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  • Jan 12, 2018, 01:59 PM
    Alcohol Intolerance or Allergy?
    I'm extremely allergic to shellfish and penicillin. The other day I had some beer, and some mixed drinks and shots of whiskey (Seagrams 7) about 30 minutes after my last mixed drink, I started hyperventilating and had a very hard time breathing, I went to go lay down and my face was red hot, and became red and splotchy with some hives. I didn't have the usual symptoms of an allergic reactions like I do with shellfish and penicillin though i.e (itching everywhere, hives everywhere, swelled eyes, lips, etc, and beet red hands and chest.) I also did not eat anything remotely related to shellfish that night either, I had tri-tip roast with gravy, onions, potatoes, gravy, and german potato salad (potatoes, vinegar, salt, pepper, and bacon.) I have drank numerous different kinds of alcohol in the past, and none have given me any sort of reaction. The only subtle difference I can think of is that I was wearing nailpolish that I was told was very old, an O.P.I based nailpolish in the color red. I had scratched my face, and about 30 minutes after is when the reaction kicked it -also at the same time I had finished my last mixed drink. I'm very concerned to touch alcohol now, as I do not know what had caused it. Was it the whiskey, or was it the fact that I scratched my face with the nailpolish on? Could I have an alcohol intolerance or an allergy to it? I would really appreciate some feedback if you have any information. I've done my research with not much avail. Thank you so much!
  • Jan 12, 2018, 02:27 PM
    Allergies are near impossible to figure out without the consultation of a doctor. The only way to determine if this is an allergy on your own is to experiment with the product you think you're allergic to (since this obviously isn't a deadly allergy if it is in fact an allergy). Try the product again, see what happens. If nothing, then you know it's not that product. If you have the same reaction then you may have an allergy.

    The only way to 100% determine if you have an allergy to the product is to see an allergy doctor, but you may be out of luck with this course of treatment as most allergy doctors normally only test for every day things like dust, pollen, cats, dogs, peanut butter, etc.
  • Jan 12, 2018, 04:09 PM
    As Alty said only a doctor can determine what made you react the way you did, and it could well be a combination of food, drink, AND the nail polish, or one of them, or something completely unrelated like an illness or virus. I would certainly tell my doctor and see what he says. As much as I love and use the Internet, something's actually need an in person expert and diagnosing physical ailments and episodes is one of them.
  • Jan 12, 2018, 07:15 PM
    Far too many variables.
    If your shellfish allergy is as extreme as it sounds, you might want to be careful in bars, where clam juice is used. Perhaps the bartender used a stirrer with some on it, and you got a drop or two.
    Just one of many things to always be vigilant about.

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