't do it but I suppose it took a while for the angst to subside in your country, same here, now if we had moved them all to the Tanami desert after borrowing one of your solutions... ah, lost opportunities
  • Jan 30, 2018, 05:19 AM
    Yes Clete you missed a golden opportunity to hide your cruelty, out of site out of mind, so you can claim you didn't do it, so bear no shame. It is still our shame how we treated others that were here before us, and those coming behind us, so I hope you take note through the lens of your own bigotry and racial prejudice and do better.

    I hope you don't let that opportunity pass you as well. So far you are ignoring that opportunity with more shameless cruelty, so at least you are consistent. Certainly sad that two nations claiming to be the paragon of civility embraces such uncivilized actions.
  • Jan 30, 2018, 02:48 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Yes Clete you missed a golden opportunity to hide your cruelty, out of site out of mind, so you can claim you didn't do it, so bear no shame. It is still our shame how we treated others that were here before us, and those coming behind us, so I hope you take note through the lens of your own bigotry and racial prejudice and do better.

    I hope you don't let that opportunity pass you as well. So far you are ignoring that opportunity with more shameless cruelty, so at least you are consistent. Certainly sad that two nations claiming to be the paragon of civility embraces such uncivilized actions.

    Tal we try to treat these people well, they have the same access as everyone else as well as low interest housing loans and places in universities others can't access. What I say is the past is the past, it has to be, otherwise we will relive it, good heavens, we even had the intervention to save them from themselves, what a waste. This, of course, is a true culture clash.
  • Jan 30, 2018, 05:07 PM
    I know the damn heathens should be grateful you came and civilized them. I've heard that before.
  • Jan 30, 2018, 06:05 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    I know the damn heathens should be grateful you came and civilized them. I've heard that before.

    I understand they weren't grateful there either, and so you killed them. We didn't start out to kill them. Governor Phillip was under strict instructions to have good relations with the natives, and he tried. Problem is when you let enterprising settlers loose they tend to see everything that moves as prey or sport. Very difficult to tell the difference between an aboriginal behind a tree and a kangaroo behind a tree, and British had this idea about personal property the aboriginals didn't know about, not having anything themselves, not even clothing

    Problem is, Tal, civilisation didn't take. They weren't living in a third world country, they were pre-stone age, they had learned if you throw a curved stick it might come back to you, but damn handy for scaring the birds, they had learned the same curved stick might be useful to dig roots and make music. Look the closest comparison is the bushmen of the Kalahari, and even they invented clothes. No way to talk with them, negotiate with them, they thought the British were ghosts. Two hundred years on and I'm not sure we have made much progress
  • Jan 31, 2018, 05:38 AM
    I think England needs to keep its nose out of the affairs of Ireland, Scotland and Whales... the extreme oppression that happened there is well documented and much more recent.

    As far as the So called " Oppressed" Aboriginals, American Indians (who weren't the first here anyway and did originate from somewhere else) etc....whining about what happened before anyone living today was born is sour grapes...if they don't want to get with the program what results then falls squarely on their shoulders. Adults can make choices...Choices have consequences, good or bad. But adults made them, so they own them.
  • Jan 31, 2018, 08:27 AM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    I think England needs to keep its nose out of the affairs of Ireland, Scotland and Whales... the extreme oppression that happened there is well documented and much more recent.

    As an expat Irish many times removed, we don't use the term Irish Australian, I couldn't agree more, the poms need to keep their meddling fingers out of the affairs of the "colonies"


    As far as the So called " Oppressed" Aboriginals, American Indians (who weren't the first here anyway and did originate from somewhere else) etc....whining about what happened before anyone living today was born is sour grapes...if they don't want to get with the program what results then falls squarely on their shoulders. Adults can make choices...Choices have consequences, good or bad. But adults made them, so they own them.
    We are all migrants, like it. I'm not saying those poms didn't do wrong, and even present day people do wrong. We have apologised on behalf of the nation, said sorry! It wasn't enough, as we knew it wouldn't be. The list of greviences grew. The aborigines don't own the self destructiveness in their society, which means there are kids today in the same circumstances as the stolen generations, teenagers abused in prisons, petty crime, street offences, no go areas, dysfunctional families, sexual offences,poverty, addiction but somehow we are to blame. So the point is, if murders and rapists weren't locked up, some were, we are sorry, it would be different today. If you lost the battles you fought, sorry but sh@t happens. If welfare isn't enough, well join the millions for whom that is true
  • Jan 31, 2018, 08:40 AM
    Having someone else's version of civility forced on you by cruel means is not a choice. You seem surprised that many choose to fight. The history of man is one of conquest and subjugation, and many have died in that endeavor. It's always been them against us. The one that can raise the biggest strongest army wins. They make the rules, and enforce them. In America is there are two sides (Or a coalition of smaller groups to make a side) that are almost equal in power, and power shifts one way or another over time.
  • Jan 31, 2018, 09:56 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    As an expat Irish many times removed, we don't use the term Irish Australian, I couldn't agree more, the poms need to keep their meddling fingers out of the affairs of the "colonies"

    We are all migrants, like it. I'm not saying those poms didn't do wrong, and even present day people do wrong. We have apologised on behalf of the nation, said sorry! It wasn't enough, as we knew it wouldn't be. The list of greviences grew. The aborigines don't own the self destructiveness in their society, which means there are kids today in the same circumstances as the stolen generations, teenagers abused in prisons, petty crime, street offences, no go areas, dysfunctional families, sexual offences,poverty, addiction but somehow we are to blame. So the point is, if murders and rapists weren't locked up, some were, we are sorry, it would be different today. If you lost the battles you fought, sorry but sh@t happens. If welfare isn't enough, well join the millions for whom that is true

    Our American Indians have self governance, their own autonomous areas, freedom to live and work in our society as well, yet they suffer from the same self destructive behaviours, not taking education serious, drug and alcohol abuse. Now the issue isn't universal, but it is endemic. That's what is well known, Want to hear what's really going on, talk to people who actually live near the reservations and hear about the crime both on and off reservation by a large portion of their people. Again, not by all, but by a large enough percentage it can't go unnoticed. It's a cultural thing and not a racial thing as you see the same thing in major urban centers as well. You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. And handouts only enable them to want more handouts.

    Like the old saying, give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man how to fish and you feed him for life. But what if the man doesn't want to learn how to fish... THAT is where the problem is.(and that is universal across essentially all welfare recipients).

    I'm not quite as far removed as you....Having an Irish Immigrant Grandfather, another grandfather who was a Scottish Immigrant, and both Grandmothers who were German Immigrants. And a wife who is an Italian Immigrant.
  • Jan 31, 2018, 02:24 PM
    Yes Tal our government changes from time to time too, about three terms is about as long as it takes to run out of ideas. I think we might have more splinter groups than you do. Lots of politicians get elected and can't toe the party line, but no one uses cruel means, if we did, as you do, and bring out the riot police at the least provocation, they might have something to complain about. I cannot recall a time when someone was killed by police at a protest event, might have to go back to the Eureka stockade
  • Jan 31, 2018, 04:28 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    Our American Indians have self governance, their own autonomous areas, freedom to live and work in our society as well, yet they suffer from the same self destructive behaviours, not taking education serious, drug and alcohol abuse. Now the issue isn't universal, but it is endemic. That's what is well known, Want to hear what's really going on, talk to people who actually live near the reservations and hear about the crime both on and off reservation by a large portion of their people. Again, not by all, but by a large enough percentage it can't go unnoticed. It's a cultural thing and not a racial thing as you see the same thing in major urban centers as well. You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. And handouts only enable them to want more handouts.

    Like the old saying, give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man how to fish and you feed him for life. But what if the man doesn't want to learn how to fish... THAT is where the problem is.(and that is universal across essentially all welfare recipients).

    I'm not quite as far removed as you....Having an Irish Immigrant Grandfather, another grandfather who was a Scottish Immigrant, and both Grandmothers who were German Immigrants. And a wife who is an Italian Immigrant.

    It seems some responses get lost, but I'll try again. Having an Irish background, I have to say to the aboriginal whingers, when you have been oppressed by an invader for a thousand years as the Irish were, come and tell me about it and I might listen. Until then suck it up. You cannot teach a man to fish who already knows how to fish but decides that sitting on your bum and taking a government handout is easier. These people think our laws are a joke, that they don't apply to them, after all, the land belongs to them, a far cry from their original concept that they belong to the land. I walk on land that belongs to me, my generations give me that, and I will not be told by some cranky idiot dole bludger that I don't belong

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