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  • Jan 10, 2018, 07:43 PM
    Triple negative breast cancer
    My mum told me 3days ago she has tnbc and having an op done this Friday , with chemo and radiation to follow. I've read up on it, but it's a lot to take in and some of it just doesn't make sense ( too much jargon). My heads all over the place, I don't know what to do. I can't talk to my husband about it just yet I'm not ready to. I don't know how to deal with this
  • Jan 11, 2018, 12:37 AM
    I'm so sorry to hear this. Best person to talk to would be her doctor, but you'd need her permission to do so as her medical records are private.

    My mom went through breast cancer twice, a lumpectomy, radiation, and chemo, many surgeries etc. The first time she went through the treatment and was then cancer free for many years. The second time she went through radiation and chemo again and fought the battle for 10 months before losing the fight.

    I hope that everything is all right. There are many cancer support groups in my area, I'd assume that you'd have some near you as well. Check on FB or Google and see if there are any support groups for families of loved ones dealing with cancer, they can be really helpful.

    Good luck.
  • Jan 11, 2018, 10:30 AM
    Just be there to love and support her for now as you learn more. Yes tell your husband, but no need for details or specifics just let him know so he will understand your feelings and actions as you deal with this illness. I get you on the jargon stuff, but be patient. Just take it as a serious illness that must be treated.

    Luck and prayers for you and your mom.
  • Jan 11, 2018, 03:16 PM
    Your husband is your helpmeet in life. It will be GOOD to include him. Just blurt it out. Say it's too much right now to answer questions. You can do the research online together, so that when you see your mom, you are calm for HER sake. This is all about her best interest right now.
  • Jan 11, 2018, 07:38 PM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    Your husband is your helpmeet in life. It will be GOOD to include him. Just blurt it out. Say it's too much right now to answer questions. You can do the research online together, so that when you see your mom, you are calm for HER sake. This is all about her best interest right now.

    Excellent advice Joy :)

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