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  • Sep 10, 2017, 06:52 PM
    8 new posts to read? Time to liven things up.
    Remember the good old days when we all used to chat, have fun, shoot the... oops, I can't use that word here.

    Well, I'm starting this thread to shoot the poop with all of you.

    So what's been happening in my life? A lot and at the same time, not that much. It's fall and the weather is unusually warm (now that I've jinxed it I must run naked in the yard, twirl three times while juggling marbles). We're all loving the warmth, but at the same time we know it won't last and we'll soon be into the most dreaded time of year in Canada, winter. I'm shivering just thinking about it.

    We were able to go on a few camping trips this year, and we loved it. Our newest member Jake (the dog we rescued from Brazil almost 2 years ago) is really loving summer in Canada, and camping. He's adjusted to winters as well, this coming one will be his 2 and 1/2 winter as he arrived in January and missed the first half.

    Been having health issues, a lot of stuff going on, not many answers. For around 9 months now I've been suffering from something called Trigeminal Neuralgia. Not at all fun, and not a lot of medications that can help. It's basically trial and error and eventually will likely result in brain surgery. But they don't take that route easily so for now I get to sit here and suffer. I'm getting used to it.

    The renovations in the house continue. At this point I think it would be easier to tear it down and just start from scratch. Probably cheaper too. LOL.

    Have things going on in Germany as well with my family, but that's a long story and it makes me really mad whenever I think about it, much less talk about it, so I won't get into it.

    So, what's going on with all of you?
  • Sep 10, 2017, 07:14 PM
    I had a bad case of TN maybe six years ago -- it was like icepicks being stabbed into my left jaw, my eye socket, my temple. I couldn't chew without tremendous pain and shock waves going through my face. Nothing the doctor recommended helped.

    My health-food-store-manager cousin recommended that I allow two tablets (each 1000 mcg) of sublingual B12 (Methylcobalamin) to dissolve under my tongue or just in my mouth (do NOT chew or swallow whole!) -- and do this several times a day (or more, as needed). The tablets are small and dissolve quickly. It has to be that kind of B12, NOT cyanocobalamin, and is available at your friendly, family drug store.

    Please give this a try. The surgery doesn't help (I researched that!). It took maybe a month, maybe less, can't remember, but the TN has disappeared. I do keep a bottle of B12 in the medicine cabinet, just in case.
  • Sep 10, 2017, 07:34 PM
    I'll definitely try it. I'm open to trying anything at this point. I do wonder why B12 would work when TN is a nerve in the brain, but I'm not a brain surgeon, and mine is not to question why. :)

    I joined a support group. Some people that have been dealing with this for over 18 years, have tried everything and nothing has worked. I have to say, I didn't feel very supported after reading that.

    My doctor said it can and often does go into remission, and you can have years pain free and then suddenly it's back. At this point I'm waiting for remission.
  • Sep 10, 2017, 07:58 PM
    Before trying B12, I waited for remission. It happened for a few days at a time, but the TN always came back with a vengeance. I couldn't believe something as simple as B12 cured me. I haven't had another episode for at least five years. (I know I sound like a commercial.) Research under homeopathic remedies or natural cures or the Methylcobalamin name itself. That vitamin, btw, is for nerve health. And please let me know how it's working for you.
  • Sep 10, 2017, 08:38 PM
    We're feeding and trying to socialize two stray cats. But if we decide to trap them and adopt them, we're afraid Little Debbie and Mattie will have a fit.

    I've been teaching my son who has Asperger's how to cook simple stuff (plus safety lessons) so he won't starve if I suddenly die.
  • Sep 10, 2017, 09:09 PM
    Been busy as hell, with the job I 'm currently in I'm dealing with the communications infrastructure problems these hurricanes have brought. That and all the other projects I manage to keep finding myself in the middle of despite telling myself I need more free time, not even more work.

    That and I seem to have come back from vacation last week just in time. Massive flash flooding city where I was, happened so fast 6 people drowned inside their apartment (almost entire family). Nobody I knew thank goodness. Most of the city still has no power or phone service. Minor compared to what happened to those in the path of these last 2 hurricanes.
  • Sep 11, 2017, 02:19 AM
    My house is up for sale, finally letting go of memories. It got to the point where I could do that. Ex is taking Brookie when I move. He adores her, so she will have a good home. I will be moving into an apt. in another small town and can still work in my geo area, yes, still working and 75 in October. I cant imagine throwing in the towel! My son and his fiancé had twins 3 months ago, brothers for Lily who is 3. Work in homecare is hectic these days but fulfilling in so many ways.

    Alty and I have been on here about the same amount of time, since '07. A long time on one site; smoothy a while longer then us. Smoothy, I actually envision you looking a lot like your avvy LOL.

    Health is okay; summer was good. Now in Ontario its getting a tad cooler but lovely days with lots of sunshine.

    Have a great week folks !

  • Sep 11, 2017, 03:30 AM
    Alty, there is a connection to everything in every single part of our bodies, every cell. Nerves are enclosed in myelin, a fatty substance, to protect them and you from pain where pain isn't supposed to be, and when that myelin is compromised in any way, OUCH. Happened to me decades ago in one leg for reasons I won't go into. Vitamins are depleted by stress, smoking, infections, all sorts of things, so try that B12! Maybe even add a multi-vitamin. Says me, who probably should too...

    I created extra pain for myself my whole life two ways: being a weekend warrior when young because I was very strong for a woman, causing scarring over the years around joints and nerves, and eating far too much sugar, which also creates scarring in all sorts of places, as white blood cells surround those oxidizing molecules. You can lecture me on sugar; I do it too. But I don't stop. Some scientists are asking for sugar to be classified as a drug. Fat chance, but it IS a drug for me. In summer, I go through a tub of ice cream every 2 days.

    I should take a cue from tick and sell my oversized house on oversized land, much as I love it (and only live in a small part of the house). I have never been so stymied in my life about making decisions. I'd much rather spend my last days right here, like some crazy old mountain dame, getting more and more reclusive, and letting more and more property maintenance slide. I am proud of my skills around houses, and I have taught myself that it's OK to not finish a task. It isn't easy to put aside a project because of pain, and work on it when I can, and have a dozen such things going on. I don't do nearly as much tending of my plants in the front and one side of the house as I'd like to, and I haven't done any real renovation work in 2 years now, but I get done what must be done.

    My life revolves around my cat, food, and arguing on Facebook. If I overdo the arguing, I play online Scrabble (I'm usually in first place among those I play with). I joke a lot about arguing adding meaning to my life, but it's true. But I also spend plenty of time being good friends! Keeping tabs on people in Texas and Florida just recently has been a godsend.

    So... that's it, good buddies. Cheers from Procrastination Nation.
  • Sep 14, 2017, 07:54 PM
    Hubby and I have been talking about moving for years. Our dream is an acreage with some land, surrounded by trees, a shop so I can continue to create, and no neighbors as far as the eye can see.

    It's funny though. We're getting to that age where we'll soon be empty nesters. Jared is 19, Syd is 15. It won't be right away, but it's just around the corner. When they're gone this house will be just the right size for the two of us, I could even have a craft room. But I still dream of that acreage.

    I'll definitely try the B12. At this point I'd shoot shark pee up my nose if someone said it would help. Well, I'd do it reluctantly, but I'd try, even though I have no idea where I'd even get shark pee, or how people that have shark pee to sell, get the shark pee. I think I'd rather not know. LOL.

    Glad that everyone is doing well. Yup, it's been 10 years on this site. I remember the beginning, so many questions a person could spend all day here and never run out of things to answer. Now it's a ghost town, but there are still so many of the wonderful people I know and care about here. That's why I keep coming back. That and the occasional dog and bird and bunny questions, and of course the always present "Am I pregnant" questions. One of these days I'm just going to say "yes, yes you are. You're due in 5 months. Congrats", and leave it at that. Dare me? :)
  • Sep 14, 2017, 08:10 PM
    B12. Buy the right kind. Dissolve two pills in your mouth every four hours. Don't swallow whole or chew. Trust me on this. Report at the end of September.
  • Nov 21, 2017, 10:21 AM
    Who? ME? Oh... I'm still here at the toothpaste factory, screwing lids on toothpaste tubes. I just eat my can of Pork & Beans then fart myself to sleep every night.

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